
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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87 Chs

CH 34: Bitch ass Ning Rongrong

Morning soon arrived and Ah Li opened his eyes. Having such a weak talent, he didn't really have the luxury of lazing around much. So instead of sleeping, he would cultivate the night most of the time instead. But he wasn't that annoyed with it. It would all pay off in the end once his plans were in motion. With his knowledge of this world, he was sure that he would be able to turn his trash talent into the strongest talent in the world. All he needed was time and effort.

And besides, cultivation was a form of relaxation in itself. It was literally a magical version of yoga. As his blood-red eyes looked around, he stretched his body before getting up and getting ready.

After putting on his pants and armless trenchcoat with a hoodie, he exited his room and walked to where the classes would begin. Oscar had already given them a rundown of what is where and some of the rules. Yawning, he walked with his hands in his pockets. But just as he was, he saw a familiar figure.

"Hm? Oh, hey, g'morning." He waved lightly when he and Zhu Zhuqing made eye contact. As she nodded while walking with him, she also greeted calmly :"Hey, good morning." Although the weather was good and the sky was clear, Ah Li was never really a morning person. So the wild feeling around him was a lot less than other times. Something that Zhu Zhuqing noticed.

"You alright? Are you injured from yesterday?" The red eyed boy glanced at her, a raised eyebrow indicating his curiosity as she nodded :"Um, yes, I'm alright. That Mr Zhao didn't strike with the intent to injure, so I was simply tired and overwhelmed by his strength."

"Um, that's good to hear." He nodded, rubbing his eyes to push away the sleepiness :"But still, I don't really like him." Hearing him, the cold beauty was confused :"Hm? Why? Did he do something to you?" But Ah Li shook his head :"No, not to me. But I still don't like his character. He is a teacher and such an old adult, yet he actually tries to bully and beat up a bunch of children just because he had a bit of authority with the dean not around.

What kind of a teacher is that? In this case, more than being in danger against people outside of the school, I'm more in danger inside of the school instead of feeling safe. Sigh, well, I can only wish that not all teachers are like him, I guess."

"Hm, you do have a point." Listening to him, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but nod. The first impression that Zhao Wuji left behind was nothing short of an asshole who takes advantage of his powers against people who can't and haven't done anything to him. And having grown up in an environment filled with people like him, when Ah Li pointed it out, her respect and favor towards him unconsciously dropped by a margin.

"Also, there's what that Ning Rongrong said. About him being a wanted criminal who the Martial Soul Hall was after." He continued with a thoughtful hum, gaining her curiosity again :"What about it? Do you think he's a bad person?"

"Say what you want about the Martial Soul Hall, but they're at least just." He shrugged :"After all, they are the ones who take care of criminals, murderers and Evil Soul Masters. So do you think a person wanted by the Martial Soul Hall would be a kind and innocent person? He sure as hell doesn't act like it. In my opinion, being careful wouldn't do any harm. But you do you, I guess."

"Hmm..." The noirette hummed thoughtfully, but didn't answer. Although all of Ah Li's words had facts to them, she still didn't jump to conclusions. And besides, he didn't tell her to just outright avoid him. He just suggested to her to be careful.

It didn't take long to reach the open space where the class would take place. But as they approached, they saw someone already there. Wearing a light blue dress, and with her brown hair reaching her nonexistent ass, who else could it be besides Ning Rongrong?

Neither of them greeted from afar though. Ah Li didn't like that spoiled bitch one bit, and Zhu Zhuqing just wasn't that cheerful and approaching towards others. The only reason why she would chat lightly with Ah Li was because she was grateful towards him for saving her life, innocence and dignity.

However, once they arrived, she naturally noticed them. Turning around, she put on a smile as she greeted happily :"Hey, good morning, you two! It's a nice day, isn't it? Glad to see you two are both fine from yesterday's fight!"

'Geez, quiet down, fake bitch.' The noiret couldn't help but complain :"Eh, I guess." And Zhu Zhuqing didn't even answer. She just nodded calmly. But Ning Rongrong still continued cheerfully :"Um, glad to hear that. By the way, Ah Li, I was curious about something."

Looking at the handsome-beyond-measure boy, she couldn't help but admire in her heart for a moment. He really was breathtaking enough to take her breath away. But after coughing, she calmed herself as she asked with a smile :"Just how did you manage to absorb two 10,000-year Soul Rings? Anybody would explode if they tried, so how did you succeed?"

As she asked sweetly with big and cute eyes, she was sure that he'd tell her. After all, who could ever refuse her when such a beautiful girl was asking nicely while acting coquettishly? While confident, she was laughing mischievously inside :'Hehehe, once he tells me his secret, I can reveal it to the clan and to my father and grandpas! When they learn just what kind of an amazing secret I've acquired, they'll surely know how awesome and amazing I am and will praise me a lot! Hahaha, I'm sure that my grandpas will give me a lot of gifts then! Hmph, with how beautiful I am, even if he is handsome, he'll surely try his best to amaze me.'

