
Looking for Hulena_1

"Why even talk? Just grab them now, or there'll be nothing left,"

"Leave the busty one for me!"

"To hell with that, first come, first served!"

Among the crowd, someone uttered a phrase, followed by dozens of burly men pouncing toward Zi Ji and her companions like starving dogs on food!

Not only that, but all the Fallen around them also took notice of Zi Ji's four beautiful, nation-overthrowing, bewitching beauties, one after another hurling themselves at them!

"Four Symbols, Thunder!" Chu Qin's lips slightly curled, and in an instant, raging thunder and lightning converged beneath his feet and quickly swept out in all directions with him as the center!

In a flash, all the Fallen under Chu Qin's thunder were paralyzed in place, and then with a slight clench of his palm, these pitiful Fallen turned to ash!

Witnessing this scene, the hidden Envoys of Hell were dumbfounded! In an instant, he had killed nearly a hundred Fallen. What terrifying power he possessed!

In reality, although unable to use soul skills, Chu Qin's Inner Strength had definitely neared that of a Titled Douluo. Coupled with his possession of supreme Secret Manuals like the Four Symbols Technique and Elemental Dragon Body, he was likely capable of killing Titled Douluos who could use soul skills in Slaughter City, let alone these insignificant soldiers!

After dealing with them, Chu Qin approached the flamboyant woman and took out a piece of clothing from his Soul Guidance Container to throw it to her.

"Mercy, my lord!" Instead of being grateful to Chu Qin, the voluptuous woman, as if frightened out of her wits, begged for mercy from Chu Qin, her body bare!

"If you're so afraid of dying, why did you come to Slaughter City?" Chu Qin said to the woman in front of him, whose appearance was still rather presentable.

Having said that, Chu Qin turned around and left!

This woman's looks were also quite good, probably only Chu Qin's own women could fiercely overshadow her!

But undoubtedly, Chu Qin was no longer interested in such a woman.

"Who would have thought the lord would be so formidable!" An Envoy of Hell came over and gently smiled at Chu Qin.

"Didn't you say I was just a vase?" Chu Qin replied with a smile.

"My apologies, my lord, I was blind!" the Envoy of Hell responded, "My lord, do you plan to live in the inner city or the outer city? There is no killing in the outer city, you only need to contribute two cups of Bloody Mary daily to fulfill the quota of Slaughter City, and this Bloody Mary can be from yourself or someone else! However, if you are in the inner city, you don't have to contribute, but you could be attacked and ambushed at any time!"

"Envoy of Hell, what exactly is this Bloody Mary?" Xiaowu couldn't help but ask.

Before the Envoy of Hell could reply, Chu Qin whispered in Xiaowu's ear, "Human blood!"

"Human blood?" Xiaowu's eyes showed no excessive surprise; as a soul beast, she naturally did not fear or dislike human blood. In her eyes, human blood was the same as chicken blood.

"Zi Ji, Ah Yin, Xiaowu, Qiu'er, what do you say, shall we stay in the inner city or the outer city?" Chu Qin asked.

"You decide!" all four women said in unison.

"By the way, Envoy of Hell, is there a different kind of woman here?" Chu Qin turned and asked the Envoy of Hell.

"A different kind of woman?" the Envoy of Hell asked in surprise, "My lord, you jest. In Slaughter City, there are no ordinary women!"

"Let me rephrase. She should be within the top hundred of the Hell Slaughter Arena!" Chu Qin continued.

"If you put it that way, I understand! Are you looking for an Envoy of Hell?" the Envoy of Hell asked.

"Strange, aren't you the Envoy of Hell?"

Chu Qin responded with a smile.

"To be precise, I am the messenger of the Slaughter King!" the Envoy of Hell replied. "However, the other Envoy of Hell is a title she forged with her own strength! Ah, I see, you're seeking the Envoy of Hell?"

"Hmm, sort of," Chu Qin answered. "Where is she? Inner City, or Outer City?"

"Of course, the Inner City!" the Envoy of Hell responded. "But, I can't reveal her exact location, you'll have to search slowly on your own!"

"By the way, the houses in Slaughter City are acquired by strength as well, aren't they?" Chu Qin asked.

"Of course, as long as you have the strength, the whole Slaughter City can be yours, except for the Slaughter King himself!" the Envoy of Hell responded.

Chu Qin momentarily harbored no thoughts of challenging the Slaughter King. Although he was confident that he and Yun Yun could possibly defeat the Slaughter King, what reason did he have to kill the Slaughter King?

Unless Chu Qin was eager to leave Slaughter City. But he didn't want to leave just yet, after all, he still hadn't found Hulena.

"What about you?" Chu Qin asked, his lips tilting slightly.

"My lord, you must be joking!" the Envoy of Hell said, startled for a moment before her beautiful eyes widened.

"I'm not joking," Chu Qin replied. "Envoy of Hell, what brought you to Slaughter City?"

Upon hearing this, the Envoy of Hell recalled some of her past experiences. The usually devilishly smiling woman suddenly looked downcast. However, she quickly answered, "Let bygones be bygones! Lord 9302, I am now the messenger of the Slaughter King. I am loyal only to the Slaughter King! No matter what, after twelve hours, I will definitely leave you."

"Alright, I won't force you!" Chu Qin said. "I've already decided – we'll stay in the Inner City!"

"Alright!" the Envoy of Hell nodded.

This place truly deserved its reputation as a land of irregularities, filled everywhere with screams of pain, maniacal laughter, women's shrieking, and the sounds of close-quarter combat. On the streets, inside the rooms, one could witness all sorts of wicked scenes.

Chu Qin, accompanied by four ladies, roamed and searched through the inner city of Slaughter City.

Since the Envoy of Hell was with them, those Fallen did not dare to trouble Chu Qin and his company.

"Chu Qin, what are you looking for?" Zi Ji asked curiously.

"I'm looking for a suitable place to settle!" Chu Qin responded with a smile.

"A suitable place to settle?" the four ladies asked with raised eyebrows.

"Indeed, the Envoy of Hell will soon leave us. I can't expect you to stand guard while sleeping now, can I?" shrugged Chu Qin with an easy smile.

"Then where would be suitable?" Ah Yin asked.

"Just up ahead!" Chu Qin said, smiling and looking ahead. Everyone followed his gaze, along with the Envoy of Hell, only to see an extremely enchanting woman brandishing a short blade, battling against dozens of burly men!

The woman had pink shoulder-length hair, and was stunning beyond description, especially her eyes, which were a striking blood-red color filled with ferocity and ruthlessness. She wore a pink skintight outfit that perfectly showcased her explosive figure, making her stand out amidst the surrounding killers and the Fallen. Yet, the murderous aura she exuded was so intense that even some of the Fallen felt inferior by comparison!

"It's her!"