im coming back to this book and starting again it was rushed and bad sos i will at least try to get 100 chapters before i stop even if i get bored
(A/N if you haven't read my other dragon ball reborn book then go read it and thats all his powers other than the naruto things)
my pov:
Hi im jonas i live in the UK and love anime like anyone elts i just turned 18 today im really happy. why exactly? because i died yea i died you may ask why are you happy? well its because i hate everyone and i say that with a pashion.
i hate everyone because there not following the fucking rules of covid 21 yes that's were its at now its not even close to gone actually us humans are almost gone. yep 90% of us fuckers are dead because of the people that were hogging everything and didnt ceap to the rules.
Now im hear in darkness and i know there is a god but i dont give a fuck what i say to him. He's a asshole for just doing nothing im dead because of the people on earth and he did nothing about any of the nice people dieing.
god:" you do realise im right hear and i cant inter fear with the mortal realm other wise everyone would die and the universe would cease to exist."
oh well in that case sorry i didnt know plus why are you hear is it your going to spin a wheal and see wh-
god:" no im not going to spin a wheal im going you what you wanted for soo long 1 wish and one only no ristrictions"
yes hmm if its only one wish then i wish to have all the powers from my book with a extra bonus thing
god:"oh and what will that be? to not have your naruto powers and it to it to have a barier that you haft to break though to get to another level?is that it?"
exact amundo
god: good
god: jojo
hahahahahahaaa the good times
by then god see you never
god: by then
oh and say for akiri toriama to watch me hell heal be imprested, now by
"now time to go beyond the gods" i say as i start meditaiting in my pod
race: ???
MOVES: none
bloodline: god ???(a fusion between all ??? blood lines)
{yes yamato}
'do i haft to guess what world im in?'
{yes other items will be unlocked after you discover the world you are inside}
'okay, it does say bp witch may mean battle power witch would mean im in the dragon ball world but im not sure'
"it looks like im in some sort of green liquid" i say as try to feel my entire body
"huh whats this?" i say as i feel a long thing on my back
"wait i can move it, WAIT! since i have my powers from my book i should be in the db universe"
{find out what universe your in: completed}
random skill book [E]
random bloodline [F]
system points:1000
'can you tell me what the ranks are for everything'
{yes, hear you go}