
chapter 305-- unreasonable

Tang Ningshan leans against the door with her arms crossing, and then she raises her eyebrows and asks "Hey, have you used to go shopping with women and buy clothes for them? After you bought those clothes, and you also helped those women hang them into the wardrobe, didn't you? Looks like you are very skilled about doing such a series of things..."

Shao Ruihan listens to this and his movements obviously pauses. He is like those women? Those? Even if I used to do these things for the woman before, it should also be one; why you are saying those women? I only have one ex-girlfriend, and the most important thing is that I didn't do that. After that, he continues to hang clothes. He says faintly "No!" His voice is a bit cold so that Tang Ningshan feels very uncomfortable. She goes straight to Shao Ruihan's side and says, "You can leave here, I'll do these things myself. Remember to close the door when you go out, I have to change clothes." Tang Ningshan now keeps thinking about the scene that Shao Ruihan buys clothes and hangs clothes for other women. At the time, did he also have the same expression, the same look? This kind of thinking makes Tang Ningshan simply unable to suppress the jealous feeling that constantly rushes out from her heart. The only way she can do now is to let Shao Ruihan go out and let herself ignore Shao Ruihan so that she can slowly calm her emotions.

The most terrible thing is that Shao Ruihan does not even realize that Tang Ningshan is angry at all, so his mood is still very good. When Shao Ruihan hears Tang Ningshan said that she is going to change her clothes, he leaves without hesitation. In fact, this is the first time that Shao Ruihan is so obedient, but his rare obedience this time will soon bring him into trouble. In fact, the most important reason for him to leave is that he is worried that Tang Ningshan will kick him again. After all, it was really painful just now. He even has decided that he must make a rule with Tang Ningshan. That is, no matter what the situation is, Tang Ningshan should not make such an action against him. This kind of action will not only damage the dignity of the male but also really make him feel very painful. He still doesn't understand now who taught Tang Ningshan such a method? He must also admit that such a method is quite useful, as long as her movements are fast enough, no matter who wants to approach her, she can get rid of the other person very quickly, and will not hurt herself, but he never wants himself to be treated this way.

"Okay, I am going downstairs to make breakfast for you." Shao Ruihan says as he walks outside. Then, Tang Ningshan is like… what? Don't you want to say something to cheer me up? Damn! Don't you notice that I am angry? Tang Ningshan really feels speechless about Shao Ruihan; she can only say "No, I am in a hurry. After I change my clothes, I will go straight to the company. You just ask Li to wait for me downstairs." After that, Tang Ningshan directly pushes Shao Ruihan out of the cloakroom. The moment when the door is closed, the door makes a loud noise.

After Shao Ruihan hears the sound of Tang Ningshan slamming the door, he is also very confused. He is like what happened to you? Are you angry because I kissed you just now? But if this is the case, your reflex arc is way too long; why do you only make reaction now? However, Shao Ruihan just complains in his heart. After that, he still goes downstairs obediently and asks Li to wait for her downstairs. After all, today he still has a lot of things to do and can't send her to work. However, he can go to the company to pick her up in the evening. As soon as he thinks of this, Shao Ruihan's mood becomes even much better.

Tang Ningshan picks the clothes for a long time in the cloakroom and suddenly finds that Shao Ruihan's appreciation ability is really good. She likes every piece of clothing he bought, and even wants to wear every piece of them, but she cannot do that. She can only choose a fairly formal dress, which is a white suit coat with a black shirt. She also chooses black suit pants and a pair of white high heels. Tang Ningshan looks at herself before the mirror for a long time and nods with satisfaction. After she combs her hair, she takes a white bag and goes downstairs.

When Tang Ningshan appears in the living room, she lets Shao Ruihan's eyes light up, and even Shao Ruihan's eyes are full of appreciation. He suddenly discovers that no matter what clothes Tang Ningshan wears, she is particularly beautiful. He feels that she is always attracting himself. However, Shao Ruihan finds that Tang Ningshan's eyes have never ever fallen on him since she came down. Her eyes look straight ahead and she walks step by step toward the outside. When she passes by him, she does not seem to see him, which makes Shao Ruihan somewhat frustrated. He doesn't know if he angered her again.

In fact, when Tang Ningshan passes by Shao Ruihan, she secretly takes a look at Shao Ruihan. When she sees the appreciation in his eyes, her heartbeat accelerates instantly. Her mood is much better now than it was just now. However, she has something important to do now; moreover, even if her mood is getting better, she still does not want to talk to Shao Ruihan, so she chooses to ignore him.

Tang Ningshan does not know that such an attitude of her would always make Shao Ruihan panic. Every time when Tang Ningshan ignores him, he will involuntarily want to cheer her up. Therefore, after every dispute in the future, Shao Ruihan is always the one who takes the initiative to apologize, whether he is right or not.

