
Chapter 2: Ji Xiang

"Lu Feng! Wake up!"

Startled by the sudden yell, Lu Feng jumped up.


'Haha, stupid,' said the system.

The system was now a floating box that was made of obsidian.

Lu Feng got up from the floor, cursing the thing that struck him on the head.

"Quiet down Lu feng!" said an unfamiliar voice.

"Huh? Where am I?" Lu Feng looked around curiously. He didn't feel the pain anymore, so nothing stopped him from trying to get a clear look at what had happened.

'Lu Feng, this is your first body. You're currently in a jail. The thing you hit is your bunk bed. And the person who yelled at you is your bunk bedmate. Anyways, you have to convince the others that you are the Seer Lu Feng. You look different, so they will suspect you,' said the system ever-so-helpfully.

Lu Feng remembered that this was now a different place, but there was one thing he didn't get - WHY WAS HE IN JAIL?!

'Oh, that's because you're a gang boss. Apparently, it's quite a big gang too. The second biggest in Planet Zi. It's called Black Eye. A gory name for a gang.'

'Huh?! What?!'

'Sigh, just get the guards to believe you're Lu Feng. Predict something for them. You can tell fortunes. Even though it may seem suspicious, if it comes true, they'll report it to the higher-ups.'

Lu Feng nodded and explored his surroundings first.

The jail room was pretty big.

With 13 bunk beds and 2 large bathroom stalls, it was pretty luxurious compared to jails on Earth. Not that Lu Feng had gone to jail before. He just saw movies about them before.

His other 25 jail-mates were sleeping. It was night after all.

'Oh, that's right. It's night time... Well, I'll just transfer your previous self's memories first.'

Lu Feng felt a strange sensation as unknown memories were shoved into his head.

It was like needles poking at his brain.

He bravely held his tears back and clamped his mouth with his hands so that he wouldn't inconvenience anyone to wake up.

'Oh, I forgot to put the switch for pain reliever on. Sorry, Lu Feng.'

'Sorry my ass!' Lu Feng cursed in his heart.

The pain subsided and Lu Feng could now remember things he hadn't had any experiences in.

'This kid is an illegitimate child of one of the 12 councilors serving the current King? No wonder he did all these bad things. He just wanted attention... poor kid.' Lu Feng silently prayed for the soul of the previous Lu Feng to go in peace.

'Yadda yadda yadda, anyways, just go to sleep for now. Talk to the guards when they come in the morning.'

Lu Feng agreed with a slight nod and fell asleep quickly.

'Sigh, can he really become an idol? He has to, or else my salary is going to be decreased... But he's too nice. Nothing like those OP or face-slapping hosts that the premium systems get... Oh well, I'll make do with this lamb,' muttered system 427 as the floating obsidian cube disappeared.

Next morning...

"Boss, wake up!" A rough but cheerful voice boomed into Lu Feng's right ear.

"Ahh! I'm up! Let's get back to researching the scripts that were found in the city under the seas... huh? Where am I?"


It was strange seeing such a big man calling a petite person like Lu Feng, "Boss".

Lu Feng almost fainted. He then remembered what had happened.

'Aiyo, I completely forgot about me dying!'

He turned towards his "subordinate" and smiled.

The big guy looked scared.

"B-boss, why are you smiling? Do you want to kill somebody? Don't take it out on me!"

'Oh yeah, this kid was pretty cruel...' Lu Feng thought over what to say for a minute and replied back.

"No, take me to the guards. I have something to say to them."

The big guy, who was scared by just a smile was now sweating.

"Boss, you can't beat up the guards again! Your father told you that you wouldn't be able to find a way out if you did something like that again!"

Lu Feng wondered, was this kid that scary and impulsive? He hadn't gone through all his new memories yet. He planned to very soon, or else, how would he know why these people were acting so scared around him?

"Relax, I just want to talk to them. Face-to-face. Just a tiny conversation."

The big guy looked skeptical but did bring Lu Feng to the guards in the end.

"Hello, nice day isn't it?"

The guards turned to the voice that sounded so sweet.

When they saw the owner of the voice they immediately raised their guards and put their hand on their weapons, which were tasers. This world was normal, just like Earth. No magic, no OP heroes, just a regular planet that was a bit bigger than Earth by 3 times.

