
chapter 277-- quite pleasant

At the moment when Tang Ningshan closes the door, Tang Ningshan hears Shao Hong say to the secretaries "Oh, you all know what you should do, right? If anyone thinks that the workload is not heavy, I will definitely allocate more work to you. Of course. There is no bonus for the extra work. Also, as for the thing today, I hope it to stop here. If I hear anyone discussing it privately, then I will directly fire you, understand?" Shao Hong's voice is low, with a trace of domineering, this is the first time Tang Ningshan sees such Shao Hong. However, even when he says this, his face still has a very soft smile, which makes Tang Ningshan think that Shao Hong is really not a good person. Otherwise, why would he show different characteristics before different people?

After Shao Hong finishes this sentence, he takes Shang Xiaxia to enter his office. Tang Ningshan turns on the computer immediately, putting on the headphones, and observes them directly through the glass wall. She always feels that watching through the glass wall is more intuitive than monitoring on the computer. Now, she can even hear the voice, Tang Ningshan feels quite good.

Tang Ningshan sees Shao Hong closing the office door. Shang Xiaxia directly throws away Shao Hong's hand and says, "What do you mean? Shao Hong! Why did you ask me to apologize to her? Who is she? Why? Anyway, I will never apologize. If you want to apologize, you go to find her, I won't go. Don't forget, that cooperation is gotten for you by me. You even promised her to let me apologize to her? Shao Hong, What does this mean in the end?" Shang Xiaxia's voice is sent out from her throat. The hideous expression makes Shang Xiaxia look a bit like a ghost. Tang Ningshan can even fantasize a picture that Shang Xiaxia wears a red dress with a hideous expression. This makes her feel that Shang Xiaxia should go to be the heroine of horror films.

Shao Hong does not care about the angry Shang Xiaxia, walking directly to the chair to sit down, and he says "Tang Ningshan showed me her business plan today, which is quite detailed. If she uses this plan today, we will definitely achieve our purpose and will definitely be closer to the control of Shao's company. Also, is there anything wrong for me to ask you to apologize to her? This is what you did wrong; you are causing trouble for me. Do you know what kind of position I am now in Shao's company? All the important decisions need to be taken by the chairman in person, after the signature, it will only take effect. What did you just say outside? Do you think only when you get me in trouble, will you be happy? Hum? Look at what you are like now, Shang Xiaxia, if there is such a situation next time, I really can't leave you around me!" When talking with Shang Xiaxia, Shao Hong's smile on his face immediately disappears. His expression can even be called cold. After that, he also stares at Shang Xiaxia with anger, which makes Shang Xiaxia who was originally angry like a tyrannosaurus immediately become a docile kitten.

Shang Xiaxia sees Shao Hong getting angry, and her face immediately shows a sense of panic. She says pitifully "I... I am doing this because of you. In the beginning, you were very good to her. No matter what she said, you would think she is right. She also grabbed the position of me, I should be the special assistant. I think you have been attracted by her. Are you falling in love with her because of her beautiful appearance? Otherwise, why are you losing your temper in front of me? Shao Hong, you have to know, I am the person who loves you most in the world. I have always been regarding her as an enemy because I think she is stealing everything from me."

After listening to this, Shao Hong just snorts and looks out the window and does not speak.

Shang Xiaxia immediately goes to the side of Shao Hong and sits on Shao Hong's leg. Shao Hong pushes her but fails to push her away, so she could only let her sit on his lap. Shang Xiaxia's face shows a hint of joy immediately and continues "Hong, you have to understand, I really care about you. Now think about it carefully, Tang Ningshan has no other advantages except for being beautiful. Why am I jealous? This time, I was way too impulsive; you forgive me, okay..." Tang Ningshan clearly hears in the earphones that Shang Xiaxia says this in a tone of coquetry, which lets her feel that she has goosebumps all of her body. She immediately trembles. She pulls the sleeves to the elbows and obviously sees that the hair on her hand is erected.

However, Shao Hong may like this tone. After Shang Xiaxia says this, Shao Hong's expression is much better. He gently says to Shang Xiaxia, "You have to know, it's not I don't allow you to fight against her, but it is not the time now. The chairman controls the company, for the time being, we need to endure everything. Now what we can do is to make every step of us successful. I think you are clearer than me, isn't it?" Tang Ningshan feels that Shao Hong has a good means to appease the woman's emotions because after the words of Shao Hong, Shang Xiaxia's face immediately shows an obedient expression, which makes Tang Ningshan be unable to accept.

"When you go to the venue, you remember to bring all the things that I gave you, just in case. As for the apology letter, that whether you need to write this apology letter depends on the result of today's bidding. You should know it." After Shao Hong finishes, he also raises his eyebrows.

Shang Xiaxia obediently leans on Shao Hong's body and gently nods her head.

