

The next morning the house was in a state of frenetic chaos as everyone was told to dress nicely as they had a very important meeting to get to. Neither of the kids could extract the nature of the meeting from the adults.

The meeting was in Central London so they caught a taxi instead of driving the Granger's car and trying to park. When Xander asked about the congestion charge, the Granger's looked at him weirdly, so he muttered an excuse about future not yet come to pass and promised to tell them later.

Two hours later and they were standing in front of the Inner London Crown Court.

"Am I in trouble?" Harry asked worriedly.

Xander knelt down in front of Harry. "No. Dan, Emma and I have brought you so that we can bring the Dursley's to justice. We've been telling you all this time that what they did to you was wrong… criminal. Now it is time for them to receive punishment for that crime."

"Can't we just never see them again?" He asked hopefully.

"No Harry. It is our responsibility to make sure that they are dealt with. If we don't, then they will just do the same things to others, or other people will think they can get away with it." Xander said firmly.

Emma joined Xander in front of Harry. "The only thing you will need to do, is answer the questions the judge asks you. You can't get in trouble for that."

Not wanting to prolong the waiting and Harry's suffering, Xander put an arm around his shoulder and shepherded him inside the tall building.

Once they had passed through the metal detectors and signed in, they were shown to a waiting room filled with various other people who were there for their own cases where Emma explained that normally this process would take the better part of a year, but that they had called in some favours with friends.

They were soon shown into the courtroom which wasn't as imposing as some of the courts in the movies Xander had bought for Harry. Emma had explained there was no jury for this hearing, just a judge but that the Dursley's would be there, minus Dudley.

And there they were. They turned to see who had walked in the door behind them and on seeing the freak they scowled and snarled like angry animals.

They cowered though when Xander snarled back. Xander had long been an Alpha, the only problem was that he had always accepted Buffy and Giles as his pack leaders. Once he headed out on his own to Africa, he found himself falling more into the role of a leader.

The eye-patch didn't hurt either.

Dan and Emma ushered the three magicals to a seat in the front row. The Dursleys were with their barrister at the one of the tables. The representative for Harry's case was at the other.

A few minutes later and the doors at the back opened again and three familiar faces walked in. Minerva and Kingsley looked out of place in non-magical clothing… Tonks looked out of place looking so neat and professional.

"Wotcher Harry!" Tonks greeted happily. "Wouldn't miss this for the world."

Minerva and Kingsley gave Harry a warm smile before they took seats behind them.

They had barely sat down when the doors opened again and a middle-aged man with graying hair marched in with a younger man. The younger man took a seat in front of his little typewriter, and the man sat down behind the desk on a raised platform where a nameplate declared him to be Judge Matthew Finch.

"Good morning all. I am Judge Finch. This is a custody hearing for one Harry James Potter. Is the young man in question here?" He asked kindly.

After a nudge from Xander and Hermione, Harry stood up.

"Here sir." He said quietly.

"Ah… excellent. Now then, this is going to rather informal. Just to make sure that everyone has your best interests at heart. If necessary we will hand certain proceedings along to criminal courts, but you won't need to worry about that." Xander was pleased with the way the judge handled Harry. He obviously knew his way around children.

"Now then. Mr. Rothsby, would you care to proceed?" He asked the man representing Harry.

"Of course your Honour.

"As per the evidence presented, I submit that the Dursleys are guilty of child abuse and criminal negligence. They have subjected Harry to ten years of hell trapped in a cupboard under the stairs. They never buy him clothes and don't feed him properly.

"He is currently staying with Alexander Harris and attends a private boarding school in Scotland."

"And you want sole custody granted to Mr. Harris?" The judge enquired.

"Yes sir. Mr. Harris is the owner of the school and is also the Head of Security. It was he who brought this case to the attention of the courts with Dr. and Dr. Granger."

"He is unmarried?" Judge Finch asked.

"Yes your Honour."

"Hmm, Mr. Charles, do you have an initial response?"

The representative for the Dursleys stood. "My clients maintain that they have provided everything that Mr. Potter has ever needed. They do not believe that Mr. Potter would be cared for properly by Mr. Harris."

The Dursley's didn't look like they really believed that, and neither did the judge.

"Do they deny the allegations of child abuse?" Judge Finch asked.

"Vehemently sir."

"And the physical evidence?"

"When a child is disobedient, one sends it to the corner for punishment. My clients merely had a door to their corner." Mr. Charles answered smoothly.

"A door with several locks and a deadbolt on the outside." Mr. Rothsby snorted.

