
Chapter 2: Deadly Escape and Encounter of Life

Leiyu only stared helplessly as the sword swing that was aimed at his head descended slowly. Nevertheless, he still grasped his new Martial Soul in his hands, no matter what, he was still someone who swung a sword every day for years, his reflexes were sharp enough to react. But at the time Leiyu saw the sword aimed at him and the spirit power inside of it, his heart burst out in rage, his blood boiled with enormous hatred, the uncomfortable feeling he felt towards the soul power in the beginning vanished like smoke, the only thing that remained was a slightly annoyance towards the soul power fluctuation that came from his father and elders, if one needed to describe that feeling then it was something akin to a mosquito's wingbeats.

But what he found strange was his anger, that anger was not aimed at his so called father. Leiyu himself didn't understand what that feeling was or from where or why it came from. But because of that wave of emotions his reaction faltered and he failed to counter. Only that doesn't make a difference. Would he be able to stop that swing? Of course not, after all how could a just awakened Spirit Scholar match a Spirit Master that cultivated for years?

And that's why the only thing he could do at the moment was stare confused at the blade that descended and ponder about what was happening here in the end after all.

And just when the blade was about to touch Leiyu and end his life...


A iron striking iron soud echoed in the whole chamber loudly, two violent soul powers confronting each other.

That was enough to snap Leiyu out of his confusion, what he saw before him was one of the elders, wielding his own Beast Slaying Sword to stop the attack.

After the first attack was blocked Leiyu's father didn't follow with another attack, instead he stopped and with anger in his eyes he shouted to the elder.

"Elder have you gone insane? Why did you stop me? That beast needs to be killed as soon as possible!"

"Don't act rashly." the elder said those simple words, only hearing this Leiyu's father became even more enraged

"Don't act rashly? Elder are you blind? Did you not see what just happened? He has a beast's bloodline! That is in on itself not acceptable, we are a clan that originaly hunted those beasts! And if that is no reason enought then just take a look at the sword in his hand! His blood influenced a black ranked Dragon Slaying Sword! Our Martial Soul has a suppressing effect on beasts, a bloodline so powerfull that it caused a variation should not exist! What's more its not a simple variatot, it's a suppressing variation! If we don't kill that beast now, then in the future our whole clan could perish because of this blood!"

"No matter what your reason is you need to stop first!" hearing the elder's words Leiyu looked at him and said: "Elder thank you for stopping the attack, I don't really know what's happening but please help moth..."

"Silence! Don't you dare to speak up beast!"

Leiyu was dumbfounded, his only string of hope was cut down with that one sentence.

"Elder, you..." that's right the one that silenced him was not his father, it was the elder, the same elder that helped him just now.

"I told you to be silent!" with that roar, now it was the elder that swung his sword at Leiyu, only instead of taking his life, the sword's tip passed before his face not even touching him. But could that be as siple as it looked?

The answer was no. Even though the sword didn't touch Leiyu, the attack nevertheless was imbued with his soul power, so it was impossible for Leiyu to gard against it.

Like a stone that was tossed, Leiyu was send flying, his body mercilessly crashing against the wall.

From the impact of the strike he caught up a mouthful of blood, then he collapsed to the ground like a sack of sand. Leiyu was barely conscious, everything he saw was blurred. The only thing that prevented him from fainting was his own stubbornness, no matter what, he refused to show any form of weakness. The pain he felt was great but after a moment, his blood raged once again, the pain and blurriness in his eyes and body gradually faded.

After a few seconds he would be able to stand up once again, although weakly he would be able to stand up. Only he didn't have those seconds. The moment he fell to the ground the elder from before appeared besides him soundlessly.

Seeing that Leiyu was still conscious, a grunt escaped from his mouth

"Persistent beast." with his eagle shaped pummel he delivered an accurate strike at the back of his neck. With one last twitch, Leiyu laid on the ground motionless.

After a time of silence passed, a voice spoke up

"Elder what is the meaning of this? You tell me not to be rash, but aren't you the same?"

