
Sorry... I Only Want To Love You Like I Should Have Before


"Did you really mean those things?" Yang Chang asked. " I will tell you if we're alone." With this statement, Le Quing was pretty much asking if Miss Ma could leave the room.

" Miss, could you leave for a while? Go for a walk or something."

Miss Ma was used to having a woman hanging off of him. They were only for his sexual needs. After he was done with them, they were outcasts to him. He acted as if they were piles of dirt. The only thing about this woman was that Yang Chang actually acted like he cared. Miss Ma left slightly heart broken. She always thought that she would be the Young Miss of the Yang's. Well, she might as well go for his biological brother. Then at least she could have some way of getting rich.

" Sure thing, Boss!!" She answered with a happy expression with a joyous face. Although, deep down inside, her heart squeezed. She really liked Yang Chang. With such handsome features, any woman would want him in there bed's. Although, luckily for him, he wasn't well known. His face was never really shown to the public, so no one knew what he looked like. Only certain people new.

Miss Ma was his secretary, to which she calmed down his anger. She always thought that he liked her because she could easily calm the man.

What she didn't know was that Yang Chang's grandfather told him to be nice to her. After all, he was friends with her grandfather. He didn't want to get on his grandpa's bad side, so he decided to be nice to her. If he didn't promise his grandfather about this matter, he could care less. After all, she was just a pile of trash being treated way to nicely.

Yang Chang was known to be ruthless and didn't care for anything. He new that she was trying to be his wife, but Yang Chang would never let that happen. He loved Le Quing way too much, after all.

"I love you, Le Quing." These words came from Yang Chang's mouth. There was no doubt. Miss Ma was stunned. She stayed frozen to the spot outside the hospital door for what seemed like forever, but it was only 5 minutes in reality.

"I wish you would get this stupid assumption out of your mind!! I don't love you now. I said we could be friends and maybe get married, but that will be determined once I can trust you again." Le Quing's voice was confident. She was so sincere, Yang Chang was sure that she hated him deep down.

He wasn't wrong. Le Quing just couldn't bring herself to trust this man. After all he did before, there was just no way.

"Well then, when will I be able to walk?"

This question took Le Quing be surprise.

"If you don't move, then you will be ready to walk next week." Le Quing answered.

'Yes, then I will start courting you!! I can't wait to be with you again. This time I am going to do this right. You will be mine and mine for ever. I won't stop until you surrender.'

This is what Yang Chang wanted to say with all his heart. He would never let her go again. She was his now. Although, she new that she couldn't say this to her directly or she might get scared. So, with this, Yang Chang started to plan how she would fall for him. Once she fell, it would be over for her.

"Ok, you will be assigned to care for me untill you get better." was all Yang Chang could muster out. When he said this, it was much colder than he expected because of how hard he was trying to hide his emotions from Le Quing.

'I will never stop loving you and trying to steel your heart, my love.' Yang Chang thought.

Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I have been so busy lately. I will try to post more often.

AnimalLovercreators' thoughts
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