
Doomsday Ascension

The world is darker than our shadows. That is what everyone assumes until they experience it themselves. This experience makes you doubt your sanity. Some years ago, the discovery of energy crystals was made. They were said to be stones carrying immense energies the world had never seen before. The crystals were later on improved and utilized to improve work both industrially and domestically. They were used to power hospitals where children were born. Children born under this light began to evolve with extraordinary powers. Throughout the years most generations without the powers perished and the planet was now run by the hierarchy of strength in power. The appearance of these crystals got the attention of other creatures around the world and the safety of the world was no longer assured. Those who weren't born in hospitals powered by these stones were left powerless to be feasted upon by society. The corrupt system must be put in check but who knew it was far worse than that? Abel was one of them. He was an orphan left to fend for himself in this world ruled by those with iron hands. Abel could have stayed at the bottom of the food chain forever but he couldn't take it any more the embarrassment had to stop for good. ------- "The world is a tragedy for one and a blessing to the other, that's why I have to get stronger and protect those who can't stand on their own", Abel said to himself as he stared at the rectangular screen in front of his eyes. [Host has been found] [The bonding process is to begin right away]

Wevolire · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

The ancient temple

"Show yourself!"

A painful lump had developed inside his throat, making it hard for him to spill out any words. Muscles inside his throat had contracted hence the unfortunate abnormality. Tears began to stream down his frosted visage of a face, they had also frozen up immediately they had exited his eyelid, embracing the current state of the body.

Vapour slowly moved from his body only to disappear in a distance, distance where the darkness could successfully engulf them. Abel's blood itself had given in to frostbite since there was no way of generating heat at the moment. He had wished for the system to help but due to some challenges, he couldn't activate Full recovery since he hadn't sustained any form of injury.

Closing his eyes and reminiscing about his worthless life, his veins began to bulge up slightly as time flew by. Was time even effective in this God forsaking place?


Abel felt his heart beat a little bit faster than usual, the abnormality had forced a worried look on his face which wasn't noticeable though due to how frosted his face was. Without the ability to turn his neck and examine his body, Abel hadn't noticed that cracks had developed all over his body. Aesthetically, they were all centred at his chest, at the position where his heart is expected to be. His heart beat had risen due to how dangerous his situation had become, his body was trying to hold on its dear life.

Several minutes had passed and with that his heartbeat had also risen exponentially. Abel begun panting uncontrollably, his body had started reacting to the speed of his heart. Water vapour escaped his mouth each time he exhaled, an irritation had commenced in his airways as bronchospasm took place.

Radicular pains and slight heart burns had begun to set in, giving way to an unavoidable heart attack. Abel yelled in pain when his heart had suddenly felt as if it had been stabbed by a knife, the feeling had woke him up from his trance.


He had jerked his head and hands in an attempt to save his life. The attempt had helped though since he had broken free of the ice that had formed around his neck and elbows. Adjusting his head slightly towards the direction of his feet, he had received the shock of his life, his legs had broken into two equal parts, each due to how solified and frosted they had become.

In spite of this ordeal, not even a single drop of blood had left the spot where his body had broken into shreds, they had all frozen and were inextricably attached to the flesh of the frosted body. Abel braced himself for the impact as the upper part of his body slowly fell from its broken lower half.

Thinking back at what could happen if his body was to come into contact with the floor, he had used both of his hands to cover his head. The body fell through the empty space slowly as anticipated until it had come into contact with the floor.


His body had slowly collapsed into tiny and seemingly uncountable fragments. His whole body with its organs had shattered completely when he had hit the floor, even the hands he had used to cover his head had also suffered the same fate, they were able to perform to the task they were assign to: keeping the head safe, and the head was still in one piece.

Abel could slowly see his consciousness fading from existence, the moment his heart had shattered into pieces. His eyes had popped out of their sockets and were rolling across the dark floor. Within an instant, the useless life he had always clenched to was now gone, just as how it had started.