With a frown the elder answered: "What do you understand? He has a red ranked Martial Soul! Even if it's a variant in our clan's history no one managed to awake a Red ranked one, moreover it's one with a Element! And you want to kill him? With the help of that Martial Soul our clan will rise even higher!" greed was mirrored in his eyes as he yelled this.

"Elder you are truly out of your mind. We can't let it live any longer! Yes that Martial Soul would be a true blessing, only we can't allow a beast to wield it!"

"And what about a human?"

"That would be fine of course, but unless you can give that Martial Soul to someone else what use does it have for the clan?"

"See? You said it yourself, let us try first. If there is no other way then it's never too late to kill that beast."

"Martial Soul transplantation." some elder muttered, hearing this the others joined in

"How is something like that possible? Even if our Douluo Continent's technological advances are vast, something like that is unheard of."

"Forget it, human experimentation are forbidden. No one would research that."

"No, there is one, a group that is hated by humanity..."

Hearing the elders argument the clan master couldn't help but say

"Elders you don't mean to say that we should ask dark soul masters for help? Even if they did help, what would happen if the Spirit Pagoda or the Federation got wind of it? That would destroy our whole clan!"

One of the elders turned towards him and said "Clan Master don't forget, that we don't belong to either one of them so how could it be so simple for them to find out? Yes, the risk is great I acknowledge that, but the benefits are just as great if not greater. I propose a vote, if you are for the idea to try then rise your hand, if not then remain silent."

Before the elders, a image of that brilliant Red energy flashed in their eyes. Then, all of the six elders rised their hands at the same time. Only the Clan Master hesitated, but that hesitation didn't even last a second, he also slowly rised his hand. Seeing this the elders nod once, then ordered

"Clan Master we shall send one of our clans agent's to find and contact the dark soul master alliance."

He answered with a simple "Fine." Then he turned towards the others in the hall and said:

"Some of you take that beast and toss him into a cage! Don't give it any food or wather, also seal his soul power!"


"Where am I?" Leiyu asked as he woke up.

But of course no one answered him, he could only look aroud and see for himself. Aroud him were several thich iron rods, the ground was replaced with iron as well, it did't take him long to realise that he was in a cage. Outside of the cage was a wast sea of trees, beside the cage he was inside a few others could be seen as well, seeing those his eyes opened wide, after all Leiyu knew this place. It was a place some hundred of meters from the clan residence, in the past inside of these cages were captured Spirit Beast, but now that they are as good as extinct the cages were left empty.

Leiyu didn't understand why he was here, his mind somewhat sluggish. He closed his eyes and tried to remember what happened, he should be in the Awakening Chamber to awaken his Martial

Soul and then...

And then... it hit him. Leiyu remembered what happened, the pain he felt, the expression of his father and elders but more importantly...

"...Mom..!" his mother.

He still didn't know what happened to his mother, he remembered seeing her in a pool of red.

But his mind refused to acknowledge that, he thought that it was only a bad dream and he only needed to wake up. Only reality was cruel towards a clueless child

"Father! Where are you?! Where is Mother?!" at this moment he tried to summon his Martial Soul, but for some reason he couldn't feal any soul power. Just when he wanted to try again he cought a glimpse at his wrists, both wrists where chained in a pair of handcuffs. Those where no ordinary handcuffs, they were made with a material that sealed soul power, the cage he was in were made from the same materials, after all, how could a simple cage hold a spirit beast captive.

Not knowing what to do, Leiyu did the only thing he could, and that was

"Why am I here?! Father! Answer me! Someone answer me!"

he yelled, Leiyu continued to yell like that. A minute passed, then a hour. In the end he lost his sense of time, nevertheless he still continued to yell with tears in his eyes.

"...Fath..er.., ...swe... me..." ouside the cage was already night, darkness embraced Leiyu from all sides, but no matter what he still continued to yell as much as he could, he did this until all his power disappeared, he himself didn't even notice when he fell asleep.