He was ignored easily by Mr. Charles, but the Dursley's were going red with rage.

"Mr. Charles, even if we were to accept that rather far fetched tale, how do you explain his bedroom door with not even a handle on the inside but more locks on the outside than I have in my whole house?" Judge Finch asked.

"Mr. Potter is unfortunately a rather disobedient and unruly child. Although the measures may seem drastic and even inhumane, they are in fact for everyone's safety."

"And so I assume you have police reports or eyewitness accounts and testimony to back up those claims?"

There was a very subtle change in Mr. Charles' expression, but everyone caught it.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley claim they have managed to negate the need for reports via judicious repudiation and recompense." Mr. Charles said quietly.

There was a stunned silence.

Eventually Mr. Rothsby cleared his throat and began slowly. "I've run that phrase through my mind several times, and like Mr. Charles, I am an Oxford graduate… but that still translates to 'we bribed and threatened people'."

Mr. Charles remained impassive, desperately trying not to let his emotions and thoughts slip through.

"Yes, well… I'm an Eton man myself, and I can assure you that I am, as such, well versed in the ways of deciphering that type of snake oil sales pitch. And you are absolutely right Mr. Rothsby." Judge Finch said with a scowl as the Dursley's turned white. "It doesn't matter how you dress it up, you have just stated that the Dursley's have committed criminal acts to cover up alleged criminal acts."

"My clients deny that Your Honour." Mr. Charles said stiffly. "I have a character witness who would like to speak on their behalf."

Finch sighed. "Very well, have them take the stand."

"He does not appear to have arrived." Charles said beginning sweat just a little.

Meanwhile Harry and his group were trying to figure out who was insane and twisted enough to speak on behalf of the Dursley's.

"You have a character witness, who can't even turn up on time? This doesn't exactly speak well of the character of the character witness!" Finch was beginning to think this whole fiasco was all a joke. As far as he was concerned, once Harry told him he wanted to go Mr. Harris, that was it, the case would then be turned over to the Crown Prosecution Service.

"He assured me he would be here on time and that it was imperative for Mr. Potter's own safety that he-" Charles was interrupted as the doors at the back banged open and a tall wizened figure in an immaculate suit strode in. Albus Dumbledore had arrived.

"Oh god. It's a member of the Amateur Dramatics Club." Xander groaned quietly.

Unfortunately everyone heard him and the court stenographer snorted a laugh.

"I'm so sorry sir!" He said, appalled at his behaviour. It was his first week running solo.

"Don't worry Daniel. It will be years before you develop enough control to sit through something like that and not react." Finch said kindly. "I agree completely with Mr. Harris' sentiments." He said addressing the elderly man who had just entered. "I assume this is the so called character witness?"

"Yes your Honour. Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of the private school Mr. Potter attends." Charles stated wearily, this case was an unmitigated disaster.

Finch meanwhile was frowning in concern. He kept looking between the various people in the room, picking up on various things. He shook himself. "Mr. Charles, what were you saying before Mr. Dumbledore barged in?"

If Albus was offended by the accusations, he didn't show it. He maintained an aura of serenity.

"Erm… oh yes, Professor Dumbledore has assured me that it is in the interests of Mr. Potter's safety that he stay with the Dursleys."

Judge Matthew Finch nearly lost his rag at the implications of that statement. Mr. Rothsby had the look of someone watching a train wreck, you don't want to watch but you can't turn away.

Finch visibly calmed himself. "Albus Dumbledore, take the stand." He snapped.

Calmly the white bearded wizard took his seat at a small table between Mr. Rothsby's table and the Dursleys. He was sworn in and awaited his instructions from the judge.

"Carry on Mr. Charles." Finch said tersely.

"Thank you Your Honour." Mr. Charles turned to Dumbledore practically pleading with his eyes for the man to behave. "Professor Dumbledore, you are here primarily as a character witness for the Dursley family, could you tell us why you believe them to be suitable guardians for Mr. Potter?"

"Of course." Albus back genially. "I have known the Dursleys for more than ten years. I was the one who dropped young Harry off at their home after his parents died. They provide the necessary environment for Harry to survive. They already have their own son who is Harry's age and is a well adjusted young man."

It wasn't exactly a puff promotional piece you would find in the local paper that extolled the virtues of a young family adopting a starving orphan from a third world country, but it was to the point.

"You have mentioned that Harry's safety is reliant on with remaining with the Dursleys, could you elaborate?"

