

On the cliff, it could be seen three children were sparring, but upon closer inspection, it will be noticed that two people with the identical blue dress were fighting the one with a white black peculiar dress. After a few moments, they separated.

Once they were separated, their figures were clearly seen. The two on one side had similar blue t-shirts with blue pants. Both had dark blue hair with blue eyes, on their oval facial structure making them captivating. One had a lean body while the other had muscled up the body, but still could be seen that both of their bodies were filled with immense explosive force.

On the other side, the person had a particular outfit with a white shirt, with a black vest and pants. On his head, there was a black fedora. He had black hair with grey irises. His face was vaguely similar to a particular mc in magic high school. (A/N Shiba Tatsuya with hat and a dove). They were, of course, the tang triplets and after six years of training they both had a body impossible for their tender age and now they were having their daily spar.

Yash used body flickering Jutsu to dash towards his opponents. Due to their purple demon eyes, san and Chen were able to find him and attacked him, all the while using their jade hands. But Yash blocked both of them with his bringing his hand near his face while raising his leg. It could be seen that where it was attacked, there was a hint of blue metallic color. He then pushed both of them a few feet while dashing towards Chen.

While blocking his jabs from both sides at the same time disarming them, he jumped and kicked his stomach with both his legs sending him flying away. With that force he went towards san, caught his incoming punch and maneuvered towards his back, and kicked his leg making him fall down, and held him in a choke, thus leading to his victory.

Joy then flew from the nearby branch and sat on Yash's shoulder. In this year joy had grown bigger and had a very slender neck giving him a very soft as well as pretty appearance. It said, "I won" while Yash grinned and helped san up. Chen then came and patted his back saying," just you wait, after awakening my spirit, you will get crushed." After that, they return to their house and waited till Grandpa Jack came for them.

After a few moments, the door opened and an elderly man with a hunched back came. He had a white beard and hair testament to his age and wisdom. After seeing him come, Yash rushed to help him walk, while san brought a chair for him to sit, while Chen brought a glass of water.

After drinking the water and releasing a sigh, he said," thank you. What a bunch polite of lads. Ok, it's late let's go." And he stood up and went outside followed by the triplets. "Won't Hao becoming?" he asked while frowning. "Baba is nervous," whispered Chen while looking back towards the house.

Jack nodded on hearing that and walked towards the middle of the village. With the help of the triplets, the village was not in the previous dilapidated condition and had improved and most of the village had developed. Due to that, they were popular in the village and many help goodwill for them, thus many passersby wished them good luck.

After a few moments of collection of children, they arrived at the majestic spirit hall of the village. The spirit hall was very majestic; it looked like a big... log cabin.

After a few moments, they along with a youth of 20 went inside the cabin that was revealed a spirit grandmaster with a rank of 20-30. He was su yuntao. The youngster had a trace of arrogance on his face as he looked with contempt towards the village. The chief as though accustomed to it greeted him and requested him for awakening. Then he turned to the children and said," Lads listen to the master and all the best"

After entering the cabin, he kindly guided everybody through the procedure. At first, everybody was terrified of seeing his wolf form but after getting accustomed to it they were excited to see their spirits.

But it was the heartbreaking truth that came afterward that almost all of them had no useful spirits or rather any soul power to enable them for cultivation.

At last, it was the turn of tang triplets, san went first and as in the story he got the blue spirit grass which made yuntao sad but after discovering his innate soul power he was surprised. Due to that, he forgot to notice that san was clenching his other hand very tightly.

After san returned it was Chen's turn, upon seeing that he also had blue spirit grass a trace of excitement came to him and hurried him towards the next test which also led to the same surprising result, all while ignoring how his bluegrass spirit was a bit bigger and thicker, also the clenched left hand.

Without hiding any of his enthusiasm he called Yash while wishing he continued his brothers' pattern.

Yash also excited about his spirit went and stopped in the middle of the hexagon. On seeing that the boy came with a peculiar dress and a bird on his shoulder he frowned and said," Leave the bird." Expecting an apology he was surprised when rather than the boy the bird replied," As my master here can't speak I will relay his intentions to you. He is sorry for that and he requests to pardon him." After which joy flew and sat on sans head who smiled in return. Yuntao nearly jumped frightened in seeing the unknown bird, but calmed himself and started the procedure. Yash with the help of Yuntao awakened his spirit. He felt that something was coming out of his hands and eyes, so quickly he closed his eyes and clenched his hand lest he shows his spirits.

Yuntao face lost his excitement upon seeing that Yash had no grass as his spirit. But rather had a big thick black book which was filled with many pages and upon looking which one will think it had all the untold secret of the world.

Excited on seeing another mutated spirit he hurried him towards the blue glass ball to check his spirit rank.

Yash with the virtue of his system already knew he had innate spirit power but to avoid any problem he by using the innate power of his book made it such that his soul rank will be half upon seeing which yuntao face turned ugly and he dejectedly shushed him while packing his belongings and leaving.

He met jack outside who after seeing him coming outside rushed and asked," Is there anyone capable of becoming spirit masters? Yuntao knowing his character well was not surprised and replied dejectedly" Most of them are not capable but the triplets are. Two of them had blue spirit grass with innate spirit power and the one ... with the bird had a book with spirit rank half."

Jack then happily bid him goodbye and escorted everybody home and went to the tang house and said to the waiting Hao," Hao, your children can become spirit master. Also, no need to worry about education as our village has a quota for the nuoding primary spirit academy, and for the other two, the nearby village chief has a few favors by which they can get admission."

Hao then thanked him and sent him off and then turned towards his children and asked for their spirits. But before anybody could say anything Chen said, "Everybody, I want to show something to you." After which he waved his hand and a golden line appeared in space which opened and on the other side there was a forest.

Chen along with everybody entered inside it and said," I had this power from childhood but I was not able to open it much, so didn't tell you. But today with my awakening I was able to open it. The ingredients for our food come from here and as you can see it has very rich energy. I think it will be a very good place for cultivation and hunting spirit beasts." Everybody was surprised but this unexpected development. After bringing Ah Yin who grew very fast and quickly turned into the size of a 100,000-year beast she turned into a cocoon.

Hao seeing that everything was alright turned towards triplets and asked in a serious tone,

"What are your spirits?"

hey guys so with this plot starts. i know it is slow but bear with me.

I hope my description of them was goods.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

please give comments and that reviews it doesn't look god blank

Thanks Guys

Talkingdovecreators' thoughts