The next day, Leiyu awoke from the sound of some birds singing. Realizing where he was, he jumped up like a spring, hands grabbing the rods he continued to yell, but there was a difference compared to yesterday. This time he also hit, kicked, rammed against the cage with his little body in hope to do even a little damege, but how could a child damage something that even Spirit Beasts were unable to do...

Leiyu was of course no fool, he knew that just fine, but ne needed to try.

he contined to do so for a hour ar maybe two, then he stopped. Only he didn't stop because he wanted to, hunger and thirst were constantly nagging him. At first he ignored them, but now he didn't have the power to even stand straight. So he sat down calming his exhausted body. And just like the day before he fell asleep not even knowing when...

The third day.

"Wake up." a voice said towards him

Leiyu oppened his drowsy eyes slightly, the next moment he opened them wide, jumped up and ran to the cage

"Father I..."

Before he could even finish he was interrupted.

"Do not call me that. You are no son of mine!" he galred at Leiyu with cold eyes

"Shut up and listen. Today the agent we sent away returned. Three days from now a Dark Spirit Master will come and make experiments on you. After that you are useless to us, the only reason why I came to tell this to a beast is that you should prepare yourself." after uttering those words he turned around and took a step away

"Wait! Where is mother?! Did you..." kill her? He wanted to ask that, but no word came from his mouth.

His Father didn't even stopped while still walking he just said "Yes."

Inside Leiyu somethnig broke, he wanted to cry but no tears came from his eyes. It was as if he already didn't have any tears left in that body of his.

"...Why...?" he only asked weakly while trembling

He stopped walking and turned his head with an angry face

"Why? It's because of that blood of course! Your Martial Soul is excellent but that bloodline is dangerous. A bloodline is inherited, neither I or my brother, as well as his children none of them have that blood! The only one you could get that bloodline was from her! She hid it well, but in the end that's why she died. How can I after all allow such a blood to exist?" after this he turned his head and began to walk again.

Leiyu on the other hand froze, his body stopped to tremble, he only asked

"Where is she now?"

This time his so called father didn't even spare him a glance, he only said indifferently : "A beast belongs to beasts in the end, she was disposed somewhere in the forest, by now the body should be already torn apart by other beasts."

Leiyu was still motionless, but was that because he was calm? No one could guess from his face but he was in such a enraged state of mind that even his heart stopped for a moment, he wanted to cry but no tears came out...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" only a howl came out of his mouth, then it happened. Then it happened a light moisture silently rolled down his cheeks, one drop after the other dropped down, he finaly cried. Only those tears were red, Leiyu cried tears of blood, the howl stopped, silence... and then

"ROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!" a dragon's roar erupted from his mouth, sorrow, grief, anger, hatred, despair, different emotions were mixed in that roar.

He roared without stop. Night came, yet Leiyu was still roaring. A whole day and a whole night he roared like a dragon while tears of blood rolled down his face...


The fourth day. Nothing happaned, even if it did, Leiyu didn't no, couldn't have noticed anyway. He was sleeping that day, silent like the dead, he only woke up next dawn. And that was not even because he wanted to, something hit his face. At first it was only once, then ten, hudred, thousend of times. He felt like needles were hiting his face without stop, when he oppened his eyes he realised what it was... Rain, it was raining, in an instant the already cold and exhausted Lieyu was drenched from head to toe, only at this point he didn't care about something like that. He made a smal bowl with his hands and waited until it was full of rain drops, withouth a care he drank the water from his hands greedily over and over again. Four days, for four days he didn't eat anything. A human could still survive without food but never without water, more so a still growing child. He was exhausted, starved and one the point of a break down.

He was so busy drinking that he didn't even notice someone approach the cage he was in.

"Look at this, the great and invincible Leiyu was reduced to such a state." a youth with light brown hair and similar colored eyes, it was someone Leiyu knew well, it was...

"Yanwu... why are you here...?" he asked, emotionless

With a smirk he said: " No reason really, I came to say good bye."

Leiyu waved his hand uninterested, he was still in a realy bad mood, so he wasn't interested in Yanwu.

He on the other side said angrily

"Even at death's door you are still annoying, well whatever tomorrow you will dissapear for good."