"I am afraid I cannot go into too much detail, but there are elements out there who wish young Harry great harm."

And that was a statement that did nothing but raise more questions. But Albus Dumbledore was used to people simply accepting his word. And Mr. Charles knew better than to ask a question he didn't know the answer to.

Mr. Charles sighed. "That is all I have for now."

"Good choice." Xander muttered, and Daniel heroically managed to stifle his grin.

"Mr. Harris, please try to refrain from making my court scribe laugh." Finch ordered with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

"Sorry Your Honour."

"Mr. Rothsby, you have questions?" Finch asked.

"Thank you your Honour." He said trying not to chuckle.

"Now, Mr. Dumbledore-"

"Professor Dumbledore." Albus corrected with a grandfatherly smile.

"Oh? You have some proof of ID?" Rothsby asked politely.

Albus looked like he was about to cheerfully produce some identification when he realized that he didn't have any that wasn't magical.

"Passport? Birth certificate? Utility bill? I dread to ask but… driver's license?" Finch asked worriedly. He would hate to see this elderly man behind the wheel of a car.

When none of the listed items were produced, Finch made his decision. "I suppose we can allow him the use of the honorific, we will just have to remember he is not an actual professor." Finch said patronisingly.

"Of course Your Honour." Rothsby said desperately trying not to smile.

Xander and the adults were trying desperately not break down in hysterical laughter whilst Harry and Hermione were a little lost. Mr. Charles and the Dursleys were looking more and more like they had lost and that their best hope was to flee the country and hope the bobbies didn't catch 'em.

"Professor Dumbledore, perhaps you could inform us which agency and which council you contacted and used to arrange the adoption of Harry Potter?"

"Oh, there was no agency, I merely had him picked up from the remains of his destroyed home and delivered to where I was waiting outside number 4 privet drive." Albus said as though it were perfectly normal.

"You didn't even contact the local council?" Finch asked incredulously.

"Local council of what?"

"The local governing council of wherever Mr. Potter lived!" Finch said, desperately trying not to lose his rag.

"Oh no. They were not equipped to handle this case." Albus said firmly.

"What about the police?" Finch asked, practically begging for this man to not be admitting to kidnapping.

"What about them?"

"Did. You. Call. Them!"

"Absolutely not! His parents were of the police and they couldn't protect him." There was a growl from behind Rothsby. Several growls in fact as the adults did not appreciate the aspersions he was laying on Harry's parents.

Finch and Charles were at a loss.

Rothsby wasn't quite sure how he was winning, but he was. He had no idea how to proceed though. "Your Honour… I-"

"No Mr. Rothsby, I believe we have heard enough from this… witness. You may step down Mr. Dumbledore."

Albus looked like he was about to correct the judge on the use of an improper title, but he saw the look the man was giving him and thought better of it.

"Your Honour, before he steps down, there is a one piece of evidence that Mr. Rothsby should ask about." Xander said politely as Albus stood. "The Last Will and Testament of James and Lily Potter… Harry's parents."

Judge Finch could see that Mr. Harris wanted this evidence confronted for Harry's sake. It had been included in the case documents, so he knew it named several people who were tasked with his well-being.

"Yes, Mr. Dumbledore, I have in the case file the Last Will and Testament of James and Lily Potter. They list several people including a godfather as people who Harry should be left with and clear instructions that Lilly Potter's sister, Petunia Dursley, was to have no part in his upbringing. Care to explain why he was not?"

"They seemed unsuitable for Harry's needs." Albus stated simply.

"And you decided to go against their express wishes that Harry not be left with Lily Potter's sister?"

"As I said, they were not suitable."

"And you have no reason to give beyond your own opinion?" Finch asked, he couldn't believe the arrogance of the man.

"I do, I just do not feel it is wise to share them at this time." Albus said carefully.

Finch sighed and Rothsby sat down, he wasn't sure quite how he managed to win this case, but he was fairly certain it wasn't him who deserved the credit.

Albus was dismissed, though he would be investigating the Headmaster later. "There are only two people I wish to hear from before I make my decision. Mr. Harris, could you take the stand please?" Judge Finch requested.

Xander was sworn in and sat waiting patiently.

"For starters, you have ID?" Finch asked warily.

Xander managed to produce a drivers license, birth certificate and passport. "I have also managed to get a hold of Harry's papers if you wish."

"That would be wonderful, it would help with keeping the file accurate… sort of." He added under his breath as he tried not to glare at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore meanwhile looked like he had clearly won the case for the Dursleys. The Dursleys were wondering if their wills were up to date.