His eyes were still active even though his brain had stopped working, this was a phenomena Abel could have sworn to have never expected. Was this a form of punishment for an unknown crime?

Why will you take away my body and leave my eyes on their own? The human eyes are not even capable of coordination, how much more will they be able to last?

The thoughts had slipped out even though his brain wasn't functioning currently. Was it his desperate attempt to live that had forced such thoughts out of nowhere? , or, was it just the heat of the moment that had led to this? Either way Abel was glad that he could at least leave some final comments before his passing.


It was swift but since Abel had lost his body, he wasn't able to hear the sound, it seemed to have resonated due to the disturbance of a guitar's string had gone through. As smooth and soothing as the sound had appeared, the darkness had also done something similar.

The eyeballs stood on their frail blood vessels and nerves, using them as their legs. They had moved around the place when the darkness had begun to disperse slowly, bringing nothing but an energy which stimulated vision. The menacing energy took over the place, hastily spreading it warms embrace over the vaste land was stained by darkness several minutes before.

Once the cold temperature which lingered and destroyed everything in its path was gone, a wild but soothing one had slowly replaced it. Frosted fragments of Abel's body which laid scattered across the floor had defrosted leaving behind, lumps of flesh which stained the new white floor with their blood.

The eyeballs turned in the direction of the lumps of flesh, and was slowly moving towards it. As if responding to its sudden movements, the flesh had begun coagulating into a huge mass. Bit by bit, cells were combining with cells, tissues to tissues and organs to their respective systems.

In no time, a bloody mess stood ramrod straight amid the glistening light. The eyeballs moved back to the head which laid effortlessly in a pool of blood on the floor, they burrowing themselves into their original positions.

The headless body of Abel placed its hands inside the pool of blood it had risen from. Unbelievably, it had absorbed every once of the blood, leaving behind nothing but the white floor. Afterwards, it had inched towards the head, picking it up, it repeated what it had done before: placing his hand inside the pool of blood. A familiar outcome was obtained again, with all the blood disappearing and leaving behind an immaculate white floor.

The cracking sound of bone twitching resonated as the head was forcefully attached to the headless neck. Opening his eyes once again, Abel could feel certain changes in his body. The body he once knew was weak and frail but this once was less malnourished than before, it was also seemingly lighter then before. By this time, his body had already healed up and was good to go.

Once this was done, the first light which had engaged the place had started to morph into something peculiar. The floor warped with a sizzling sound as a large staircase. Abel turned his head up to stare at the now atmosphere of the place which had morphed into an expanse containing red clouds with similar lightning resonating from them.

Above his wavering line of sight, an ancient temple stood with its gates displaying a ominous feeling to those who had the guts to look at. The temple had a octagonal prismatic shape, with each of its vertices possessing a pilar and directly in front of them were bowls of fire, making a circle around the temple.

In front of these bowls of fire were other bowls of fire which aesthetically produced successive circles. At the apex of this strange building was a fiery furnace. It had lost most of its elegance to the fire burning within it and had slowly been crumbling away, leaving behind large spiral flames which went all the way to the red sky. The colours of both of them were similar and made it look as if the sky was swallowing up the latter. By the sides of the staircase were two huge creatures, they had the physique of human beings but their whole bodies were just made up of total darkness with the only visible feature being their pale hollow eyes which stood firmly on there dark face.

Abel stood in awe when he had seen the temple, never in his dreams had he ever seen a place like that. This place was dispersing a sinister energy all over the place. Abel didn't want to be apart of anything but there was currently no way of avoiding this fate.

Swallowing up his cowardice, he had proceeded towards the huge gates by climbing the huge staircase. After some unnoticeable time, he had finally reached the gates. Before his hand could touch the gates, they had opened on their own. Staring far ahead into the darkness inside the room, a silhouette of a man sitting on some kind of throne.

(Please if any error is identified don't hesitate to notify me)