
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Romance
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64 Chs

Chapter Fourty three

"Thank you, handsome boy! You are really our hero!" A young woman in her twirties looked at Xiao Yi gratefully.

"Great hero! Thank you!" A girl looked at Xiao Yi with a fiery face, and her eyes were full of admiration.

"Great hero! Long live our great hero!" The rest of the women also cheered.

Escape from death made them feel the value of life.

Although Xiao Yi's killing looks a little scary, it does not affect their worship and admiration of Xiao Yi at all!

Xiao Yi just fell from the sky like a god of war and killed the zombies, which has been deeply engraved in the hearts of these people.

In particular, the two Lolita sisters have worshipped Xiao Yi.

For girls like them, Xiao Yi is an idol like a god.

"Big brother! You must be a great hero sent by God to save us!" The little girl, who was only seven or eight years old, blinked her simple big eyes, wiped the tears on her face and looked up at Xiao Yi, and said with a worshipful face, "Big brother, can you protect us?"

"This little handsome man must be a great hero sent by God to save the world! As long as we follow him, we will definitely live well!" A middle-aged young woman said excitedly and affirmatively, "Hero! We are willing to follow you!"

"That's right! The little brother must be a great hero sent by God to save mankind! We all follow the little brother!" A young girl shouted excitedly.

Everyone looked at Xiao Yi full of worship, with hope and enthusiasm in their eyes.

Si Ruoqing looked at the scene in front of her with complicated eyes, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. With a sense of relief, she walked to Xiao Yi and said gratefully, "Thank you! Thank you for saving everyone! Thank you for helping us eliminate these bad guys!"

Xiao Yi nodded to everyone with a faint smile. Xiao Yi did not hate these people with some backbone and conscience.

At least in his opinion, these people deserve to help and save by themselves.

However, my rules will not be broken for anyone.

"I'm sorry, everyone may be mistaken. I'm not the hero you imagined, and I'm not a good person. I'm not noble at all." Xiao Yi interrupted everyone's cheers: "I'm not the savior."

"I'm just a passer-by here. I didn't want to save all mankind, and I didn't want to help anyone unconditionally."

After Xiao Yi's words, everyone looked at Xiao Yi in a daze, and their eyes were full of pleas.

The two Lori sisters shed tears and sobbed gently.

"Big brother, don't you want to protect us? We will be very obedient!" The little girl blinked her big tearful eyes and looked at Xiao Yi praying.

"Little brother, please stay! We can listen to you for everything. I'd like to be your woman!" A beautiful young woman pulled Xiao Yi forward and begged.

Si Ruoqing looked at Xiao Yi nervously, and there was a trace of prayer in her eyes. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.


Xiao Yi has no obligation to save anyone here.

He not only didn't owe them anyone, but also saved their lives.

They owe Xiao Yi.

And they can't give him anything.

He doesn't have to risk saving so many burdens.

She can understand Xiao Yi.

She doesn't blame Xiao Yi.

But she still hopes that Xiao Yi can save these poor people.

"I have my own shelter. I can find a way to save you to our refuge. I will provide you with food and water to help you survive and protect your safety." Xiao Yi continued to say indifferently.

"But you must obey my rules. In my sanctuary, what I say is the law and the rules! Anyone who dares to resist me, anyone who does not listen to me, will be punished most severely! Even life is worse than death.

"All those who enter my shelter are my private property and will be my slaves. You can't resist anything I want to do to you."

Xiao Yi took a deep look at Si Ruoqing and said, "I want all of you to be loyal to me, not only in your heart, but also in your body."

The meaning of Xiao Yi's words was understood by everyone present, even the two Lori sisters.

"This is the rule that wants to enter my shelter, and no one can break it. But I never force anyone to choose. The right to choose is in your own hands. You can choose to go back with me or stay here. I will never force you to do anything.

"Even if you choose to stay and encounter difficulties in the future, I will help you appropriately."

After saying that, Xiao Yi smiled indifferently at everyone, as if they were all taken for granted.

Si Ruoqing lowered her head with a blushing face and bit her lips tightly.

@Clattan0ia thanks for the powerstone