
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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87 Chs

CH 24: Ah Li VS Dai Mubai

"You...!" Tang San glared at him, but Dai Mubai chuckled. Leaning back against the desk, he looked at Ah Li with disdain and some amusement :"How dare you talk to me like that? It's been a long time since somebody has spoken to me like that. If I'm correct, you should be a Soul Master, right? Alright then, come on. I'll give you a chance to make me fuck off, punk. Or... You can demonstrate to me how to get out."

"Pft hahahaha!!" Amused, Ah Li immediately began to laugh before looking at him with mockery :"You've got guts, boy. But unfortunately for you, you used them in front of the wrong guy." Causing the blond to chuckle in ridicule :"Can say the same thing about you. You've got balls, but used them in front of me."

"In front of you? I'll rub them on your face, bitch." With a smirk, the red eyed boy cracked his knuckles. But just as the two stared provokingly at each other, the manager quickly rushed towards them :"Mr Dai, calm down, calm down!"

With a flattering and worried expression, the manager tried to convince Dai Mubai to not fight in the store. After all, a fight between Soul Masters isn't something gentle. Especially if one of those Soul Masters is a Lv 30 Soul Elder with three Soul Rings.

After saying some things to Dai Mubai, he quickly turned to Ah Li, Tang San and Xiao Wu :"I'm sorry. The room is reserved by Mr Dai. Please go to another hotel." But in response, Ah Li just chuckled evilly :"I wouldn't mind, if it was someone polite. But unfortunately for this guy, he had to be an arrogant ass hat. The only way I'm stepping out of this place is by force."

Although the two pedophiles hated Ah Li, they still seemed to be agreeing with him as they looked at the manager. Seeing Ah Li's response, Dai Mubai snorted arrogantly and stepped forward :"Even if you wanted to get out, I wouldn't let you."

"Mr Dai, you..." The manager looked even more worried :"My guests, please apologize to Mr Dai. Or else-" But the blond boy interrupted :"Stop the nonsense! I'll pay for all the loss." In the end, the manager couldn't do anything but step back reluctantly.

While cracking his neck, Ah Li walked towards the center of the entrance with Dai Mubai :'Hmm, let's not use the Orbs this time. Just my normal physical strength will be enough.' When in position, the jet black haired boy beckoned him to hurry up :"C'mon, I don't have all day to waste on you." Causing the blond to scowl :"Oh? Still arrogant, huh? Then let's see if you'll still be arrogant or not!"

The moment the words fell, he immediately rushed towards the younger boy. He didn't waste a moment, throwing a punch right at Ah Li's face. But Ah Li just smirked as he dodged to the side, dodging the punch mere centimeters away from his face before punching Dai Mubai in the guts.

The blond boy didn't think much of the punch, but when it hit him in the stomach, his face immediately changed as he was forced to step back several times. Holding his stomach, he hissed and groaned in pain :"Guess you're not all talk, huh? Fine, guess you are qualified to be my opponent!"

Immediately afterwards, he rushed at Ah Li and began to throw several punches. But all of them were dodged or blocked by Ah Li. Unless someone was a few Ranks higher than him, there was no one who'd be able to land a hit on Ah Li with his Instincts being there. But still, Ah Li didn't like being on the defensive.

When Dai Mubai punched again, the noiret (a man with black hair, noirette for women) dodged again. But this time, he delivered a punch directly to his side, knocking out the air in Dai Mubai's lungs before punching him directly in the face.

Seeing that he was about to be punched in his precious face, the blond immediately used his Soul Power on his face to defend it and not let it get harmed. However, the punch was still strong enough to cause him to take several steps back. "You!" Immediately after stabilizing himself, he glared at Ah Li.

Punching him in the face was rather despicable to him. After all, being a handsome guy like himself, Dai Mubai thought that Ah Li knew the preciousness of a handsome face and wouldn't try to harm it. Of course, Ah Li knew why he was mad. But he didn't care. Snickering, he cracked his finger Kaneki style :"What? Still wanna go?"

"Hmph, of course." Calming his anger, Dai Mubai glared at Ah Li :"Since you forced me to use Soul Power, I lost this battle. However, how can I let it end if I don't fight for real? Hmph, punk, let me teach you a lesson! Martial Soul possession!"

With a low growl, he immediately released his Martial Soul and Soul Rings. His entire body's skeleton made cracking sounds, and muscles abruptly swelled, filling out the clothes to the point of bursting. Every muscle under the clothes became exceedingly distinct. Along with the phantom of a white tiger standing on two legs appearing behind him, his fingers turned into short, dagger-like talons with a length of no less than eight centimeters, glimmering with a dim dazzling gleam. On his forehead, the Chinese character of "king" appeared.

Yellow, yellow, purple. Lv 30 Soul Elder with 3 Soul Rings.

Following his every movement, the white tiger with red stripes behind him stood menacingly as he introduced himself :"Dai Mubai. White Tiger Martial Soul. Lv 37 War Soul Master of Power Attack System! Please advise."

"1,000-year Soul Ring!" Seeing his 3rd Soul Ring, Tang San and Xiao Wu were shocked. But along with the shock, there was also happiness in Xiao Wu's heart :"Hmph, this time, that bastard Ah Li will definitely get his ass beat! Hmph, serves the asshole right!"

The other people in the place were also shocked. But they quickly hid away to not be harmed. Ah Li, hearing Xiao Wu's remark, smirked in mockery as he also released his Martial Soul and Soul Rings.

Both of his arms got enveloped by a pitch black and armor-like centipede carapace as his fingers, covered in the same armor, grew into deadly and dagger-like claws. Unlike Dai Mubai, they didn't stretch. Instead, the tips of his fingers turned extremely sharp. A dark and dangerous aura surrounding them. But the most peculiar thing wasn't his arms or the antennas which were sticking out of his head.