They looked at Lu Feng warily. Even though Lu Feng was behind bars, he could still do plenty of damage. They had heard about the guards who quit their jobs after taking a beating from this Lu Feng. They visited those guards before since they were all comrades. The beaten up guards had black and blue bruises all over and broken limbs.

Those wise and beaten up guards all warned them to be very careful around Lu Feng.

"What do you want?" said the shorter and stockier of the two guards.

Both of them knew how this extremely beautiful young man could not be trusted.

Lu Feng, of course, didn't know how beautiful he looked. He had yet to see himself in a mirror.

"Hey, if I told you I was Lu Feng, the Seer, would you believe me?"

The guards calmed down a bit but didn't loosen their holds on their weapons.

The short and stocky guard scoffed.

"Lu Feng? The Seer Lu Feng is too much of a great person. His name shouldn't even be uttered by you!"

"Yeah!" the other guard agreed.

"Oh, really? I died yesterday and came inside this body. I can predict something for you if you want proof."

The big guy looked slightly surprised. If his boss had really become the Seer Lu Feng, it was no wonder why he acted so strange.

At this point, even the guards looked a little freaked out. If this gang boss was really THAT Lu Feng, they would definitely be punished for talking this way.

"Fine, predict something for me that will happen today." said the short and stocky guard as he held out his trembling left hand.

"Your sister is going to announce that she's pregnant," exclaimed Lu Feng after he touched the guard's hand.

He only needed to touch a person to see their future! How cool! Lu Feng turned slightly happy as he thought that this was a great cheat.

"What?! My sister's only 14!" yelled out the guard with a furious expression.

"Well, I don't know your sister. I only know that she's pregnant. You should see the truth when you go home in the evening," advised the calm Lu Feng.

"What about me?" said the other guard.

Lu Feng touched his hand and saw his future.

"Um, sorry, but your dog is going to die today," said Lu Feng with a sympathetic look.

"My dog is only 1 years old!"

"He's going to choke on a bone. If you don't want him to die, you should go home right now and look over. He's going to die in 2 hours."

"I don't believe you!" cried out the guard, but he still took a day off and hurried home.

Lu Feng sighed. What a tsundere guard! Well, the dog can live now.

The next day...

Lu Feng was still sleeping when the jail's door opened.

"Mister Lu, the chief wants to talk to you."

Lu Feng was put in handcuffs as he was escorted by 17 guards.

Yesterday, Lu Feng had gone through all the memories. He now knew how terrifying he was before. No wonder they put 17 guards on him.

He was brought into a small but comfy office. There was a tall and elderly man who had a complicated look in his eyes, sitting on a rolly chair.

"Mister Lu. I have heard reports from two of the guards that you were THE Lu Feng. The Seer one. Is this true?"

"Yes, I am that Lu Feng. The Seer."

"If so, can you predict something for me?" The chief asked.

Lu Feng was pretty surprised but agreed.

"Do you have something specific that you want to be predicted?" he asked.

"Yes, I want to know how long my grandson can live for."

The chief had a grandson that was the same age as Lu Feng, who was now 21. The grandson had a hard-to-remove tumor in his brain. It wasn't specified how long the kid could live for. He had always been obedient and kind, how could death take away such a great kid?

"Ah, I can't determine somebody's lifespan. The future can always be changed. Like yesterday, I predicted death for a dog, but he's still alive because its owner saved him."

The chief smiled bitterly, and said, "I see..."

Noticing this, Lu Feng felt bad and thought of something to say when an idea came to him.

"I could try to predict it. I just need to see every path there is. I'll write out the major decisions your grandson can make and predict the one that will let him live long. But the thing is, I need the person himself here."

With every decision, a parallel dimension would be created. Lu Feng knew this and could use this method to predict a human's lifespan if they would accurately follow his instructions.

The chief's eyes brightened. He clearly knew that this young man in front of him had a high chance of being the seer.

"I'll bring him here right now!" The chief quickly made a call to the hospital, asking for his grandson to visit.

Soon, a fancy black car came around and a young man being escorted by bodyguards could be seen.

A knock was heard and the chief allowed for them to come in.

"Grandpa, why did you call me?" a smooth voice sounded.

The system finally spoke for the first time that day.

