

Welcome to the Great City of Arkain, The last remaining bastion of Humanity.. The Journey of Donovan, A lowborn Inspector from the city as he unfolds the secrets of the city and what lies outside the Great Walls...

Elysin · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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5 Chs

Welcome to Arkain

My name is Sebastian, a 36 year old nobody from the sektor 569 on the eastern side of the civilian zone. I do not have any surname or family name because i am a low born as born on the civilian zone to a lowborn parents as i shall live here and die here. I have been searching for a job for the past 20 years.. but to my luck none yet, i can't join the military unless i bribe nor i can be part of the inspectors because they'll only accept physically fit men to there forces, I do not wish to join the industrial sektor as working there is a death wish for one has to 20 hours everyday to ensure the city keeps on running. Works are scarce here since there is a lot of people....

Sebastian speaking to himself walking, The city has a lot of dreamwalkers the one who has lost all hope on their flimsy petty disgusting life as all they can do is dream as they do not have anyone to talk to. The man reached the station as he now waits for the monorail train, The city has multiple transportation systems though most hasn't got good maintanence but still is stable. But the crime rates on such transportations are higher than usual due to easy pickings and lack of presence from the inspectors. A monorail arrived as Sebastian walked in, it was that crowded but there wasn't any seats. Sebastian just stood near the door as to make it easy to exit.

Sebastian was at the third car of the monorail as he could hear loud noises of laughs and screams from the fourth car, he heard someone talking about what was happening.

" those punks, yah they are looting and r-ping the people in those cars..."

Sebastian would gulp as he realised he chose the wrong train, He slowly walked away from the door as quickly moving towards the second cart, the to move from one car to another takes some time due to the door to connect and open. As he waits he heard the noises getting louder behind him, he ought to twist his neck to get a peek of what was happening behind him and they got through. Realising it was done he just sat down the nearby seat waiting for the door open so he can escape the bloodshed.

" Lookie what we got here.." One of the punks said as Sebastian would get a glimpse of their foreheads which were marked with the symbols of the ancient temples in the city, though the temples remain unused and it's religion mysterious some goons and hooligans decided to make it their home as marking themselves to be part of their faction which is known as the xealots. Sebastian decided to ignore them as the people near the fourth car will get attacked and mugged first so he has some time before he too get attacked. The screams began to diminish as his mind began to wander deep in thoughts... As he dreamt-

The City walls broke... fire everywhere... Blood and corpses as bullets fly everywhere... Bulidings crashing onto children... Things flying into the city from the outside and causing massive explosion... Death and destruction... The sky began to illuminate as the clouds and smoke slowly dissipated...

Sebastian slowly began to laugh like a madman as one of xealots laughed.

". Daydreamer.. let's put him out of his misery guys..".....

Sebastian slowly but slowly opened his eyes as the first thing he see is a head without a body right at his leg as the floor was covered with blood..

" what the..." Sebastian was horrified as he saw some of xealots stomping on the head of an already dead man as he slowly lifted his hand indicating to stop but he hears the sound of egg cracking as the xealot's leg crushed open the head of the man....

There were 16 xealots inside the third car and one of them kicked him down onto the floor as hitting face first he nearly fell unconscious.... " ahhh, whyygg whyyyyyyyyy..." he screamed as he grabbed the beheaded head while standing up and used it to smash the guy's head who kicked him down...

" Welp he died.." Sebastian remarked as he slowly looked at the rest of 15 xealots as they decided to charge together but unfortunately not much space as Sebastian grabbed the handle post at the ceiling and delivered a clear double kick to the ones who ran infront as the kick forced all of them crash onto eachother. He landed on the blood feet first as the blood splattered everywhere. He then grabbed a butcher knife dropped by one of them...

" You guys asked for this..." Sebastian wasn't ready to them go after what they pulled off as he smashed the blade into the head of one of the xealot's as the blade pierced the skull cracking it in the process, a feat which required a lot of strength.. he then pulled the knife out by kicking the guy down then he shook the blade to let the blood and brain matter to drip down quickly as three of them to attack together, Sebastian decided to kick one down while he swinged his blade onto one of their guy's face which connected as it went through the nose getting as he got punched in the gut by one of three who survived. The guy who got kicked also stood up and charged at him, he quickly refocused as he evaded the charge as the guy hit the wall and he ought of parry the another punch of the guy who punched him earlier using the corpse, As he then grabbed the guy's shirt as pulling the guy closer before starting to punch the face relentlessly without giving the xealot any chance to react as he punched and punched until there were no nose left on that ugly face.

