
Dragon Ball: Legends

Dive into a Dragon Ball fanfic like never before with Karl, a reincarnator armed with world knowledge and a survival-oriented System. Unlike overpowered protagonists, Karl faces the challenge of navigating the Dragon Ball universe. As he grapples with the complexities, will his knowledge and System be enough to ensure his survival? Explore the twists and turns of Karl's journey in this unique take on the Dragon Ball saga.

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Goku And Piccolo

Goku and Piccolo collided their fists for the Twentieth time today and Piccolo drew his fist back before throwing his right foot but Goku was quicker as he ducked and dodged the blow.

Piccolo shot back and created some space between them while Goku wiped off a bit of blood from his lips.

"You're awfully strong, Piccolo, You've already got me bleeding," Goku said.

"That's because you've been lagging in training," Piccolo said and took his combat stance, "Come!"

They ran at each other and Goku took a step back to dodge Piccolo's attack and strike with a counter of his own but Piccolo didn't throw an attack, instead he moved closer to Goku and smiled.

Goku threw a punch and Piccolo dodged the punch before appearing behind Goku.

"Fast," Goku muttered and received a chop from Piccolo causing him to hit the ground, his consciousness fading away.


Goku found himself awake in his room with Chi-Chi tending to his wounds, Sure Piccolo hadn't taken it easy on him but he preferred it like that, He wouldn't want to be held back on.

As Chi-Chi found him awake, She hit him on the head.

"Goku, Are you insane? You were at the door with lots of wounds, we're you training?" Chi-Chi asked.

"Yes, With Piccolo," Goku replied without thinking.

Chi-Chi exclaimed.


Goku didn't want to speak, He knew she would kill him if he said anything else...


Goku stood in front of Piccolo and bared his fists, It had been a good month since they had started this daily training regiment.

Over the past month, Goku had steadily been growing stronger alongside Piccolo but his power far exceeded that of the Namekian, That was what Piccolo had noticed, Everytime he was injured and he came back the next day, He was stronger.

"Heh, I'm not holding anything back today," Piccolo said.

His battle against Karl was a wake-up call for him as he wanted to catch up not only to the Shoulder length boy with a tail but any person that threatened his rule over Planet Earth and what way to grow stronger than to battle against your rival?

Goku appeared in front of Piccolo and threw a powerful kick at the Namekian who blocked the attack and extended his left arm, ready to knock Goku out of the sky but Goku was quicker and he raised his right hand to block the attack, He got sent flying but he balanced himself again.

"Good hit," Goku commented.

Piccolo scowled and then shot balls of energy at Goku who ran right at them, deflecting the balls away with lightning speed and then reappearing in front of Piccolo with a smile.

Piccolo stood his ground but Goku grabbed his arm, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he raised a fully grown Piccolo into the sky and smashing Piccolo into the ground behind him.


Both fighters were tired, exhaustion rushing through their veins but they were fighting for a greater reason... To grow stronger, So they could defeat the person that beat Piccolo and even Goku's ever growing power couldn't match the power he had sensed from that boy and he was way younger than even Goku.

Goku raised his hands to his side and gathered his KI, a powerful burst of raw power exploding and combining into a ball of KI, leaking with energy.

"Ka... Me..."

"Huh? Oh, You wanna finish this off, Alright then," Piccolo said with a light chuckle, "Then I guess It's time,"

Golden lightning surrounded the green Namekian as he raised his arms up into the air and they glowed in a bright golden aura.

"Ha... Me..."

Goku let the energy flow even more as he took a deep breath and exploded with bright aura.


"Masenko Ha!"

The two waves of energy collided with each other, each trying to overcome each other. Their forces causing even the wind to depart as they narrowed their eyes at their attacks, finding more power to add to overpower their opponent.

Alas, The two attacks nullified each other.


Goku breathed a sigh of relief as he took a can of water from a vendor and handed the man a Zeni.

"Today's training was nothing more than amazing but I really wish I had been there to see the guy that Piccolo is so afraid of, I wonder if he was really so strong," Goku fantasized as he shot into the air, blowing the Vendor's small cart back.

"If he was really so strong, I want to battle him so bad... I can't wait, Piccolo said he might be in the Hyperbolic time chamber, He must be growing even stronger," Goku said to himself as he rose even higher, His eyes were fierce, fighting a new opponent... It was making his Saiyan blood boil.

"Just wait for me, I will grow as strong as you," Goku muttered under his breath.


Author's Note:

It's a Side chapter of what Goku and Piccolo will be doing to train for Karl, but unexpectedly they'll meet Raditz.

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