Leiyu rised a eyebrow and asked him: "What are you talking about?"

Hearing his cousin ask this, Yanwu stared wide eyed

"What? You don't cnow? Hahahaha! Well let me tell you, tomorrow is the day that soul master will came and transplant your Martial Soul in to me. Although the success rate is not even 5% but if it does success I will become the Clan's number one prodigy!"

"And what pay does that dark soul master want in return?"

Yanwu pointed a finger at Leiyu.

"You. The only thing he want's is you, he's interested in the blood that awoke the darkness element. It's only a pity that nothing will remain about you, I wanted at the very last toss your remains in the same place your mother was."

Hearing this Leiyu's indifferent face vanished, his anger at it's peak

"You... Watch what you say, I don't care about me, but don't you dare talk about my mother like that!" with both hands he grabbed the cage rods and shock them violently

"How scary, fine I tell you one more thing. I am now the direct disciple of the clan master!" how could Leiyu not know what that meant? The Clan Masters direct disciple was the one who would become the next Clan Master in the future.

"And you're fine with that? You are fine becoming the head with a method like that?"

"What does it matter? Honestly, this is the best! You were always in my way, I was always second I always hated you for that! But now, but now I am the best! I will become the next master my dream will finaly come true."

Hearing him, Leiyu became even angrier, Yanwu was always fighting with him, from the side they looked like enemies, but Leiyu never hated him, Yanwu was the only one who always fought him earnestly, giving his best to archive his dream, so how could he be satisfied with a result like that?

He wanted to tell him to stop, but Yanwu was faster than him, he said with a grin like smile.

"In the end you are usefull to me, as expected of a beast. It's only a shame that spirit beast are extict, how many benefits could I get from them...Well, no matter, you will die like a spirit beast either way. My only hope for you is that you will be able to meet your mother on the other side, then you can rot together in hell like the beasts you are!"

That was it. Leiyu finally snapped after those words. His blood boiled with intense hatered, a poping sound came from Leiyu's right hand. It was the sound of bones cracking, his hand became somewhat bigger as scales ripped into existence, each scale sharp as a sword glistering under the rain, from his five fingers knife like claws appeared, his right hand turning into a dragons claw. That was not the only change that came, Leiyu's eyes shined with a brilliant light his pupils turned into vertical slits.

Seeing this Yanwu was startled, he of course knew about the fact that Leiyu wasn't able to use his soul power, so from where came that claw?

It was true that Leiyu couldn't use his soul power, but what about his bloodline? It was true that he didn't have control over it otherwise how would he still be here, but he was in such a rage that his bloodline power appeared once again.

With a strike of his dragon claw Leiyu sliced open the cage he was captured in like it was made from paper.

Seeing that scane, Yanwu panicked, instinctively summoning his Dragon Slaying Sword to protect himself.

Leiyu on the other hand never stopped, after destroying the cage he stretched his dragon claw towards Yanwu's throat. But he of course didn't just stood there leting him do that. He swung his sword towards the approaching 'hand', he was surprised to see that Leiyu neither reacted or guarded against the strike. It was better for him if he didn't after all, Yanwu was full of confidence, he used a Dragon Slaying Sword against a Dragon Claw how could he fear it?

Only his confindence was shattered all too soon, the instant his sword touched the scales on the dragon palm the sword broke in half. The two halfs of the sword then entered Yanwu's body in a shimmer of light dust. The same moment he felt extrame dizines, he now suffered the whole backslash of his Martial Soul breaking, he was losing consciousness, only Leiyu didn't gave him that chance, he grabbed Yanwu's throat with his dragon claw pulling him up, his body now dangling in the air.

"You want to be the Clan Master? Then so be it, turn that dream in to reality." said Leiyu, his voice colder than the rain that fell on them.

He then tightened his grip on Yanwu's troath somewhat then continued: "Then become the master of a rotten clan like that if you can. I could kill you here and now but I won't do it, you know why?"

