
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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87 Chs

CH 6: Observing the Situation

'Hmm... But should this little guy join an organization or something? Maybe the Martial Soul Hall? After all, if he does that, the organization that he is part of will definitely pay close attention to him.' Bibi Dong hummed thoughtfully with her hand under her chin :'No, forget about it.

No matter which organization he is part of, as long as the news of a Soul Master who can increase the cultivation base gets out, every other sect or group will try to assassinate him. That's even more true for Martial Soul Hall.

If this really is the past and Martial Soul Hall still exists, then it's obvious that the two empires will pay very close attention to us and try to keep us weak. If this little guy shows up in Martial Soul Hall, the place with the most number of Soul Masters in the continent, it will be no problem to gather a huge group of Soul Masters with centipede-type Martial Souls to be assisted by him.

Neither the two empires or the top three upper sect clans will stay put. They will definitely pay close attention to him at all times and try to get rid of him the moment they get the chance. So that won't do. I can't have him join any group or sect and whatnot. Hmm, in fact, I should warn him to never reveal this Innate Ability to anybody. Just use it himself to increase his own cultivation speed.

Hmm... Maybe I should have him approach the current Bibi Dong? After all, if I'm from the future, then past Bibi Dong must still be there. So if I reveal myself to her, then there's a very big chance that she'll help us out.

... No, forget about it. With my mentality, especially the me from when I was affected negatively by the Rakshasa Goddess' inheritance, there's no way that she'll allow me to exist as a kid's Martial Soul. So she'll definitely try to get me out.

That would've been very good news, if it was possible. But there is no possible way of removing a Martial Soul from someone. So once she fails, there is a high chance that she'll simply kill this little guy, causing me to die in the process as well. There's no way that she, with her pride, will let me, her future self, be a simple Martial Soul.

So she'll definitely kill him. And I can't have that since I'll definitely die with him. Sigh... This is so troublesome. Forget it, I'll just deal with this myself. With my help and knowledge, there's still a chance that he'll succeed. He just has to train hard.

And kill a lot.

As long as I teach him how to kill and prevent him from becoming a crazy Evil Soul Master, everything will be fine. After all, Evil Soul Masters have to commit all kinds of vile acts, such as r*pe, drinking blood and eating the flesh of humans and Soul Beasts alike in extremely large quantities to grow stronger. Simply killing won't do for them.

But that's not the case for this little guy. Just simply kill, and it will be done. It's inevitable for Soul Masters to kill. This little guy will just have a large number of body counts on him, that's all. Now, I should see him and tell him what I've discovered.'


'Oh man oh man oh man!! Hehehehehe!!!' After he got out of his Spiritual Sea, Ah Li immediately smiled excitedly like a little girl :'When I came here, I was planning to accept the invitation of Martial Soul Hall if I had an extremely strong Martial Soul. After all, if awakened with an overpowered Martial Soul and a high Innate Soul Power Level, which would've probably been Innate Full Soul Power, there's no way that Martial Soul Hall would've ignored me!

After all, an organization that relies solely on Soul Masters, how could they ignore a genius like that?! And I'm no idiot, so I would've definitely decided to join them. And with that kind of talent, the chances of Bibi Dong wanting to accept me as her second disciple would've been huge!

But unfortunately, not only did I not awaken a powerful Martial Soul, I actually got such a trash talent! But who would've thought that the major reason why I would join Martial Soul actually became my own second Martial Soul?! Hahahaha, this is too fucking good!'

After giggling and being happy about the situation while Bibi Dong was inspecting his first Martial Soul, Ah Li calmed down with a good mood as he thought about the situation :'But seriously though, this was seriously unexpected.

I had not expected Crow to make it this exciting and interesting. Actually made Bibi Dong my Martial Soul! Hmm, but if I'm right, this Bibi Dong must not be the current Bibi Dong. Probably from the future. Either that, or simply from another universe. After all, those two would be the logical situations to happen since if that wasn't the case, that would mean that there wasn't any Pope Bibi Dong at the moment.

Her addressing herself as the Rakshasa Goddess, and being inside of that cave which was probably the Rakshasa Domain, just makes it more believable. But seriously though, this is a blast!

Most people, at least normal people, wouldn't have liked this situation. After all, this is basically losing a shit ton of privacy since she is literally inside of me. And if not, for it being Bibi Dong. After all, having such a cunning and evil woman inside of you, who the hell would like that?

That would mean being forced to be careful 24/7. However, that's exactly what I like! Women like her, who are smart and cunning with barely any morals to stop them from reaching their goals are my kinda woman!