" 12 left.." He grabbed a knife and threw it at the guy who charged at the wall as it hit the guy's neck.. " 11 left.." Sebastian grabbed the butcher knife and ran towards the remaining 11 as rather than thrusting the blade he began to slice the skin of his enemies as he pushed through delivering clean cuts on their abdomen while sustaining similar damages though not that worse as he got cut in his hands mostly.. he slowly looked back as they all sustained damage well he decided to rinse and repeat the same move as...

He got closed to the 1st guy as he used the knife to slice his tummy as skin got sliced nicely enough as he pushed his arm inside and pulled out the dude's organs out as he ducked a punch from the 2nd guy and he used the blade and struck the guys groin region as thrusting it into the penis and testis as bifurcating in the process as he pushed the blade up to reach the bladder before pulling it out as he stood and launched the blade onto the 3rd guy who was trying to kick him as the blade bifurcating the feet of the 3rd guy before he used the edge to thrust onto the 3rd guy as cutting the cheeks as the guy fell down due to lack of balance hitting the head hard down in the process. He does stop as he used the knife to slice open the neck of 4th guy which was easy due to fact the guy seemed a newbie shocked by the bloodshed as the 5th guy was a bit experienced so he used a pen knife which he grabbed after Killing the 3rd guy as he pierced the 5th guys bellybutton as the knife successful penetrated it and he pulled it out as the guy will die due to everything leaking out from the belly button. 6th and 7th charged together as they thought they can stop a charging bull by charging back at it as he threw the butcher knife at the head of 7th guy killing him before he grabbed the neck of the 6th guy as he repeatedly stabbed the 6th guy without any remorse as he was blending the inside of the guy by repeatedly stabbing the guy. Then he drops the 6th guy down while staring back at the remaining 5 men who were scared to face but he didn't let them go as he charged at them as stabbed the remaining three to death while stomping the fourth's head open... 11th guy well he got kicked down onto the seat as Sebastian took the butcher knife and then kept on hitting the guy's neck as the blood splattered on he face and windows as he ripped out the head after cutting about 87% of the guy's head and threw it down...

Sebastian entirely covered in blood as certain parts of organs were stuck on his body as he just sits down beside the headless corpse and stared at your eyes...

" Welcome to the Arkain.." Sebastian spoke before the train stopped as they have reached the station, A man walked in as taking out a revolver from inside his coat the man shot directly at Sebastian's head from the side, The bullet hastily flew into Sebastian's head as it ripped the skin, cracked the skull with sheer pressure as gets stuck in Sebastian's brain as the force pushed Sebastian to the opposite side as once inside the bullet blew in split second as Sebastian's entire head got retracted in before everything was thrown everywhere in an explosion leaving only Sebastian's visible open neck as blood was oozing out like a fountain, it seemed the man was waiting for them at this station the train just arrived..

" This is Inspector Stan, I just arrived at the station... Yes, it seems i was late... Too late, this bloody idiot killed everyone... Yah i dealt him, seems like he was part of the bloodsport faction... Killing people for the sake of sport.. anyways I'll be heading out.." the Inspector was reporting it through his phone to his chief....

The Great City has a corrupt government which was controlled by rich autocratic group called the high borns for centuries, this kind of rule for this long can cause people to rebel and many rebellious factions were made, as the original factions fought for reforms but later on it got corrupted by the High borns as everyone is gets greedy. As one of those faction is the Bloodsports, they simply create contests as forcing civilians to participate as it's simply like kill or be killed situation as if you survive you get the price which is death or if your lucky money. The people behind bloodsport faction are high borns as they were able to gather a huge amount of people to be their thugs and they kidnap people and force them to play as rich people watch and bet money on them.

The city is indeed cruel to the weak but Sebastian wished to prevail so he became a nobody, a group of individuals who are trying to kill the factions who are loyal to high borns but unfortunately the high borns trapped the man and got him killed by a law enforcer thus making him a criminal which he wasn't, This won't stop the nobodies as they're weird sayin is that no matter how many of them dies for as long as they can kill one of their enemies then they did good. The city and its cruelty continues...