He waited until Yanwu shock his head sligtly then he said:

"Because I refuse to grand you such a merciful end." with a swing of his dragon claw he trew Yanwu straight into the cage he was a few moments ago. As he hit the rods of the cage Yanwu once again began to lose consciousness, the last thing he remembered the next time he woke up were Leiyu's final words to him.

"Become the next master if you can. Only know this, even if you manage to become one YOU will be the last one. Tell this my so called father, elders and all the other mambers: Maybe not today or a year after, but I will come back and that day will be the last day of this clan."


On the streats of Heaven Dou City

"Haah..." a sigh escaped the mouth of one of the passerby. The owner of the sigh was a beautiful woman she wore a green jade cheong sam, from the look of her face she was troubled over something important.

'The Lord is getting impatient, we need quicken the process...' just as she thought this, she suddenly opened her eyes wide.

"That scent and aura... no that can't be..." she felt a aura she was familiar with, it belongs to someone she respects greatly. But this aura was weak, far to weak as if on the verge of dying.

Without even a second thought she headed in the direction of the aura as quick as possible.


*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* Leiyu was panting heavily as he ran trough the forest. After Yanwu lost his consciousness Leiyu immediately ran opposite the direction where his former clan was.

He was very weak, the moment his dragon claw vanished he felt greatly exhausted as if drained, whats more from that moment on he felt a stabing pain in his chest and mind, he was cold from the rain, starved from hunger but he didn't stop. He needed to exit the forest as soon as possible, he had little time before the clan would send some people after him. Even though there arent any spirit beasts now they could hunt, the origin of that clan were hunter, how coul Leiyu hope to escape from them in the forest? That's why he ran, the only chance he had for escape was to exit the forest and mix with the people outside of it. But even that would be difficult, his clothes torn his body covered in countless cuts and bruises. Because of his body's condition and the muddy ground from the rain he triped and fell wounding him in the process. But he was still runing with the little strenght he had, he did this until something flashed in his eyes, something pounced at him from the side, with the last of his energy he dodged it, but that was all, he fell down, he lost all his strengh and was lying in the mudd. He saw that the one who pounced on him was a wolf, although not a spirit beast currently even this wolf was more than he could hadle, if it was only one then maybe he could stil manage somehow with his sword, after all, before the dragon claw dissapeared he quickly broke the handcuffs with it before runing away, but after the first a second and third wolf came out of the shadows soon he was sourounded by five or so wolves .

'Is this the end?' he thought for a moment then 'No! Even if I die today, I will do so fighting.' he yelled in his mind.

Leiyu summoned his Martial Soul the now jet black sword, he used it as a cane to stand up, that was the exact moment another wolf pounced at him, he readied himself for the strike and then...

"SCRAM!" a voice came from the side, when the wolves heard that voice for some reason they ran away as fast as they could.

"Child, who exsactly are you?" now the voice addressed Leiyu, he looked towards the direction it came from, but he only saw a blurred silhouette, he could guess that it belonged to a woman but nothing more, at this time he already wasn't able to think logicaly, he only blurted out one sentence:

"Did you came to kill me as well...?" hearing this the womans expresion froze, that one sentence was enough to understand more or less what happened, she couldn't help but show sympathy on this child before her.

"I am not. Don't worry and rest for now..." as she said this a gentle jade green light surrounded Leiyu, his wound rapidly closing under the influence of that gentle light, not only his body, his mind was relaxed under that light as well. After everything that happened, his eyes fealt heavy as stones, soon his ragged breathing changed in to fain sleeping sounds...

The woman now was besides him, she took Leiyu in her hands sowtly.

"Pitiful child, what happaned to you to be in a state like this?" While saing this she had a gentle expression on her face, but soon it turned into a serious one as she examined him.

"That aura... it was you after all... but how is that possible?"

After saing this she shaked her head "Let's take you to the Lord for now."


"Bi Ji! How could you bring a human Child here?!" in his sleep Leiyu heard a angry yell.

Leiyu oppened his eyes slowly, it was already night, he saw a woman bow her head, telling something to the man in fron of her, only Leiyu couldn't hear what exactly. After a while the man's face calmed then it changed into a surprised one.

