
Dragon ball power up

I don't own anything of Dragon Ball. A story of an alternate reality with stronger villains and. similar plots. Don't have any high expectation on the story, grammer or upload time. (this is my first time)

Shadman_Raquib_2345 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 7: The Z fighters vs Saiyans

On a small planet if you could call it, surrounded by nothing but grass stood a house and beside it, Goku can be seen dodging many large sets of blocks. Each curving and flying towards him, he places his hand back as if wanting to throw, despite not holding anything. Then he continuously moved his hands throwing bluish-white balls, towards each block. Just as the ball was about to hit, the block moved out of the way. However, Goku controlled where it would go and with two fingers changed their direction to the target.

King Kai watched as numerous explosions occurred in the air. Exhausted by the fact that he was continuously moving them as fast as he could, and many times to finish the training.

'(Breathing heavily). Splendid Son Goku! (Breathing heavily) You mastered Genkidama, so quickly. Hah hah. Let me take a break' said King Kai as he sat on the ground. After a few seconds to catch his breath, he explained more about the technique, and just then he realized it was the day the saiyans were arriving.

'OH!! NO, NO, NO !! We are late!! Goku GO back to earth now!!' shouted King Kai in panic.

' What is it ?! What's wrong ?!' questioned Goku.

'I forgot today was the day they were arriving. It will take you a few minutes to go back. so go!' answered King Kai before shouting him to go.

Goku decided not to waste any time and flew towards King Yama's palace.

Meanwhile, on earth two pods can be seen crash landing, breaking through skyscrapers as they hit the ground.

Boom! Boom!

Two massive craters can be seen in the middle of the road, the bystanders had mixed reactions, some were confused, some were wondering what happened, and some were afraid that this might be an attack. Then the pod seemed to have opened and a person came out shocking everyone.

'W-What! It's a man!! He came out from that thing!!' shouted a civilian.

across the mountains, Gohan and Piccolo can be seen standing. Each felt differently about their situation.

' So they have arrived at last!' said Piccolo as a sweat fell down his head, worrying about the threat.

'Man... What incredible Ki' said Gohan despite feeling nervous at the sheer differences in their Ki. 

The rest felt their presence as they rushed quickly to their location.

Back in the city, the citizens from afar looked at the two men who came out of the pod in unusual clothing.

'Who are they' asked one citizen.

'So. Earth was it?' asked Vegeta as he looked around, seeing all the buildings, trees, and people around him. 

'Since we came, it's natural to greet.' said Nappa. Then points two fingers up causing a massive earthquake and the land he and Vegeta were standing on quickly changed, looking as if there was an explosion.

While Nappa destroyed the entire city, Vegeta used his scouter for the highest power level.

'Huh. There are some above 1000... There! The highest power level and it seems the others are headed there' said Vegeta, smiling. 'Let's go and pay our respect Nappa' said Vegeta as he flowed.

'Ha ha! sure ' replied Nappa following Vegeta.

Meanwhile, Gohan and Piccolo can be seen flying toward the mountains, behind them is Capsule Corporation. A few minutes later they stopped and landed on solid ground with no bushes or large rock to hide. Soon Krillin joins them and wastes time talking with Gohan. It didn't take long before all three saw two individuals with unusual clothing landing in front of them. 

It goes the same as original with Tien and Yamcha appearing but Nappa did not plant for more soldiers.

'Well, it makes sense why Raditz lost. Having only weaklings, is seriously a nuisance' said Vegeta

'9000-' as Nappa was about to measure them, Vegeta stopped him.

'Don't bother they can change their power level, so it's useless' said Vegeta then looked with an evil smirk. 'So where is Kakarot, your strongest worrier' asked Vegeta.

'You mean Goku. Don't bother he is on his way' replied Krillin.

And sure enough, a person can be seen landing on their side. A tall man with spike-like hair and an orange Gi.

'So you came after all. Not making a ridiculous speech about defeating us?' said Vegeta

'All I have to say is leave this planet and never come back' replied Goku

'Let's see if you are all talk' said Nappa as he flew straight towards Goku sending a punch to his face. Goku simply blocked it with his right arm then kicked Nappa in the gut sending him back.

'Hehehe. This is interesting his power level rose to 30000' said Vegeta shocking Nappa. 'I will deal with you. Nappa take care of those insects'

Goku looked at Vegeta to conform when suddenly Nappa came from the side to punch him again. Goku's friends were about to warn him when Nappa disappeared again only to appear in from of Yamcha trying to kick him. Only to be blocked again by Goku, standing in front of Yamcha, surprising everyone with his speed. Goku punched Nappa straight up sending him flying, then appeared above only to slam him on the ground. Nappa got up with some difficulty and was about to flip two of his fingers when Goku in a red aura surrounding him, flowed from behind hitting him. As a result, Nappa's armor was completely broken while he was sent flying. Goku flowed behind Nappa and held him with one hand, then threw him towards Vegeta. Nappa's body held a large bloody bruise and got up with much difficulty.

'What was that' asked Vegeta quietly. Seeing the last attack where Goku had a red aura around him was picked by his scouter, reaching 60000. 'Was holding back that much or a technique? Well it doesn't matter' thought Vegeta.

'W-What happened!?' asked Krillin 

'All that hard work and effort, I refuse to just stand by.' said Tien in anger, thinking back on what he and the others did for the past year. Yamcha had the same thought but was quiet and beside him was Gohan nervously looking at the person who his father told to mentor him.

'Damn it!' said Piccolo while being in a fighting stand.

Nappa was coughing blood, as he stood up. His eyes were red full of anger as he looked at Goku.

'I didn't want to do that, but you were going to kill my friends. That was not what we agreed about' said Goku staring straight at Nappa then turned to Vegeta and was about to continue but Vegeta spoke first.

'It should be fine now. You have heavily injured Nappa, now it should be interesting how wins between them while we fight.' said Vegeta 

Hearing what he said Goku turned around and looked at his friends. They all looked ready to fight, however his son Gohan was shaking. Goku closed his eyes for a second and as he was about to refuse a quick look at Piccolo told him all he had to know.

'Ok, Vegeta let's go' said Goku as he started flying away followed by Vegeta.

As they left, the z fighter and Nappa focused only on each other, not bothering where Goku and Vegeta went. The z fighter quickly spread and surrounded Nappa, with only Gohan behind Piccolo. Nappa meanwhile was looking around for an opening.

'Tsk. After getting hit by that low-class saiyan, my body was almost done for. I can beat those fools but it's going to be difficult' thought Nappa. Understanding the situation, he got into a fighting stand.

As the tension arises, between both the first one to break it is Yamcha. Going straight for a punch followed by multiple kicks, only for Nappa to dodge the punch by sidestepping and blocking all the kicks. Just then Nappa out of instinct jumped far back as a disc-like shape was thrown at him, only to have countless more following them. Nappa surrounded his body with Ki and released it causing an explosion-like attack destroying all the disc. Tien appeared in front of him to attack but Nappa quickly kicked, just for him to disappear. Surprised Nappa ducked to his left, dodging the attack coming from back. Tien who missed turned back and charged at him, managing to lock Nappa. Tien and Nappa both hand their hand front, while having one leg in the back to push front.

Piccolo stretched his hand from Nappa's back stopping him from moving, followed by Krillin and Yamcha shooting ki blast from above.

Nappa seeing himself in a troubled situation, pushed his injured body ignoring all the pain. He turned right throwing Tien back and Piccolo's hand ripped as he had no time to react, due to how fast Nappa turned. Nappa quickly fired his own blast, saving himself and flowing to take distance.

See the current situation, Nappa thought of an idea.

To be continued.