
1)Reincarnated in douluo

I never expected that this kind of thing could really happen, let alone to me.

My name is Erym, I used to be a young man of about 25 years old, I had no steady job and earned enough to support my tastes and my life.

In my adolescence I had lost my parents and a friend helped me out of that dark depression by taking me to video games, then we both moved into the world of anime and manga.

I wasn't that fanatic about anime and manga, but my friend was and most of what I watched and read was on his recommendation.

We became best friends, like brothers, I accompanied him to conventions and video game tournaments, he taught me and told me thousands of things of what he read and saw.

So I knew things about anime and manga that I hadn't even read or planned to see because he told me everything and I was happy with that.

I like games more, since it was my first 'addiction' so to speak, the reason for my death is quite related to video games.

The reason?

Well, I died on my way to a Tekken tournament, not because I was killed by some fanatic, no no.

On the way, me and my best friend met a couple of thieves who came up to rob the public transport, my friend and I trained several martial arts although we never went deep, just to know how to protect ourselves.

Although we were able to knock one out and the second one we subdued, the latter tried to shoot my friend, but I got in the way and he hit me in the chest.

My best friend in his fit of rage broke his arm and knocked him out, although the ambulance arrived, the doctors could not do anything, the bullet had hit close to the heart and although first it was a small wound, after a few minutes that small wound widened and ended my life.

I don't remember too much of my past life other than my hobbies, happy memories with my best friend, the death of my parents and my own death.

Yes, my past life since I reincarnated.

Not only did I reincarnate, but I traveled to one of the novel and anime worlds that my friend, Douluo or as he called it, Soul Land, controlled for me.

I knew a lot about this world, from Douluo 1 to Douluo 4 or Ultimate Douluo.

He knew how the world works, its named characters, the sects, its power system, its universe, its gods and its protagonists.

My friend used to have this series as one of his 5 favorite series and reread them all about 2 or 3 times a year.

He told me about mysteries, doubts and people's opinions on certain issues.

One of them is whether Tang San is really a hypocrite.

Which I concluded that yes, this bastard had sacrificed many and manipulated many more for his goal, he talked about friendship and love, but in the end he did everything for himself and for himself without thinking too much about others.

He did not think about the consequences of the divine battle against Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, his previous actions in using all his allies, his own wife and best friends as cannon fodder.

There are many things, at the beginning if he could be accepted for being a bit of a bastard and ungrateful, but then he let himself be influenced by Tang Hao's hatred, another one that disgusted me.

The Tang family has few good things in this world, although it is true that Bibi Dong was affected by God Rakshasa, there were other methods to stop Bibi Dong.

I'd better not think about that, just thinking about it makes me angry.

Let's go back to me, according to the information I could gather in my few months of life I managed to know that the current time is Douluo 1 and it is also before the birth of Tang San since I had heard from the adults that Tang Hao would become Titled Douluo in a few more years.

So, I was born and orphaned within minutes as my mother died giving birth to me and my father went for cigarettes.

A merchant family from the Heaven Dou Empire adopted me, although they did it purely to cultivate loyal servants.

About saying that I do not intend to stay with them, I am grateful for adopting me, but I know that I can not stay tied to a small merchant family.

This idea was formed the older I got, my body is stronger than people my age, much stronger.

When I was 1 year old I could already defeat in pure strength the children of 3 to 4 years old, every year that passes my strength increases considerably.

Today, when I was 6 years old, I could defeat anyone without a spirit ring, no matter if they are a child or an adult, as long as they don't have a spirit ring, I could defeat them.

Obviously, I kept my strength hidden, I didn't want to enter anyone's eyes or be enslaved.

I don't know if the traumas of my previous life still affect me, but I felt bad when I thought about forming strong bonds.

In a few days I would formally turn 6 years old, at that time they would take me and other children to awaken the Martial Soul.

For that we were currently heading to the capital of Heaven Dou, which would be Heaven Dou City.

For some unknown reason I could feel that my awakening was going to cause a big scene, this feeling became more intense the closer we got to Heaven City.

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