"Are you certain about it?" the woman nod once to the man

"I see..." he nod once as well and turned to the now awakened Leiyu

"You're awake good, let's see if it's truly like Bi Ji said." as soon as he finished that sentence the man released a dreadful aura, could sweat formed on Leiyu's back as he fell it, a moment later his blood soared once again, it was like the blood in his body rejoiced, the once dreadful soul power he felt changed into a gentle energy that give him power.

Once again, scales ripped into existence his right hand turning into a dragon claw, his eyes as well changed, his pupils turned into vertical slits full of power.

Seeing those the man before Leiyu retracted his aura and with a shocked voice said:

"Black scales and golden eyes... It truly is my bloodline..."

Black scales? Golden eyes? what was the meaning of that? Leiyu of course couldn't see his own eyes but now he took a look at his right hand for the first time. When the scales appeared the first time it was too short to notice anything, the second time it happaned he didn't have the time but what about now? When he looked at the claw he could see balck scales that even the darkness of the night couldn't hide, each scale sharp as a sword. Just as he was about to touch the scales they fused into his arm as if in a dream.

"Kid. Quick, follow me." said the man before him, now that he could take a better look at the man he saw that he wore a black robe and looked to be in his forties. A strand of golden hair hung down from his forehead to rest alongside his cheek, golden colored eyes shone with a slight hint of excitment.

Leiyu felt that he was in no danger in the moment so he did as told for now. And even if he was in danger after witnessing the power of that man before him he unrestood that no matter what he tried he could never escape from him.

After a short walk he noticed several people of varying heights and sizes. All of them staring at Leiyu fiercely. The black robed man took Leiyu at the very front of those people before them was a gian lake, when they arrived he kneeled down, the others did the same, expect Leiyu he didn't understand what was happening, as if ignoring him the man said respectfuly: "Your Majesty. This child carries my bloodline, the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon's Martial Soul as well."

Silence. Then the lake as if exploded a torrent of water shoot out towards the sky, a clear voice was heard soon after.

"Is that true?" from the sky a figure descended in a silver light. When he saw the figure Leiyu couldn't help but stare blankly. It was a indescribable beautiful girl, from her hight alone she was no older than Leiyu, she had silver hairs and purple eyes. The silver figure landed slowly. She wore a long silver dress with a silver veil. Her long silver hair flowed freely behind her.

Her body floated down as she did not appear to stir up any energy waves.

Only after she landed, the black robed man aswered with a slight nod.

"Yes. He has indeed inherited the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon's Martial Soul and bloodline. It's only..." at this moment Leiyu spoke up

"Wait, what Martial Soul? My Martial Soul should be this sword." as he said this with a wave of his left hand a sword apeared in it.

"You! Show some respect towards her Majesty!" the black robed man roared.

If not for the silver girl stoping him with a hand he would already hit him at the very last.

"Boy don't you know how to show respect?" the silver figure said, seven orbs of diferent colors swaying in her hands

"I don't know where I am, or who you all are. Neither do I know if I survive this day or not, why should I show respect in this situation? Nevertheless, as the Lord of all those who are here I still need to thank you. If not for your servant I would be dead already, for helping me that time I thank you." Laiyu said with a deep bow.

The seven colored ligts vanished into thin air then the silver girl said to the black robed man.

"Di Tian take a look at that sword."

With a "Yes!" he took the sword from Leiyu's hand. He guided his soul power in to the sword, after a moment his face erupted in rage!

"It is faint but there is the scent of coutless dragon bloods on this sword, it's hard to tell now because it was influenced by my bloodline. But one thing is for sure many spirit beast were slain by this sword. Kid explain yourself." killing intent came over his face.

So Leiyu told everything without a lie, at this moment he had no attachment to that clan anymore. So from begining to end he told everything that he knew and everything what happened in this weak. After finishing...

"The number one spirit beasts hunter clan?!..." rage flashed in the eyes of the surrounding people, killing intent coming from their body. Under that pressure Leiyu could only tremble.

