
Doki Doki Literature Club: Breaking the System!

I don't own DDLC, besides the OCs and newly plots, All characters and inspiration are credited to Dan Salvato and his game Sasaki Maki, a weeb who loves playing visual novels, eagerly downloaded the new DDLC update called 'DDLC+,' which had been released globally. As he pressed play, he unexpectedly fell asleep at his computer, only to awaken inside the game itself with the power of system commands. 'Welcome to the Literature Club~'" Cover Book: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/18647785943399157/

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Sudden Visitors (1)

It was a quiet Saturday, and I found myself grappling with an unexpected surge of boredom. It was my own doing, after all. I had introduced this 'free time' feature to let my brain rest, but now I was left to wrestle with a restless mind.

Staring at the ceiling, I let out a sigh. "Why did I add this feature again?" I mused aloud to the empty room. A chuckle escaped my lips as I remembered, "Oh yeah, to let my brain take a break."

While the idea was sound, the execution seemed to have led to its own unique form of restlessness.

I supposed it was only natural. After all, a mind like mine wasn't accustomed to slowing down. But even so, this break was necessary, and I knew it deep down.

With a shrug, I decided to indulge in some leisure reading, hoping that a good book might distract me from my own musings.

A few hours drifted by as I engrossed myself in reading, but eventually, even the most captivating stories couldn't hold my attention. With a sigh, I closed the book and set it aside, feeling the restlessness start to creep in again.

Pushing myself off the bed, I decided it was time for a change of scenery. As I walked down the hallway and descended the stairs, I couldn't help but wonder what I should do next.

The quiet of the house seemed to amplify the ticking of the clock, and I found myself standing in the kitchen, pondering my options.

I swung open the refrigerator door and peered inside, scanning the shelves for inspiration. The contents seemed almost mundane, but I knew that within them lay the potential for a satisfying meal.

My eyes settled on a carton of eggs, and I considered making a simple omelette. With a deft hand, I retrieved the eggs and a few other ingredients from the fridge.

As I cracked the eggs into a bowl and whisked them together, the rhythmic motion of my hands became almost meditative.

Cooking had a way of grounding me. Amidst the sizzle of the frying pan and the aroma that began to fill the kitchen, I found solace in the simple act of creating something tangible.

The aroma of the freshly cooked omelette hung in the air as I dished it onto a plate and set it on the table. With a quiet affirmation of gratitude, I prepared to dig in, ready to savor the simple pleasure of a home-cooked meal.

But just as I was about to take the first bite, the doorbell rang, startling me out of my moment of culinary anticipation.

I sighed, setting the utensils down and wondering who could be interrupting my peaceful dinner.

As I reached the door and opened it, I was met with the familiar face of Sayori.

She greeted me cheerfully, her presence immediately lighting up the atmosphere.

I leaned against the doorframe, regarding her with curiosity.

"Sayori? What's up?" "Hiya Maki!" she exclaimed, her usual energy palpable. "I was wondering if you're free right now?"

My lips curled into a faint smile. "Yeah, I'm pretty much free all the time."

Her bright eyes lit up even more at my response. "Awesome! Can you help me brainstorm something?"

I raised an eyebrow, genuinely intrigued. "Brainstorm? Sure, come on in."

Sayori stepped into the house, her gaze drifting towards the source of the enticing aroma. "Oh, that smells great!"

I followed her in, closing the door behind us. "I was just about to have an omelette. You hungry?"

A delighted grin spread across her face. "Omelette sounds perfect!"

"Guess I'll have to cook for you too, huh?" I said with a chuckle, making my way to the kitchen to get started on another omelette.

As I heated up the pan and cracked the eggs into a bowl, the doorbell chimed again, breaking the peaceful atmosphere once more. I glanced at Sayori, who seemed just as curious as I was about who could be at the door.

"The door," I said, nodding towards it.

"Ah! Right." She quickly got up from her chair and walked to the door, swinging it open. Her surprised expression made me turn my attention to the doorway.

"Eh?! Monika?"

"Sayori, it's fancy meeting you here!" Monika's cheerful voice carried into the room as she greeted Sayori with a warm smile.

Sayori appeared slightly flustered, her eyebrows raised in astonishment. "E-Eh? How did you know where Maki's house is?"