After Tang Ningshan goes out and gets in the car, Li hurries out of the house. Seeing that Tang Ningshan is already sitting in the driver's seat, Li could only obediently hand the key to her. After getting in the car, Li grabs the armrests at the door tightly with his hands. After all, he worries that 'The Fast and the furious' will be staged again.

Tang Ningshan steps on the accelerator hard and the car flies out in an instant. It can be said that she is a road killer. However, her driving skill is quite good; Li also knows that under normal circumstances, there will be no accidents. However, after the car starts, Li still whispers to alert her "Mrs. Shao, we will approach the city center soon, I think it is best to lower the speed..."

When Li finishes speaking, he hears the engine of the car making a loud noise again. Li can only choose to shut up. He grabs the armrest on the door more tightly. After all, he is worried that if Tang Ningshan suddenly steps on the brake, he might fly directly out the window. He knows that such a thing could never happen, but Li still feels very nervous.

Tang Ningshan does not know what Li is thinking. In fact, she just wanted to tease Li. After that, Tang Ningshan obviously lowers the speed. Although she is in a hurry, she still thinks that she should not drive at such a fast speed in the urban area. After all, there are too many people in the urban area. Although she is confident in her driving skills, she feels that she should be responsible for the lives of others. She can't threaten the lives of others because of her emotions.

After Li feels that Tang Ningshan has reduced the speed of the car, he is relieved. He whispers "Mrs. Shao, you are in a bad mood?"

In fact, Li is already very sure that Tang Ningshan is in a bad mood. After all, every time Tang Ningshan is in a bad mood, she will vent her emotions by driving fast. The most important thing is that Tang Ningshan never hides her emotions at all. When she is in a bad mood, she is very indifferent to everyone.

Tang Ningshan does not answer him, just shakes her head. She also knows that she is very unreasonable now, but she is unable to restrain herself. As long as she imagines the picture that Shao Ruihan gets along with other women, she feels very uncomfortable in her heart. She even wants to beat people up, especially Shao Ruihan. However, reality obviously does not allow her to do this, and she also does not allow herself to do this. Every time she wants to divert her own attention from Shao Ruihan, she will only find herself immersing deeper and deeper in this love. She even doubts that if one day they are separated, will she directly kidnap Shao Ruihan to ask him not to leave her? Or, will she directly kill him?

Li doesn't know what Tang Ningshan is thinking. He could only continue to ask carefully "Mrs. Shao, are you in a bad mood because of overload working pressure? If there is anything I can do for you, just feel free to tell me. I can run errands for you." Li interrupts Tang Ningshan's imagination. When she stops thinking about these things, her mood is naturally better than she has just been.

Therefore, Tang Ningshan squints and says "In this case, when you go back, buy me some chocolate. My chocolate has been eaten up. Also, buy some quilts, sheets, quilt covers, pillows and other things like that. Also, the bowls, plates, knives, and forks in the house are not enough. You will buy all these things when you go back." After Tang Ningshan's words are finished, she sees that the expression of Li is changing little by little. In the end, he becomes very helpless, as if he is regretted about what he has just said. His expression looks very funny so that Tang Ningshan laughs aloud directly, and the last bit of depression in her heart also disappears.

For the first time, Tang Ningshan feels that it is such a funny thing to tease others. It is such a happy thing to build your own happiness above the suffering of others.

After arriving at the company, Tang Ningshan gets out of the car and says to Li "I will call you before I leave work. If you can get these things back before I get off work, then I will let Shao Ruihan give you a holiday for two days. What do you think?"

However, Li does not seem to be too happy with the reward given by Tang Ningshan. This makes Tang Ningshan feel a bit strange. However, now she has no time to ask. After that, she goes straight into the company.

After entering the company, Tang Ningshan feels a malicious look. Tang Ningshan looks around, and finally finds the owner of this line of sight, which is Cao Fang. Suddenly, there is an idea appears in Tang Ningshan's mind.

Tang Ningshan's eyes light up immediately and then she goes to Cao Fang. She stands next to her and asks, "Miss Cao, did Shao Hong come today?"

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Tang Ningshan, Cao Fang's expression changes immediately. There is more and more hostility in her eyes. However, her reaction seems to confirm Tang Ningshan's speculation. Tang Ningshan stands in the same place, waiting for her answer.

Cao Fang says with a quite bad tone "You already know that the general manager will not come, don't you? You know clearly that you have grabbed his position. What do you mean by asking this question now?"

Tang Ningshan now finds that most of Shao's company's employees are actually Shao Hong's supporters and followers. After Cao Fang's words are finished, many people around turn their eyes to her, and these eyes are all malicious, which makes her feel helpless and at the same time feels that it might be a good thing. After all, through the expression of these people, she can know that these people are definitely Shao Hong's followers, which saves her time to investigate these people. It seems that there is no need for her to investigate these people one by one at all because the results are already obvious.

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