
Deja vu

As Garrisson and Derk went up to the stadium, they did not notice the stares that they were getting. All they could hear was the cheers coming from the second years. They knew that they needed to win this battle swiftly in order to help with their year's moral.

In the end, they would have to use their old tricks again. Garrison winked at Derk. Derk smirked as he saw this. Derk had an odd fighting style that is best implemented in non-solo battles.

After Elijah and Maryline also got on the stage, the horn was blown again. Maryline and Elijah both went for Garrsion who towered the 5 foot 11 Elijah by a head and a half.

Garrisson brought out his axe as he spared with Elijah's great flaming dragon. Garrisson would usually be able to gain an advantage as he had a domineering pressure weighing on Elijah, but he had been cruelly double teamed. Maryline was using Valcanica in order to get some good punches on Garrison. Garrison had no choice but to their and shield her with his great shield.

During to this, he was fight Elijah without his shield, and since his actual attacking strength was much lower as compared to his strength, he had not gotten a lot of damage onto the fire siblings. In the end, all he could do was endure the attacks.

The fire siblings were not nice either. Elijah did not waste mana and strengthened his sword by using fire boost. Maryline on the other hand was becoming more agile as she used combust which would cause her to increase her momentum with every swift punch she made.

Although they were not gaining an advantage, they were not allowing Garrison to escape either. Derk who was on the sidelines was waiting for an opportunity to strike. Unlike area attack based Mages, Derk was much weaker. He focused primarily on surprised attacks and null mental attacks. So far all he could do was apply some strength boost for Garrisson.

As the battle went on, Garrisson and Derk began to worry. The siblings left no space for Derk to apply his skills. The problem with these types of spells is that they can be easily avoided if one is prepared for it but, if they are not, it can become the thing that turns a battle around.

Suddenly Derk realized something.

"They figured me out! How?" Soon as he realized that he would not get a surprise attack out of them he decided to force one. As soon as Derk entered the battle, the match reached its peak form.

Slowly the fire siblings were beginning to take a beating. It was not due to lack of skill instead due to lack of mana. Since they were one level lower, they had less mana to use and they had to use a lot to push the defender into a corner in the beginning.

At this point, they were on their last puffs of power. Elijah and Maryline knew they would have to do something in order to win. Suddenly, they both stopped their actions. Derk smiled slyly as he took this as a chance to use his favorite technique. Brain scramble.

Just as he was about to hit Maryline, She burst into flames and like a ball of fire, rolled towards Derk. This stopped him midway into his incantation and left him defenseless. Garrisson who was at the other side was unable to catch up to Maryline and stop her from knocking Derk down with her momentum.

With Derk on the ground, and Garrsion losing his boosts, the match seemed to have been decided. Suddenly, Maryline who was prepared to use her last remaining energy in order to fight to the end stopped.

Her face contorted in pain as she felt her body becoming hotter and hotter. Soon she could not endure and screamed to the heavens. Her body bursted into uncontrollable flames as she destroyed the entire stadium.

Garrison quickly rushed out of the stage in fear.

"What the hell is wrong with that girl?" Garrison said with a wheeze as he caught his breath.

"Maryline!" Elijah screamed as he tried but failed to get close to her.

Don and other quickly ran closer to the stadium but they were all pushed back by her roaring flames.

"What is going on?" Drew asked with concern.

"I don't know. She just suddenly went on the ground and started screaming!" Elijah said hysterically. He had only seen his sister look like this once before but it was this bad. At that time she had collapsed but came back ok after a little while.

"When she awakened she also blew up like a flaming hoard but she was gone after. This...this is just crazy! "Don said worriedly. He tried to get close to the fire but felt like it was like a force field. Suddenly he turned to Mark.

"Mark! Can't you use your royal flame. Isn't it supposed to be able to suppress all other flames" Don asked quickly. Mark turned to him and nodded.

" Ok I'll try my best." Suddenly his eyes glowed blue as he spread his aura towards Maryline. The fire slowly subsided only to grow even more violently and give Mark a grave blow.

Mark flew backwards as he spat blood from the impact. Drew and Adem were able to catch him before he fell but he was still a little injured.

"H-How?" said the bewildered Mark as he turned towards the fiery mass.

At this point all the teachers had already come to calm the situation. Some of them evacuated the students while the others tried to stop the fire.

As everything was still in chaos suddenly, a tall astute women walked through the crowd. As soon as she showed up, Principle Cruise's headache subsided.

"Rukvile will you be able to-" Rukville stopped the Principle before he finished.

She stepped on the stadium and observed as Maryline's hair became as flames. Elijah and Don both stared worriedly as they saw this. Suddenly Elijah could not help but speak up.

"Why aren't you helping her. Why are you just standing here!! Help my sister! Please!" Rukville Cooley turned to Elijah as she heard this. She then put her pointing figure on her lips.

"Shh." Elijah looked at the lady oddly. He could not understand what she was trying to do. He could only clutched his hand and hope that they were trying their best. He could only clutch his hand in anger at the fact that he was not strong enough to help her himself. He was weak. He needed help. He always needs someone else to help him.

Don was also feeling this way. He was not able to get close enough to Maryline the fire was to powerful. If he could just break through this barrier he would be able to save her. Don face grew dark and wet as he saw his sister.

"If I just steal a bit of their power..." Before Don finished this thought he quickly snapped put of it.

"What was I just thinking?" He knew the effects of doing that to animals. If he did that to humans.... Before he let his thoughts go to a dark place, he noticed that the tall lady was walking closer to the fire.

"Be car-" Before Don could finished his sentence he saw that the lady was completely unaffected by the flames.

I tried using the timer thing this week...I guess I should just stick with doing this manually.


Coolspacesquidcreators' thoughts
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