"Also, after going out, you remember to apologize to Tang Ningshan. The most important thing is to suppress this matter today and prevent it from being spread. I believe that you will handle it very well, isn't it?" Shao Hong's series of tricks make Tang Ningshan feel that Shang Xiaxia should have been confused by him.

Shang Xiaxia prints a kiss on the neck of Shao Hong and says, "Well, then I will go now. After that, let's go to the venue together, okay?"

Shao Hong immediately shows a very satisfied look, patting Shang Xiaxia's shoulder gently.

After that, Tang Ningshan takes the earphones off and begins to think how to let Shang Xiaxia replace the business plan she has in her hand with the one she has changed.

After thinking for a long time, she suddenly thinks of that Shang Xiaxia said that she would go to the venue with her. This may be the only chance for her to destroy the business plan in Shang Xiaxia's hand. Tang Ningshan is now working hard to think about how to destroy that hard copy.

While thinking, Tang Ningshan keeps looking around. She looks at her desk and then looks at the secretary's desk out, she hopes to find a resource that can be used. A long time later, Tang Ningshan suddenly thinks of a quite good way, but this method is relatively troublesome. If she can't promptly elute her suspects after this method is implemented, then he and Shao Hong will immediately become hostile. However, even if there is a hostile relationship, it's not a big deal. Anyway, no matter what she does, after the end of today's bid, she will definitely lose the trust of Shao Hong. After all, if Shao Hong is counting on her business plan instead of their own, they will know that she has replaced the plan she showed him with a new one in the process after the bidding.

After making a decision, Tang Ningshan sits comfortably in the chair and waits for Shang Xiaxia to come out from the office of Shao Hong and knock on her door.

After a few minutes, Shang Xiaxia comes out from Shao Hong's office. Tang Ningshan raises her eyebrows and smiles. After that, she takes back her smile. In any case, she is planning to embarrass Shang Xiaxia. After all, she really doesn't like this woman.

After waiting for a long time, Tang Ningshan sees that Shang Xiaxia has been wondering in front of her door, but she just does not knock at the door. This makes Tang Ningshan suddenly feel a little funny. She finds that Shang Xiaxia is also a double-dealer. She said something that Shao Hong wants to hear in front of him and promised Shao Hong that she would immediately apologize, but now she is very resistant to doing so.

However, it seems that Shang Xiaxia does not hesitate for a long time. After Tang Ningshan sees a sinister smile on Shang Xiaxia's face, Shang Xiaxia begins to knock on her door. Tang Ningshan does not intend to let the Shang Xiaxia come in. After all, she can't let Shang Xiaxia know the secret that she can see Shao Hong's office through the wall of her office.

Tang Ningshan opens the door and goes out directly, holding the bag in her hand. When she looks at Shang Xiaxia, there is no expression on her face. She raises her eyebrows and says, "What's up? Assistant Shang, want to scold me again?"

These words of Tang Ningshan make Shang Xiaxia suddenly speechless. Originally, she was ready to apologize, and now she does not know how to say it. Tang Ningshan looks at the awkward expression of Shang Xiaxia. At this moment, she feels quite pleasant.

Shang Xiaxia can only smile with embarrassment and says "Oh... how come? I am here to apologize to you..." After that, Shang Xiaxia directly takes the arm of Tang Ningshan as if they are close friends. Her face also shows a very kind smile. Then, she directly takes Tang Ningshan to her office desk. While walking, she says "Ningshan, I just hope that you don't mind. You know, you are much more beautiful than me, and you are even a special assistant of the general manager. I think you should also hear about the relationship between Shao Hong and me. It is not easy for me to reach where I am now. I don't want to lose him at all. And when you appear in front of him, it will make me feel a sense of crisis, especially he is being so gentle to you, I am afraid that he will be taken away by you."

Tang Ningshan did not expect that Shang Xiaxia will use such an excuse. A woman who loves a man deeply does not want her man to be taken away. After listening to such words, Tang Ningshan could not help but frown. It turns out that Shang Xiaxia is not as stupid as she thought; Shang Xiaxia just fails to put the wisdom to the right place.

When the two of them walk to the side of Shang Xiaxia's office desk, Tang Ningshan sees the business plan that Shao Hong gave her. Her eyes light up and she feels that this is a godsend. Tang Ningshan immediately shows a bright smile on her face and says, "If you say this early, I would't care so much. You have to know that I am already a married woman, and I have been married for several months. Shao Hong knows this thing. In fact, there is a reason for Shao Hong to treat me so nicely. He is my husband's cousin. I thought that Shao Hong has told you about it, I did not expect you to have such a misunderstanding toward me."

After Shang Xiaxia listens to Tang Ningshan's words, her smile stiffens instantly and her expression becomes unnatural, it is like she has heard something incredible.

This makes Tang Ningshan somewhat surprised. She always thought that Shao Hong would tell Shang Xiaxia about it. After all, this is not a secret. It's easy for her to know the relationship between her and Shao Ruihan, especially that there was such a party in Shao's house that day. Why would Shang Xiaxia show such an expression?

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