But the truth was far off from what she expected. After all, how could she know that Ah Li was completely impervious to seduction, knew her true nature, and was completely unaffected by her average figure and slightly above average face? With a look of pure disdain, he snorted in disgust :"None of your business."

Hearing his answer, she was simply speechless. She needed a moment to process what she had just heard. Among all the sweet and obedient answers she had expected, this answer was not among them at all. "W-what did you just say?" In the end, she needed to hear it again, causing Ah Li to sigh with an eye roll.

"I said, none of your damn business. Why the hell should I tell you anything? Moreover, such a secret? You dumb or something?" As he snorted in mockery, a look of rage took over her face as she blushed in anger :"Y-you...! You!"

"Me me, what? Hmph, shut up, you're annoying." As he rolled his eyes, he just looked away and ignored her, leaving her to fume in anger by herself. But in the end, not wanting to blow her cover, she snorted and ignored him as well, complaining endlessly in her heart. All while Zhu Zhuqing looked at them in confusion. She didn't know why Ah Li suddenly acted like this towards Ning Rongrong. But in the end, she just decided to not intervene.

After a while of silence, the other students finally arrived as well. And the moment they did, the fat and short one with red hair pushed up in the front and wearing red clothes, immediately drooled over the two beauties from behind. Zhu Zhuqing was natural, since she had one amazing ass that was incomparable to the two other girls. And Ning Rongrong, with the noble air surrounding her, also could be seen as an extraordinary individual even if her face wasn't revealed.

And when the three turned to look, he was even more amazed. His perverted grin couldn't leave his mouth at all. However, the moment he saw Ah Li, his grin and excitement immediately died down. Although he was amazed at how handsome he was, the sour feeling brought by jealousy didn't feel good at all.

"Oh, perfect. As if there weren't enough handsome guys around." He immediately rolled his eyes in annoyance :"Moreover, he's even more handsome than Boss Dai." However, a smirk appeared on his chubby face as he glanced at the annoyed Dai Mubai :"Boss Dai, I think you should be careful. You've got one tough competitor here this time."

"Shut your stupid mouth." The blond boy snorted angrily as he smacked his head. Seeing Ah Li had immediately put him in a bad mood. The spots from yesterday still hurt, and the uncomfortable feeling from the poison was still lingering on his body. He seriously wanted to beat up Ah Li and get revenge.

But he still seemed to have some brain cells left, because he stopped himself in fear of getting embarrassed once again. As they continued walking, they finally reached the center of the field, where the three of them were. As they did, Ning Rongrong rushed to Xiao Wu's side and hugged her hand with a happy smile. One that made the noiret cringe from how fake it was.

Ah Li simply gave an upward nod, while Zhu Zhuqing ignored them all. Dai Mubai, wanting to relive some of the awkwardness, introduced Ma Hongjun before Oscar was seen walking towards them from the distance. He had also shaved off his beard. In his own words, so that the girls would look at him. Earning the cringe of both Ah Li and Zhu Zhuqing.

Also Bibi Dong's who was resting on the noiret's shoulder. She couldn't help but shake her head and sigh :"This kid... Sigh, don't you know how to not make a fool of yourself? Li'er, be sure to not act like him, alright? No girl will ever like you if you act like that."

"(Why for girls? I would never act like him simply to not be seen as a fool. It's just common sense.)" He groaned inside, annoyed at how much of a simp this guy was. Hearing his answer, Bibi Dong nodded in satisfaction :"Um, that's good to hear. Learn from the fools and do the opposite of what they do."

Flender arrived soon after. Tang San and Xiao Wu hadn't met him this time, but Xiao Wu got a little nervous when Oscar told them his Soul Power Level. With how many strong people there were in this school, she was afraid that there could even be a Lv 90 Titled Douluo. However, after a short explanation from Oscar about how rare they were, she calmed down.

In the end, just like the original, after welcoming them, he ordered Oscar and Ning Rongrong to run 20 laps around the school. Their real class would begin at night. Also, he ordered Dai Mubai to explain all the rules to them. Overall, everything went like the original. The students spread out to do their own things afterwards.

After a few hours, when Oscar and Ning Rongrong were nearly finished, the students were called to the field again. Naturally, the two also joined them in the line. The purpose of the call was clear for Ah Li, to teach that spoiled bitch a lesson. Nothing was different from the original. Oscar lied about both of them finishing the laps, Flender sealed his Soul Power and ordered him to run another 20 laps as punishment, and then scolded Ning Rongrong.

Obviously, it wasn't a case where the teacher would scold the student for cheating and the student just listened with her head down in shame. No, it was different. The spoiled princess, having never been scolded, immediately grew mad and started arguing and even tried to scold Flender back, shocking everybody. But in the end, Flender gave her the reality check of her being the weakest, causing her to run away crying. Oscar was forgiven and told to go and comfort Ning Rongrong afterwards.