"Mr. Harris, could you please tell me how you intend to support Mr. Potter?"

"As was stated earlier, I work at Harry's school. However I am also independently wealthy and would rather not answer questions about the school as it is very private. I would also like to keep it from other parties for Harry's safety." Xander requested as he gave a telling glance to the Dursleys.

"Quite alright." Finch said making a note. "Do you have experience with children? Other than the day to day interactions of your job?"

"I spent a few years looking after young girls as a kind of mentor and instructor. It was part of a special school my friends set up. I was often used as the counsellor. Oh, and my friends were all female in case you were worried." He grinned.

Finch chuckled. "You poor hen-pecked soul." He remarked. "One last question from myself: Do you intend to live at the school with Harry during the holidays?"

"No, I have been looking into properties near the Grangers. Harry and their daughter are school friends and the Grangers have agreed to help keep an eye on Harry and myself."

"Excellent!" Finch declared happily. "You may step down, Mr. Harris.

"Now, I must ask all but the two legal representatives, my court scribe and Mr. Potter to leave." Finch said sternly. "I assure you, nothing untoward is going on, I merely wish to talk with Harry without undue influence placed on him. Perhaps the Dursleys and Mr. Dumbledore would use the other door as I would prefer to keep both parties separate."

That and he didn't trust Mr. Harris to not kill the old man on principle.

Albus and the Dursley's clearly didn't like that idea, but Xander and the rest were quite impressed. After a few pats on Harry's back they filed out.

Soon it was just the five of them. "Could you two gentlemen pass two chairs over, please?" He requested as he stepped around his desk and motioned Harry forward.

Harry was sworn in after the Judge made sure Harry understood what was meant.

"Now, Harry. I only have one question for you. Would you like to stay with Mr. Harris?" He asked simply.

"Yes!" Harry said excitedly.

Finch just chuckled along with the others. "A more honest response you'll be hard pressed to find.

"Very well, there will need to be a probationary period, but Mr. Harris has good people recommending him, and your opinion is the most important. I am afraid I have no choice but to hand the Dursley's on for prosecution. You will need to attend as a witness, but we can arrange it during the school year so you have a legitimate excuse to not have to stick around for the whole ordeal.

"I can, however, guarantee that you will never be legally forced to live with the Dursleys again.

"Now, you head back to your seat. Rothsby, could you return the chairs whilst Charles calls in the others."

A few minutes later and everyone was seated.

"Quite frankly, today's hearing was appalling. I have heard many tales of abuse of a child, and this was one of the worst due to the length and breadth of the conspiracy surrounding and causing Mr. Potter's torment. I am ruling that Harry James Potter is to be held in the custody of Alexander Harris. Mr. Rothsby will explain the nuts and bolts of this, but as I explained to Harry, he can never be legally forced to return to the Dursleys.

"This hearing is closed."

As the Dursleys filed out quickly with their solicitor and Albus, Finch signalled quietly that he wanted the rest to stay. He quietly dismissed his scribe and Xander told Mr. Rothsby he would call later.

As the scribe closed the door, Judge Finch sighed.

"I assume the private school is Hogwarts?" He said tiredly.

Everyone but Xander seemed shocked at that question. How did the muggle know about Hogwarts?

"Justin's dad?" Xander asked.

"Yes, how's he doing?"

"Ok, made plenty of friends, still has a bit of a stick up his butt at times." Xander commented earning a scowl from Minerva and a snicker from the others, including Judge Finch.

"Sounds about right. It's one of the reasons I didn't want to send him to Eton, he has older brothers you see.

"Now, I know that as part of the muggle world I can't legally affect the magical, but I must seriously recommend and beg that this… man be removed as head of the school. I am sure the Grangers would agree with me regarding this."

"He is currently on a years probation. If he screws up I'll be kicking him out so fast his beard'll be left behind." Xander said seriously. "Professor McGonagall will assume the head of the school if that happens."

Finch sighed. "I suppose that will have to do for now. At least I know you have the children's best interests at heart.

"Harry, you made a good choice today. Take it from someone with years of experience in these situations. But I will warn you, things might get a little rough. You are about to become a teenager, that means hormones are going to be affecting your mood and how you think. Mr. Harris should already be aware on some level of what to expect considering he went through it himself and dealt with teenaged girls, but, try and be self aware." He said kindly.

"I will sir." Harry said surely.

