
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime et bandes dessinées
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87 Chs

CH 19: Ah Li VS Xiao Wu

Boom Boom Boom-

Punch after punch landed on Tang San. Once Ah Li got the chance, he didn't hesitate before pulling a combo on him. A combo deadly enough that Tang San's couldn't defend against at all. After all, with Ah Li's strength and speed, how could he?


A punch directly hit the black haired boy's face, sending him flying. Using the opportunity, Ah Li immediately grabbed onto his leg and pulled. Once he was in the right distance, the red eyed boy lifted his foot and stomped Tang San directly to the ground.

With Ah Li's new strength, he could easily crush Tang San's head under his feet like a bug. But he didn't want to die by Tang Hao's hand either, so he just hit him hard enough to not only cause a ton of pain, but also to make him pass out straight away.

"Xiao San!" Xiao Wu immediately called out in worry. She herself had fought against Tang San, so she knew how powerful he was. But seeing him get beaten up so badly was shocking to her. "Hmph." Having beaten up one of the two targets, Ah Li's mood became even better.

"W-whoa... Did you all see that...?"

"He's only Lv 2, but he easily beat someone who's Lv 11!"

"Moreover, he was the one who beat Boss Xiao just now!"


With a smirk, he kicked Tang San in the chest, sending him flying away and cracking a few bones :"So? Who the hell is next?" As he nonchalantly looked at the work students, a shiver ran down the spine of all of them. Even Xiao Wu.

"H-hmph! Fine, I'll take you on!" Seeing that nobody was going, Xiao Wu herself stepped forward with a haughty face. But it was obvious that under that prideful face, she was also scared. She and Tang San were equal in strength, so since Tang San got owned so hard, doesn't that mean the same would happen to her?

"Then let's not waste time. You wanna introduce yourself or should we just get to it?" He asked, and Xiao Wu released her Martial Soul and Soul Ring:"Xiao Wu, first grade work student. Soft Boned Rabbit Martial Soul. Lv 12 War Soul Master with one Soul Ring!" The changes brought by her possession of her Martial Soul weren't much. She just grew rabbit ears, a rabbit tail, and her eyes turned red.

"What?! Another one?!"

"L-look! S-she actually has a 100-year Soul Ring!"

"H-how can this be?!"


Looking at her 100-year yellow Soul Ring, everybody except was shocked. Although a 100-year Soul Ring wasn't rare for Soul Masters of bigger families, for these countryside people, it was still very rare.

"Hmph, are you afraid now?" Xiao Wu asked proudly :"If you are willing to admit defeat, then I won't beat you up!" But Ah Li just smirked as he got into a fighting stance :"Afraid? Of you? You're a million years too young for that."

The moment his voice fell, he immediately went on the offensive again. Xiao Wu couldn't help but curse in her head. Not only did he not have any hesitation in attacking a cute girl like her, the bastard was actually ruthless enough to aim for the face.

And unlike Tang San, who had the protection of the Mysterious Jade Hand, blocking a direct hit would probably mean a broken hand for her. So she could do nothing but dodge Ah Li punches and kicks. Or at least try to.

"Huh, a chance!" She immediately cheered when she found an opportunity to attack. Seeming to actually dance on his body, Xiao Wu grabbed onto his arms and spread them open before kicking his chest :"1st Soul Skill: Waist Bow!" But just when her legs were about to hit his chest, Ah Li smirked and jumped.

"Huh?!" Xiao Wu exclaimed in shock as he jumped while she was still holding his arms. The two were connected for a moment in the air. At least before Ah Li's forceful flip caused him to get behind Xiao Wu. With a devilish smile, he grabbed onto her arms and slammed her directly onto the ground.

Hard enough to make her bounce a few times!

Seeing the brutality and hearing how hard he slammed her to the ground, the spectators couldn't help but wince. You would think a little boy like him would go easy on such a cute girl. But no. It almost looked like he hit her harder than Tang San.

As she laid on the ground, groaning and holding onto her hurt back, Ah Li stepped forward and slammed his foot next to her head. As she jolted in fright, he bent down, looking down on her with a threatening and emotionless face :"So? You wanna continue, lil bitch?" Putting emphasis on the curse again.

With an angry and aggrieved face, she bit down her lip in fright :"F-fine, you win... I admit defeat..." And with a snort, Ah Li cracked his neck and walked away. As Xiao Chenyu's group cheered for victory, and the work students sighed in defeat, Ah Li turned to Xiao Chenyu :"Oy, Xiao Chenyu."

"Y-yes! What is it, Ah Li?" The spiky boy straightened his back as Ah Li pointed at the work students. When the said work students saw that, they grew fearful. Afraid that Ah Li would order to have them beaten up as well. But his words shocked them :"From now on, don't bully those guys. I don't like bullying or bullies. If I hear someone bully anybody while I'm here, I'll have that person's ass. Got that?"

"Yes, sir!" Xiao Chenyu was a little disappointed, but he couldn't do anything but agree. Ah Li just beat up two Soul Masters with Soul Rings despite not having a Soul Ring himself. Moreover, he himself had lost to one of those two just now. He had lost to Ah Li before as well. Since he didn't want to get beaten up, of course he wouldn't disagree.

"Yes, boss!" The other students immediately obeyed too. After all, they saw his might themselves. With a sigh, Ah Li waved his hand at them :"Don't call me boss or anything of the sorts in the future. I have a name, and it's Ah Li. If you want to respect me, just call me by my name. Alright, I'm going now."

