
Don Vittorio.

- Why are you doing all this? - Ellis asked. - Once you told me that I couldn't buy it ... - Vittorio recalled, holding out his pen to Ellis. - Well, look what I just did: I bought the lady for half a million dollars. --------------- All Ellis Barker was longing for was to pay the last mortgage payment on the house she and her brother, Jason, inherited, and thus close her brother's debts. At least until the young woman arrived at the bank and her destiny crossed paths with Vittorio Amorielle, a mobster who will spare no effort to get what he wants, and from that moment on, that was Ellis. And it was thanks to Jason's debts that Vittorio was able not only to buy Ellis, but to marry her. But will they be able to deal with the consequences of this union?

Pauliny_Nunes · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
70 Chs


The dining room of the Amorielle family's house in Pedesina was elegant and imposing, decorated with antique furniture and crystal chandeliers. Ellis and Vittorio Amorielle entered the room and were surrounded by the six children of Carmela and Matteo Amorielle. While they waited for dinner to be served, Vittorio introduced Ellis to each of them:

"Ellis, let me introduce you to my cousins. This is Alessandro, the oldest and responsible for many of our businesses here in Pedesina. Alessandro, this is my wife, Ellis."

The eldest cousin was a robust man with a stern expression. With his dark and graying hair and piercing eyes, he emanated an aura of authority.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ellis. Welcome to our family," said Alessandro with a penetrating gaze.

"Thank you, Alessandro. I'm happy to meet you," Ellis replied nervously, smiling.

"And this is Carlo, the second eldest cousin and a man of many talents. Carlo, this is my wife, Ellis," Vittorio continued.

Next to Alessandro stood Carlo, the second cousin. Carlo had an elegant stature and gentle features, inheriting the beauty of his mother, Carmela. His dark brown hair and captivating blue eyes gave him an intriguing charm.

"It's a pleasure to have you here with us, Ellis. I hope you feel at home," commented Carlo with a charming smile.

"Thank you, Carlo. I'm excited to learn more about the Amorielle family," Ellis replied, trying to appear confident.

"And here we have Marco," Vittorio said, pointing to the next cousin. "He's the adventurer of the family. This is my Ellis."

Next to Carlo stood Marco, the third son. Marco was taller and athletic, with blond hair and intense green eyes. His confident smile and carefree expression indicated a relaxed and daring personality.

"Delighted to meet you, Ellis. I hope you're prepared for some adventures with us," said Marco with a confident smile.

"The pleasure is mine, Marco. I'm looking forward to seeing what my honeymoon has in store," Ellis said, surprised by Marco's personality.

"This is Sofia, the only daughter of the family. Sofia, this is my wife, Ellis."

Sofia was a captivating young woman with long black hair and delicate brown eyes. Her graceful posture and charming smile hid a surprising determination.

"Welcome, Ellis. It's great to have a new companion among us. Mom and I are outnumbered here," commented Sofia with a graceful smile.

"Thank you, Sofia. I'm honored to be a part of this special family," replied Ellis, impressed by Sofia's beauty.

"And finally, but not least, we have Luca, the youngest of the family. Luca, this is my wife, Ellis," Vittorio said, pointing to the youngest.

Luca, the youngest of the family, had a youthful and charming appearance. With light brown hair and vivid blue eyes, he radiated youthful energy and enthusiasm.

"Lucky me to have you as my new cousin, Ellis! Finally, someone my age and beautiful. I hope we can have a lot of fun together," commented Luca with an excited smile.

"Thank you, Luca. I'm excited to create special memories with all of you," Ellis replied, feeling Luca's contagious energy.

As the curious gazes of Carmela's children lingered on Ellis, she realized the complexity and secrets that surrounded the Amorielle family.

"Shall we sit down?" Carmela asked the family. "The food is almost getting cold."

Everyone sits down and then Vittorio's cousins ​​try again to unravel the Chief of the family's wife.

"So, Ellis, you are the woman who captured Vittorio's heart. Tell us, how did you do it?" asked Alessandro, staring intently at Ellis.

"Exactly. Vittorio said you two met recently but have already decided to get married. Was it love at first sight?" asked Sofia, with a curious look.

"Yes, Sofia, it was unexpected, but what can I say?" replied Ellis with a forced smile. "Love can surprise you, right?"

"Was it in a special place?" asked Giovanni, curious.

"I'm curious to hear this story! Vittorio doesn't usually talk much about his love affairs," commented Luca, excited.

"Uh, do you want to tell...?" Ellis asked, staring at Vittorio.

"No, he doesn't!" Sofia quickly refused.

"No, really, he lies," Carmela chimed in, laughing.

"Go ahead, tell them, Donna," Vittorio requested before savoring his wine.

"Okay. I'm not very good at telling stories," Ellis began. "It was a very... unusual encounter, but special. We bumped into each other in the bank parking lot. I cursed at him, he tried to bribe me... Then he invited me out. On our second date, he proposed, and then I vowed that it would be him and me forever." She turned to her husband, took his hand, and continued, "It's a story that makes me smile every time I remember."

Everyone at the table continued to watch the two as they exchanged glances.

"Kiss," Alessandro said, clearing his throat.

"Excuse me?" Ellis exclaimed, looking at her husband's cousin.

"Kiss each other," Marco coughed.

"It's a lovely story, Ellis. You two truly seem to have found love in each other," Carmela commented with an emotional look.