It was a supremely joyful gathering that stepped out of the court building. Dan and Emma insisted that everyone come back to their place to celebrate. They agreed as long as they left the work to the magical folks.

"I suppose we could side-along apparate everyone." Tonks mused as they discussed getting back to the Grangers.

"What's that when it's at home?" Xander asked.

"The process of near-instantaneous travel between two points." Minerva quoted.

"Wait… we can teleport?" Xander asked causing Tonks and Harry to snicker and Hermione to huff in outrage.

"Cool! Give me a second to figure this out." Xander said holding up his hand as he thought through all the ways he'd seen people teleport, everything from Star Trek to Willow banishing Glory to Anya as a demon.

"Xander the correct way to-"

"Now, now Hermione, let me figure it out myself." Xander admonished absently.

The group stood there for about fifteen seconds as they watched Xander in amusement or disgust in Hermione's case. Hermione was shocked when Xander simply vanished from the spot.

"He did it! I can't believe he did it!" Hermione said in awe.

"I still don't get why you never believe him?" Harry asked a little sad at that his friend always doubted Xander.

"Because it's not in the books!" She exclaimed in frustration. "All the books say you can't fly without broomsticks, but Xander can."

"So can you, Hermione." Minerva pointed out.

"Wait – what… fly without a broomstick?" Kingsley stuttered.

"I'll explain later Shack." Tonks muttered quietly.

"Yes, but that's my point!" Hermione said. "He breaks all the known rules."

"Why don't you write your own book?" Harry asked.

"That's an excellent idea, Harry!" Minerva beamed. "Xander does seem to be debunking all known theories of magic, someone needs to document it for the future, you could make a project of it and we will have it count towards your education."

When Hermione still looked dubious, Dan reminded her of Christopher Columbus and Charles Darwin. Both of who proved previously published books to be false… and Darwin actually tried to debunk himself.

"I hate to break up this highly educational debate, but do you think Xander is – never mind." Kingsley said as the aforementioned person arrived.

"That was BRILLIANT!" Xander shouted excitedly. "It was good to see home again… only there is no Sunnydale here, just a whole lot of desert."

"Home… you went to the States?" Tonks asked in horror.

"Yeah, the beach is still there though. Harry definitely needs a tan." Xander said pinching Harry's cheek with a grin.

"But… you… not possible… how!" It was actually Kingsley and not Hermione that was having trouble accepting Xander's tale.

"I believe what young Kingsley is trying to say is that it is not generally possible for wizards to travel that far without a portkey." Minerva said as she eyed the sputtering Auror glibly.

"Like that ever stops Xander." Hermione grinned cheekily.

"You know it!" Xander said shooting her a thumbs-up. "Joyce wants us to have the celebration at the school so she and Hagrid can join in."

"I suppose we could take the knight bus." Kingsley muttered as he re-composed himself.

"Or we could just let Xander take us." Hermione said perkily.

"You're really taking this whole 'Xander is right and books are wrong' thing literally, aren't you?" Tonks grinned.

"Why not, if Xander is right then I will be able to visit anywhere in the world! The Pyramids, the Great Wall of China, the Hoover Damn, the Grand Canyon." She listed.

"Exactly! Wait, books are wrong and what?" He asked with a hint of worry.

"I'll explain later." Minerva told him.

"Erm… ok." Xander shrugged with a raised eyebrow. "But, I don't think I am the person to transport all of us. I think Harry will have to manage that."

"He's too young." Kingsley said automatically. "And he's not licensed."

"Why would he need a license?" Xander asked.

"In case of spli- in case he leaves part of himself behind, or lands where he shouldn't." Tonks explained.

"Why would he leave part of himself behind?"

"Perhaps Xander should accompany me for a side-along apparition, then he can bring me back and we can see if Xander is actually apparating." Minerva suggested.

"Why wouldn't he be apparating?" Kingsley asked.

"Because he's Xander!" Hermione and Harry chorused.

"Can you manage Harry as well?" Xander asked.

"It shouldn't be a problem. We won't be going far. Just a few meters." Minerva assured him.

Harry and Xander each took one of Minerva's arms and vanished with a loud pop only to reappear a few meters away.

"Oh god that sucked!" Xander groaned. "Literally."

"Is it always like that?" Harry asked as he gasped for breath.

"You do tend to get used to it." Minerva assured them.

"No wonder you were worried about losing bits… I thought my foot was about to get pulled off for a second." Xander moaned.

"Are you sure yours won't be any worse?" Harry asked worriedly.