While he walked away, all the work students, excluding Xiao Wu, started cheering happily. Wasn't the whole point of this fight to stand up for themselves and no longer be bullied? They may have lost the fight, but they still won the war by achieving their goals. So why should they be sad?

Xiao Wu wasn't as happy though. After all, she wasn't worried about getting bullied at all. So when she was beaten up like this, how could she be happy? However, even if she was mad, she still couldn't do anything.

Ah Li, on the other hand, was pretty happy. After all, not only did he beat up two of the people he really hated, but he found out that even if his Soul Power Level was behind them, his Abyssal Centipede's Innate Ability of absorbing attributes made it so he was never behind anybody.

In fact, according to Bibi Dong, he could easily measure up to Lv 20 Soul Grandmasters with his current strength, and even overpower most of them with effort. Speaking of Bibi Dong, she was also in a very good mood beside him :"Hahaha, Ah Li, although being a Martial Soul isn't that pleasant, but knowing that my wielder is so smart and has such talents makes me very happy!

Not only can your Abyssal Centipede evolve by killing and can absorb the attributes of its kills, but you are a natural born fighter and killer yourself! Hahaha, especially with your Instinct Abilities, you are simply blessed in everything but Soul Power Level!"

"Isn't that what matters the most? After all, my Soul Power Level needs to be high for Sister Goddess to be awakened, no?" He murmured once he was alone. With a small smile, Bibi Dong shook her head :"Not necessarily. Let me ask you something, do you know what is required for me to be awakened?

A body that can withstand my power. Now let me ask you this, what does the advancement in Soul Power Level bring? It makes the body stronger. However, your body can get stronger for an indefinite amount of time by connecting with your Physical Power Orb, which in itself can grow indefinitely by killing. So what does that mean?"

"That means that as long as my Physical Power Orb gets strong enough, I can awaken you through that!" Ah Li snapped his fingers, a look of realization on his face as Bibi Dong nodded :"Smart boy. That's correct. As long as you strengthen your Physical Power Orb enough, and train enough to stay connected to your Physical Power Orb as long as you want, you can awaken me through that method.

Actually, we could also use another method. If we could make your Soul Power Orb strong enough and fill it with enough Soul Power, we could sacrifice that Soul Power to forcefully awaken me. It's the same method as the first one, but there's the side effect that if your body isn't strong enough, you'll explode and die.

You see, your Soul Power Orb isn't the same as your Physical Power Orb. It's actually more like a Soul Power reserve. If you connect to it, it's like connecting to a river that you can get water from. But as you take more and more water, it will get empty. However, there's also the catch that it will recover by itself and without you needing to do something.

What you do by absorbing the attributes of Soul Beasts is expanding this Orb. Even if you completely empty it, it will recover to fill up the amount that it had been expanded to. Your other Orbs aren't like this though, so you don't need to worry. They will only grow bigger, and won't get weaker.

(A/N: Basically, the Soul Power Orb is like a self rechargeable battery that will be able to have more electricity inside as Ah Li absorbs Soul Power from Soul Beasts. But the other Orbs are like equipment that Ah Li equips. They won't loss strength, and will only grow stronger.)

But there's a difference between your Physical Power Orb and your two other Orbs. Unlike your Physical Power Orb that you need to connect to, your Spiritual Power Orb and Poison Orb provide permanent strengthening. Basically, the moment they grow stronger, these two attributes grow strong without you needing to connect to them like your Physical Power Orb."

(A/N: Basically, this:

Physical Power Orb: needs to be connected to be usable. Won't grow weaker and will only grow.

Soul Power Orb: needs to be connected to be usable. Is like a Soul Power battery that automatically self recharges when used.

Spiritual Power Orb: doesn't need to be connected to be usable. Provides permanent strengthening when strengthened.

Poison Orb: doesn't need to be connected to be usable. Provides permanent strengthening when strengthened.

Hope that helped.)

"Um um, I see." Ah Li nodded calmly. It wasn't complicated to understand at all, so he got it pretty quickly. Bibi Dong also provided a simple explanation, so understanding it was easy. Once he did, he smirked mischievously :"Alright, since the matter of strength is solved, now we should move to the matter of money."

"Right, that's also a big problem." Bibi Dong frowned once the subject was brought up. But she was left frowning, as Ah Li smirked :"Hehehehe, don't worry, I got an awesome plan for this."


"Ugh..." Tang San groaned as he walked. "Xiao San, are you alright?" Xiao Wu beside him helped him walk in the school hallway :"That damn bastard! Unlike his cute appearance, the bastard is a complete devil!"

Thinking of the person who did this to them, she couldn't help but curse angrily. Tang San was pretty angry too, but he had to swallow his anger for now :"Sigh, forget about it. We can't do anything about it until we get stronger, so we should focus on getting stronger for now."

"Yeah, you're right. Hmph, just wait until I get stronger. I will beat the hell out of him!" She said angrily with determination :"But for now, let's go and eat something. We can't get stronger on an empty stomach."

As they reached the exit of the building, a student suddenly flew past them with a pain scream. When they looked to see where he had come from, they saw Ah Li smirking evilly with his fist in the air :"As I just said, 5 copper coins each student every day, or get ready to get your ass kicked."