"I agree with Mama, Ellis. It's wonderful to see you both so happy together," Sofia affirmed, smiling.

"And now that you've shared this romantic story with us, I think it's time for a newlywed kiss, don't you think?" Luca jokingly asked.

"Luca, you never miss a chance to tease," Sofia commented, laughing. "But I think he's right, Ellis. It's a tradition to celebrate the wedding with a passionate kiss."

"I agree with my siblings, Ellis. Show us the love you have for each other," Giovanni said with an affectionate smile.

"Come on, Ellis! Kiss him, show that you like each other!" Luca reinforced, excited.

Ellis was surprised by the family's insistence but tried to disguise it, looking at Vittorio, who remained in his seat.

"Well... I guess a kiss wouldn't hurt, right?" Ellis asked her husband.

"I will only do what you desire, Ellis," Vittorio replied, gently placing his hand on Ellis's face.

Ellis and Vittorio leaned toward each other as the Amorielle family watched with joy and admiration.

Silence filled the dining room as their gazes met, revealing the deep connection that had formed between them. With a mix of emotion and passion, they finally surrendered to their desires, and their lips met in a passionate kiss.

The world around them disappeared for a moment, leaving only the warmth and intensity of the kiss they shared.

However, as their lips moved in perfect harmony, conflicting feelings washed over them. Desire mingled with sadness over the hidden truth and the weight of the circumstances that brought them together.

When the kiss ended, they pulled away, looking at each other with a mix of excitement and uncertainty

. The feeling was mutual, as was the burden of the secret that still hung over them, fueling the conflict of emotions.

Unaware of the truth, the Amorielle family applauded enthusiastically, expressing their happiness at witnessing the couple's display of love.

"Your story is beautiful..." Matteo began, drawing everyone's attention to the table. "But I doubt Vittorio mentioned that his parents' wedding took place on the day he was born."

"That's incredible! How did that happen?" Ellis asked, surprised, looking at Vittorio, who nodded to confirm.

"Oh, Antonietta and Marco's wedding was something extraordinary. They got married right after Antonietta agreed to marry Marco, as long as it was before she gave birth to Vittorio. It wouldn't look good for a young lady to marry while carrying a child out of wedlock," Matteo revealed, looking at his nephew as he told the story with a teasing tone.

"Oh, but the child was Marco's, a mere technicality," Carmela commented, generating slight smiles around the table. "Anyway, Ellis, it was an emotional ceremony."

"Yes," Matteo affirmed seriously. "But we all have to admit it was a decision that surprised everyone. Antonietta was nine months pregnant, but they didn't want to wait any longer because she wanted to get married before having Vittorio. As soon as she said 'yes,' her water broke, and they had to rush her to the hospital. And it was there that Vittorio came into the world."

"What an incredible story! It sounds like something out of a movie," Ellis commented, surprised. "So, their wedding was truly a special and memorable moment."

"It was a unique combination of events, no doubt," Carmela admitted to Vittorio's wife. "But in the end, love and family always prevail. Vittorio was born amidst a marriage full of love and unity."

"Love can surprise, but it can also have hidden motives," Matteo commented with a keen gaze. "You're a smart woman, Ellis. What else do you see in my nephew, aside from his irresistible charm?"

"Vittorio is a man of many qualities," Ellis said, pausing as she carefully chose her words. "He is attentive, protective, and has a unique perspective on life. There are many things I admire about him. I am ready to face whatever lies ahead."

"I hope you're ready to put up with this rowdy and mischievous bunch, Ellis. We Amorielles are not known for being discreet," Marco joked. "We're known for our adventurous spirit."

"And speaking of adventure, Ellis, what do you think of Pedesina so far?" Alessandro asked, raising an eyebrow with curiosity. "It's quite different from New York, isn't it?"

"Yes, Pedesina is very charming. The architecture, the landscapes... everything is incredible. I'm very interested in getting to know more about the city," Ellis replied, trying to remain calm. "I found it to be a magical place for our honeymoon."

"Pedesina is truly a magical place, full of romantic corners," Sofia agreed. "You should visit the Romantic Garden, with its enchanting flowers and fountains. It's a perfect place for a romantic stroll."

"And we mustn't forget Lake Sereno," Giovanni added. "It's a peaceful and serene place, ideal for enjoying moments together. You can have a picnic by the lake and savor the scenery."

"And if you're willing to venture a little further, there's a romantic trail in the surrounding hills. The view from the top is simply breathtaking, especially at sunset," Marco suggested.

"You can't miss the chance to

visit our family winery. Besides enjoying fine wines, the atmosphere is cozy and romantic. You can even take a tour of the vineyards together," Luca suggested.

"Wow, these places sound wonderful! We will definitely explore each one of them during our honeymoon. Thank you for the recommendations," Ellis thanked them.

"Well, it's getting late," Matteo said, getting up from the table. "I bet the lovebirds want to rest."

"Rest is the last thing they'll do," Luca whispered, receiving an elbow from his sister.

"Well, it was a pleasure meeting all of you," Ellis said.

"It was a wonderful dinner, family. Thank you for welcoming us so warmly," Vittorio added with a smile.

"We're the ones who should be thankful. You've brought life into this house," Carmela asserted.

"Sleep well," Luca said to the couple. "Or don't sleep... which might be even better."