I don't like stupid little girls who can only whine and complain in a difficult situation instead of thinking of ways to solve it. This is a woman who transformed an organization into a whole ass empire! Ah~ fuck, I love evil women like this! And besides, if I just cooperate with her, she'd have no reason to harm me or plan something against me.

After all, we're both in the same boat. If one of us messes up, both of us are screwed. With her intelligence, she'll obviously know that we're kinda dependent on each other by force. Hmm... This is actually a symbiotic relationship, no? She needs me to stay alive, and I need her to get strong. It's something like a spiritual version of Symbiotes from Marvel. But anyway, I'm the one who has won the lottery!'

After digesting all the information that he got in such a little time, he finally decided to get serious. Calming down, he sat down in a lotus position and decided to meditate. After all, since he told Bibi Dong that he'll train seriously and hard, it would be very awkward if she came out and he was just fooling around.

'Hm? Can she even come out by herself? She said that she isn't awakened yet, so she can't come out like Yu Xiaogang's Martial Soul. So how will she come out?' As soon as the thought passed through his head, he immediately got distracted. But he quickly shook his head and forced again.

As he did so, he finally started to try and absorb the Soul Power around him with a calm mind. With the presence of the Martial Soul, and the cultivation technique that was taught to everybody by the Martial Soul Hall, he didn't have any problem in doing so.

With a small smile, he finally began to absorb the energy of the world around him. But in doing so, he found out something. It was slow. Far too slow. Obviously, he didn't have any past experience to know if his rate of absorbing the Soul Power around him was fast or slow. But there was a way to know it. His dantian. The place where the Soul Power absorbed would go.

The Soul Power absorbed to raise the Lv and Rank was different from the Soul Power spent to activate Soul Skills. After all, wouldn't the Soul Power that was absorbed to raise Soul Power Level get reduced and drop in Lv if it was used? So the two, although in the same place, were completely different. But both of them could be observed by him.

When concentrating on the dantian, where the Soul Power Level was located, one could feel how much it was filled up with Soul Power Level. Once this Soul Power Level completely filled up the Soul Power Dantian, it would explode and expand in size, causing the Soul Power Level to rise. If someone wanted to advance in Lv again, he or she would need to completely fill up the Soul Power Dantian once again and shatter it from the inside to expand it again.

That's how someone could know if he or she was close to advancing in a Lv or not. Now, Ah Li, who was observing the rate of his Soul Power Dantian getting filled with Soul Power Level, could clearly feel how slow it was. In fact, with something akin to an Innate Ability of humans that allowed them to have a superb observation ability on the Soul Power Dantian and absorption of Soul Power Level, he could feel that it would take a very, very long time to advance even by a single Lv!


"Crap... You've got to be kidding me..." He couldn't help but curse when he realized how trashy his talent was. The higher the Innate Soul Power Level, the faster the absorption of Soul Power Level would be. So only now did he realize how freaking slow his cultivation speed was.

It would take months to advance by a single Lv, he couldn't help but curse in his heart when he realized how he needed to advance by 8 whole Levels to get his 1st Soul Ring. That in itself would take years! He wasn't willing to accept it.

No way in hell.

Was he supposed to be satisfied with being a Lv 10 Soul Master while those hypocritical bastards of Shrek were Lv 30 Soul Elders? 'Hmph, fuck me sideways if I ever accept that! Starting as weak and being weak forever are two completely separate things! But how should I fix this...?

Hmm... I should probably ask Bibi Dong. With her as the past Pope of Martial Soul Hall, she would obviously at least have a better cultivation technique. Hmph, there's no way that the cultivation technique given to the public and the one used by such high ranked figures are the same. Especially Bibi Dong, as the Pope of Martial Soul Hall, has to have a superb one!'

With his mind made up, he nodded before closing his eyes once again and entering his Spiritual Sea. Since he couldn't do it himself, he would obviously ask for help from the person who was in the same boat with him. However, when he did enter his Spiritual Sea, he was a bit surprised.

Because he saw Bibi Dong already there, out of the dark red mist and looking at his 1st Martial Soul seriously and carefully. From the look on her face, he didn't see or sense any hostility, just seriousness, so he wasn't worried or scared. Why would he be afraid?

Worst thing worst, he would die. And since he had already experienced that, he wasn't afraid at all. And even if he died, he wouldn't actually die. He was a part of himself. So even if he died, his soul would return and fuse with the actual Ali who was separated but with Crow and guarded by him.

Smiling when he saw her, Ah Li immediately waved and called out when she turned to him :"Hello again, sister!" And with a calm face, Bibi Dong nodded at him as well :"Hello. Why are you here? Do you already need something?"

With a slightly embarrassed face, Ah Li scratched his head with a wry smile on his adorable face :"Uhh, well, yes. Sister, do you maybe have any way to help me with my slow speed of cultivation?"