"*whistles* That kid's really handsome. If I were a BL system, I would have totally set you guys up!'

'Shut up!' Lu Feng was blushing bright red at what 427 said. He never had interests in girls so he had always thought he was asexual. Turns out he wasn't.

Lu Feng was absolutely charmed by the man in front of him. His heart thumped for another for the first time.

'Calm down Lu Feng! I can't like a person solely for their looks!' Lu Feng berated himself and eventually calmed his heart down.

Great voice. Extremely good looking. Tall. Sigh, this man could be considered the epitome of perfection. With that deep look in those dark brown eyes, Lu Feng was ready to drown in them. His thin lips, sharp eyebrows, pale but shining skin, straight nose, and deep eyes, Lu Feng was completely idolizing the man in front of him.

"Mister Lu, this is my grandson. Please, predict his future. He has lived a poor life so far. His fiancee abandoned him after learning of his tumor, his mother died early, and his father rarely gets a chance to see him. He has to stay in the hospitals all day long unless I get him to visit. If only he wasn't afflicted with the tumor, he could have had a great life..." The chief looked at Lu Feng from time to time, trying to make Lu Feng feel bad for his grandson. If he felt bad enough, he would surely choose the best path there is for his grandson! The chief was indeed a scheming man. Or else, how would he have become the best chief of the police force in the country?

Lu Feng did feel bad. This perfect man suffered so much!

'Hey, host, you aren't turning gay are you?'

'Who knows...'

'No! Don't! That man is only your idol! Not a love interest!'

427 didn't want to turn into a BL idol system. Sure, he might be promoted, but he didn't want to become a system like 428 that was sadistic and wooing other male systems. The system would be affected by the host's feelings or choices and could change if the feelings or decisions were large.

"Mister Lu, please predict something for my grandchild. I want him to live a prosperous and worry-free life."

Lu Feng nodded and went up to the grandson, who was named, Ji Xiang.

Lu Feng grabbed Ji Xiang's hand and marveled.

My God! Even his fingernails are beautiful!

"Mister Lu?" The chief asked. Lu Feng was taking too long, only staring at Ji Xiang's hand.

"Oh! Um, get me some paper and a pen, I'll write down the paths he should take." Lu Feng flushed red.

"Alright, here they are."

Lu Feng wrote neatly. The words looked like calligraphy. Elegant and graceful, the chief watching the seer silently praised Lu Feng.

Lu Feng listed out some options.

Ji Xiang could opt to have the surgery for the brain tumor or not. Lu Feng suggested for the brain tumor to not be relieved. He would make the medicine for erasing the brain tumor himself. He just needed the materials.

After that, Ji Xiang didn't need to do much. He would be healthy and fit.

The chief thanked Lu Feng endlessly and promised to get him the materials needed.

Lu Feng was escorted back to the jail again. It couldn't be helped, he was still known as a criminal to the public after all.

"Grandpa, who was that?" Ji Xiang asked.

"Oh, you know the legendary Lu Feng, who's a seer, right? The seer Lu Feng has died and his soul was transferred to the notorious Lu Feng's body. Apparently, the previous Lu Feng might have died from drug overdoses. I hadn't believed him to be the seer, but I had someone investigate and it turned out to be true. The new Lu Feng is definitely the seer. Or else, how would someone know when someone's sister was pregnant because of her boyfriend?"

"Hm. Ok, grandpa, I'll leave now."

Ji Xiang went back into the car.

As the car drove towards the hospital, Ji Xiang's bodyguards sighed.

'Chief Ji doesn't know, but what if he finds out that his grandson is the boss of the biggest gang in the country?!' were the thoughts that all the bodyguards were silently thinking.

'So that's Lu Feng? Hm, interesting...' Ji Xiang thought for a moment and ordered one of his bodyguards.

"Find out more about Lu Feng. And get someone to release his gang. Also, get a meeting for all gang bosses planned."

"Boss! All the gang bosses?! Surely, things will go out of order!" The bodyguards, who were all secretly subordinates cried out in dismay.

"Just do it," said Ji Xiang with a lazy tone.

'Lu Feng, let's see what you really are. Are you really the Seer? If so, I'll claim you all to myself. You're mine.' thought Ji Xiang as he flashed a charming smile that made all his subordinates tremble.

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