
Dominate the Cobalt Flame

Auteur: azumifl3r
Actuel · 1.7K Affichage
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What is Dominate the Cobalt Flame

Lisez le roman Dominate the Cobalt Flame écrit par l'auteur azumifl3r publié sur WebNovel. Immersing yourself in a parallel world, becoming the consummate hero and conquering the demon king are all elements no longer thrilling. However, imagine how exciting it would be to experience a world...


Immersing yourself in a parallel world, becoming the consummate hero and conquering the demon king are all elements no longer thrilling. However, imagine how exciting it would be to experience a world shrouded in fire, hear the screams of people running and become a villain yourself. Such a life is far more exciting. A dark blue flame lurks in our hero's ruby-coloured eyes, embodying his defiance and personality — a far more exciting sight than the cheers of the crowd. But what is the story that laid the foundation for his personality today?

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