

In the world of Elitora there are many paths to power. From the Mages starting with the simple rank of Magus apprentice (rank 1) to the awe inspiring arch-mage(rank 10(, said to be able to freeze seas and make meteors fall from the sky. You have the Pugilists starting with the simple martial artists(rank 1) all the way to the overbearing Martial Saint(rank 10), said to be able to be able to cleave mountains and split rivers with their physical powers powered by their aura.

And the most mysterious of all is the illusive cultivators. With their ability to absorb the mana in the air and transform it into qi to strengthen their bodies they were the perfect combination of mage and pugilist. From the low albeit not simple rank of qi condensation and the highest rank on the planet being ascension. Their powers vary from simple qi spells to using their cultivation to influence laws to fight.


Growing up Kai was always dubbed a genius in martial arts. While not yet at the age of being able to awaken his fighting spirit due to his age, he could perfectly replicate the physical aspects of any martial art he saw after 1 try. While not permitted by his clan to join exploring any of the pocket dimensions that would pop up near his home town until his adulthood ceremony, he would stop at nothing to be able to one day make his clan proud by joining them on the dimension crawls.

"Hurry Kai you are going to be late for your ceremony" His mother's voice echos from down stairs

"I'm going, I'm going" Kai replies adjusting his outfit in the mirror. While not the tallest he was still reasonably tall for a 15 about to be 16 year old. With green eyes and long black hair that came around to a short pony tail (An; think post time chamber future trunks), Kai looked almost identical to his father excluding having his mothers eyes.

At a young age Kai lost his father in a bandit raid. While his clan wasn't weak by any means with a rank 5 mage and pugilist, they were not strong either. Growing up with just his mother, Riya, he wanted to give her the best life he could. She provided for him by running a restaurant that Kai did deliveries for.

Arriving at the clans main chamber he slowly makes his way into line to join the rest of the clans youth partaking in the adult hood ceremony.

"I am glad to see everyone here today. Today's ceremony has a total of 23 participants, I hope you awaken the ability you most desired" The elder announces

As the elder calls each person comes forward and places their hand on each of 3 items, a crystal shaped like a staff that would glow blue if your body was compatible with mana, a crystal that was shaped like sword if your body had the appropriate channels to use aura and wooden yin-yang icon that would release the sound of a zither if you possessed the talents to to progress down the path to ascension.

With a even amount of both mages and pugilists and the occasional inept happening it slowly made its way to Kai's turn

"Good luck Kai hopefully you are able to use aura like you always wanted" The elder says to Kai as he makes his way to the podium.

Placing his hand on the staff, nothing happens. While sad, his real hopes was the next selection. Placing his hand on the sword with clenched eyes not a sound could be heard as Kai opens his eyes the sword is also not glowing. Completely distraught Kai dishearteningly places his hand on the last object not expecting anything, and like he assumed no sound is heard. Without waiting for the clan elder to say anything Kai sprint away faster than he has ever before towards his room.

Around 10 minutes had passed when a soft knock is heard from his door "It will be ok sweetie, there is nothing wrong with not being able to become a mage or pugilist there plenty of other professions out there"

"I don't care if there are others, all my life I have been incredibly good at martial arts only for the final step to be dangled in front of my eyes and taken away at the last second. I was born with this talent a strong body but for what" Kai says through the tears

"I know son, I know" His mother replies.

Trying his best to not let the inability to use aura get to him Kai continues on his normal training routine, putting on his weighted clothing and super heavy backpack he pushes the weights beyond anything he would normally do and goes about his day delivering the food from his family restaurant.

__________________________________1 year later____________________________________________________________

plopping into bed barely able to move after his deliveries, a ping sound was heard that was only audible the Kai

"Who's there" Kai calls out when suddenly a blue screen appears before his eyes with the words

'In recognition of your efforts to continuously improve your physical strength, The Lord of Everything has decided to award you for his efforts. If you accept you will fall asleep and when you awaken your body will adapt to be able to use a new power called Ki. Do you accept the dragon ball system?'

While slightly apprehensive at a sudden gift of power, Kai with nothing else to lose presses accept unknowingly setting him up to becoming one of the strongest.

Waking up Kai begins to look himself over to see anything different about himself but unable to find anything calls out "Dragon ball system are you there?"

'I am here host but before we continue this will be the only time we have any form of conscious conversation. In the future you will just have to think dbs and my menus will appear but there will be no communicating on my part'

"That is good to know, I want to thank you and the Lord of Everything for allowing me to continue my dream." Kai says slightly tearing up

'You earned this honor yourself by showing that even in adversity you still wanted to become strong. Before we continue there is only one physical object you will be getting from the system for quite some time and that is this set of battle armor that will help protect you. It will be worthless later but it has regenerative properties and should, if nothing else, make sure you are always clothed. Now onto the power you have been given, Ki. Ki is similar to what you mortals called aura but a lot more primal and destructive. While there are technique you can perform but nothing as intricate as some of the aura technique that you know of. The system also will not provide you with mastery of the technique in it but will provide teachings on how to do them, similar to a instructional manual. You will be able to earn the points needed by slaying magical beast, demon, other humans, exchanging treasures, and training missions to help motivate you to get stronger.'

"That is reasonable. Anything else I should know?"

'Try not to die to early and to start you off here s a simple training mission I will provide you as part of your starter package along with the battle armor. And one last piece of advice do not get overly reliant on me the world is a big place and should I ever disappear you will still be able to use ki either way.'

{new mission started wearing 300 pounds in body weights and make 10 laps around the clan compound. Time limit: none this time. Reward; Groundbreaking science- a guide to understanding ki written by Son Gohan}

Seeing his mission, Kai gears up and begins his training.

Let me know if I have messed up anywhere thanks!

Phoenixrdcreators' thoughts