The most interesting thing about his Martial Soul Possession was the centipede tails that appeared behind him! Coming out of his lower back, there were two pitch black centipede tails a few meters long with extremely sharp crimson ends. Not only that, the entire bodies of the tails had exceptionally sharp and dagger-like crimson "legs" on each side! (Image:)

Not only that, behind him, appeared the phantom of a huge black centipede even bigger than Ah Li with some red parts. However, what was horrifying about the centipede was that it had wings! On top of being terrifying itself, it also had two pairs of scaly wings behind it that stretched outwards, making it even more scary. (Image:)

Looking at Ah Li's tails and the phantom of his Abyssal Centipede Martial Soul, a shiver ran down the spines of anybody present. The tails were scary themselves, but the centipede behind Ah Li was just the stuff of nightmares. Even Tang San and Xiao Wu were surprised by the appearance of Ah Li's Martial Soul. In the past 6 years of living in the same school, nobody had seen Ah Li's Martial Soul after he got his 1st Soul Ring. So they were shocked by its appearance as well.

However, the color of Ah Li's Soul Rings shocked the audience a lot more than his Martial Soul. With the release of his Martial Soul, his Soul Rings would of course be released as well.

Black, black. Lv 20 Soul Grandmaster with 2 Soul Rings.

"T-ten... 10,000-year... Soul Ring..." The moment the black Soul Ring appeared, everybody in the place was speechless. Seeing a Lv 30 Soul Elder with a 1,000-year purple Soul Ring was already shocking enough. Now, suddenly, someone with not one, but two 10,000-year Soul Rings appeared out of nowhere! What was crazy, was that those two 10,000-year Soul Rings belonged to a simple Lv 20 Soul Grandmaster!

"How is this possible...?" Tang San murmured to himself. Being the disciple of Yu Xiaogang, he of course knew the limit of each absorbable Soul Ring every Rank. However, Ah Li had Soul Rings that were two whole digits above the limit! It would be weird if he wasn't shocked.

And in his heart, he couldn't stop the envious feeling that appeared. Ever since he had learned the preciousness and importance of the 1st Soul Ring, his 1st Soul Ring being only a 10-year white Soul Ring had left a deep scar in his heart. Occasionally, at first, he would feel anger and resentment towards his master. But he learned to get used to coping with it. Even if he was mad, nothing would change. He simply got very unlucky.

But now, seeing Ah Li's 1st Soul Ring of 10,000-years, those same feelings bubbled up again. After all, he would get jealous of the 1st Soul Ring of 100-year Soul Rings of others. Yet now, seeing the person he hated having an actual 10,000-year black Soul Ring, he couldn't help but get angry.

"Ah Li. Abyssal Centipede Martial Soul. Lv 27 War Soul Master of Power Attack System. So? Still wanna continue?" Folding his arms, Ah Li asked confidently. Although both of the Soul Rings obtained from the Flying Nightmare Centipede, Nightmare, weren't yet in their actual form of 200,000-years, having two 10,000-year black Soul Rings still made him very proud. Who else in the world had this kind of Soul Ring Configuration?


"Hmph, although both of your Soul Rings being 10,000-years is very surprising, but so what? You are still a complete Rank lower than me!" Dai Mubai shouted before his 2nd Soul Ring lit up :"2nd Soul Skill: White Tiger Intense Light Wave!"

With the activation of his Soul Skill, an intense light was released from his mouth and shot towards Ah Li. But the noiret, while smirking, simply whispered lightly :"2nd Soul Skill: Nothingness."


(2nd Soul Ring)


1) Abyssal Wings: a pair of demonic and scaly wings that passively raise Ah Li's speed by 500% (x6) and increase speed while flying by 1,000% (x11). The strengthening will be increased by 500% (x6) every Rank. A new pair of wings will be added at each Rank, doubling the entire increase if released. The quality of the Martial Soul and the age of the Soul Ring will determine the actual strengthening, and will fuse together. At 100-year with Trash Grade, the increase will be 1,000% (x11).

Trash: 500% (x6) & 1,000% (x11)

Normal: 1,000% (x11) & 2,000% (x21)

High Level: 2,000% (x21) & 4,000% (x41)

Super: 4,000% (x41) & 8,000% (x81)

100-year: 500% (x6) & 1,000% (x11)

1,000-year: 1,000% (x11) & 2,000% (x21)

10,000-year: 2,000% (x21) & 4,000% (x41)


2) Nothingness: will also turn Ah Li completely intangible for 5 seconds. Blocks 100% of both physical attacks and spiritual attacks. The time of intangibility will increase by 5 seconds. The quality of the Martial Soul and the age of the Soul Ring will determine the actual time limit and will fuse together. At 100-year with Trash Grade, the time limit will be 10s. Can also prolong the active time, but will continuously consume Soul Power unlike the one time activation at the start. While this Soul Skill is active, can also turn intangible to attack as well.

Trash: 5s

Normal: 10s

High Level: 20s

Super: 40s

100-year: 5s

1,000-year: 10s

10,000-year: 20s


As the 2nd Soul Skill of his 2nd Soul Ring was activated, he turned into an ethereal existence, a phantom-like being that Dai Mubai's light wave simply fazed through, leaving him shocked :"What?! Your Soul Skill is actually Nothingness?!"

How could he, a prince, not know of Nothingness? After all, it is one of the strongest, if not, the strongest and most useful Soul Skill in terms of saving the Soul Master's life. After all, other than Ah Li's Nightmare Sickles, there has never been any way to get through that Soul Skill without doing something very tricky.

"Yup, it is." Ah Li snickered evilly :"And I'm gonna use it to beat your ass to next week, punk."