"Child you are lucky. If not for my bloodline and the fact that this sword has mutated under the influence of that blood and other Martial Soul I would have already killed you." as he said this he returned Leiyu his sword. Leiyu couldn't help but be curious about what he said.

"Please explain, what do you mean by second martial soul I don't feel a second one. And what about the sword how did it change other than another form I don't feel a big difference?"

The man turned to the silver figure, she then only nod while giving her permission.

"You have another Martial Soul I know that for a fact because of your blood, without it that blood would already killed you, it's only that soul is in a sleeping state for now. About your sword, other than what you said, under the influence of the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon Kings bloodline it awoke two inate abilites, both extremely powerfull. But without a high level of cultivation they will not be usable. The first is the swords ability it's called 'Slaughter' the second ability comes from the darkness element named 'Doom'. You have other questions?"

With a nod Leiyu asked: "But how come I have that bloodline, if his words can be trusted then I should have inherited it from my mother. But she was only a ordinary person, even though she had our clans martial soul, she was born without soul power. The only reason that man even married her was becouse they knew each other for a long time, so how is that possible?"

With a sigh the man said

"You have indded inherited the blood from your mother and she inherited it from one of her parents. The blood was in a dormant state for who knows how many generations. That was also the reason they didn't have any soul power, even in a dormant state the blood was more powerfull so it simply devoured their soul power. And the only reason why it awoke in you is because you on the other side was powerfull enough to witstand the blood. In other words it's a form of Atavism."

"So my mother was killed without any true reason...?" his question was answered with silence.

His rage boiled once again black scales appeared but soon disappeared.

The man said with a serious face

"Kid it's dangerous for you to use the bloodline power so don't use it needlessly."

After calming down he asked "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Although you carry that bloodline for now, after so many generations it was diluted and tainted by human blood. The blood is no longer pure enough so it will slowly destroy your body. That is also the reason why the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King martial soul is sleeping." Leiyu was speeckless he was almost killed because of this blood, then he was saved by it, only to be endangered now by the blood itself...

Before he coul say, or even think further a voice snapped him out of his trance. The black robed man before sudently bagan to change, his body flying in the air black scales apeared all over him wings growing from his back and so on. In the end he became a enormous black dragon.

"Child I ask you this. You should already guessed by now that we are no human beings, if in the future we chose to destroy humanity including your family, on whose side will you stand?"

Leiyu answered without even thinking while looking into those purple eyes of the girl

"I already lost my faith in humanity, how can I forgive them after what they did to me and mother or those spirit beasts in the past? Only after I myself suffered a similar fate as they did, do I understand what we did wrong. Even if I myself never killed a spirit beast. My sword is still stained by their blood, if you wish to kill me in retribution then so be it. My life belongs to you now after saving my life, if not I would be dead anyway. I am by far the weakest here, my time is also limited and withouth much of a use, but if her Majesty sees any use in me after all then I wish to help."

"You are indeed useless power wise but you are still human you know thinks we don't, that's why you have your own uses. Now then, child, what will you do?"

Leiyu kneeled down with one knee with his sword in the left hand he cut his right wrist. After he did that Black scales were forced out becuase of the injury, blood was flowing from his wound only he didn't care. With determinated eyes he said:

"With this Black Dragon Claw and this Doom Slaughter Sword I will serve you with my live." the silver girl nod simply

"What is your name?" she asked

"I am..." before he said something on reflex, he shock his head strongly then said

"I am who I am because of this blood. I was also cursed yet saved by it at the same time. So I will be known from now one as Heilong. Named Leiyu." finishing he stood up and while still looking in to thoose eyes one more time he said.

"I am Heilong Leiyu."

Here is the next chapter! I like the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon really much. And after Long Yue was introduced with a similar martial soul, I decidet to make this MC like this, I hope you liked it.

If someone has Martial soul, skills or other things he/she wants to see in the story them please feel free to share them with us, I will try to use them one way or the other.

Until next chapter

Rejdancreators' thoughts
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