"I felt nothing." Xander said firmly. "Now you two, grab on."

Very warily, Harry grasped Xander's arm and the three of them vanished.

Two minutes later and the Grangers, Tonks and Kingsley were still waiting.

"Should we place bets on where they have gone?" Dan asked with a grin.

"Could you show us what apparition feels like?" Hermione asked.

"Better let Kingsley do it. I'm pants at side-along." Tonks chuckled.

"Unlike Minerva, I'll do one at a time. I prefer to save my strength for emergencies."

A few minutes later after Dan and Hermione had thrown up, the three wayward travellers returned.

"I could push it and take all of us, but as you can see, Harry has the power to spare and could probably move the whole damn building! He did levitate the entire school population after all." Xander said as they walked towards the others.

"It's about time!" Tonks said with a scowl.

"I assume Harry has learnt how to apparate on his own?" Kingsley asked.

"How do you figure?" Tonks asked.

"They weren't holding each other." Hermione answered and Kingsley gave her an approving smile. She didn't have just the smarts, but also the observational skills to back them up.

"Yeah, Harry brought us back. Unlike me, he doesn't need contact." Xander explained.

"So Harry is going to take us all to Hogwarts?" Kingsley asked sceptically.

Xander just grinned. "Show the man Harry."

The next thing the group knew they were standing in the great hall of Hogwarts.

"SURPRISE!" Rang out several voices.

Hagrid and Joyce were surrounded by several suits of armour and behind them were the remaining students and teachers who had stayed behind for the holidays. It was the first lot that had called out.

"Great Merlin! How did they manage to apparate into the castle?" Professor Flitwick gasped.

Kingsley swallowed tightly. "Trust me Professor, that was not apparition!"

Hermione was desperately trying to quench her objections that what they had done was impossible. She was proof of that. She decided instead to quiz Xander later about how he did it and then begin the book as Professor McGonagall recommended.

Hagrid meanwhile had hugged the stuffing out of Harry and had passed him over to Joyce who was repeating the process.

Harry was then passed back and forth between the Weasley twins… several times. He was eventually rescued by a tall man with red hair in a pony tail and a single earring.

Harry had no idea who the man was, but he was hugging him tightly and crying softly.

"Merlin, Harry. I searched everywhere for you." The man said.

"Harry, this is Bill Weasley." Joyce said softly so as to reassure Harry.

Bill snorted a wet laugh. "I'm sorry Harry, I was so happy to see you I forgot to introduce my self." He said as he released Harry. "I'm Bill, Tonks and Professor McGonagall said they mentioned me."

Harry nodded. "They said you used to look after me and were searching for me since… that night."

"Aye. The Goblins knew, but couldn't tell me outright as it's against the goblin code. But I hoped to work my way up till I could find out more." Bill said ruefully as he wiped his face to clear the tears.

"I had him transferred back to London. Figure I might as well throw my weight around." Xander said as he plucked at imaginary braces and puffed up his chest.

The rest of the evening was spent with a mixture of joy and outrage. The outrage was a result of many of the things that Harry had suffered at the hands of the Dursleys being mentioned. The professors and students were horrified whilst Hagrid and Bill had to be physically restrained at points. The twins however had a very sinister look in their eyes. The whole Weasley family knew how important finding Harry was to Bill. The twins would see to it that the Dursleys would pay.

Dan and Emma were treated to the sight of their daughter performing all sorts of magic. Including an impromptu flight. The professors were eager to talk to the parents of the brightest witch in the school to see if she was always that way.

Most of the evening was focused around all the fun things that Xander and Harry should do as a family, like going to the zoo. Watching a Quidditch match. Dan and Emma liked to tease them about all the things they would miss out on, like nappy changing, climbing into daddy's bed after a nightmare and other things that had Harry blushing like a tomato.

It was nearly eleven o'clock when Xander decided to put a halt on the evening as Harry was looking a bit tired and he was the ride home. But Joyce insisted they leave in the morning so Dan and Emma were introduced to the ever-expanding home of Xander, Harry and Hermione.

The next day, after a very long breakfast, which was more about chatting than eating, the five headed back to the Granger's home. Dan and Xander had arranged for a viewing of the local properties in the area for when the summer holidays came. Harry had very little imagination when it came to choosing a place to live, as he had no experience of family. But as Hermione dragged him excitedly around three different houses, the adults… and Xander… kept a close eye on Harry to see what his emotions and expressions revealed.

That night after the kids had been sent to bed, the adults… and Xander, sat down and discussed what they all saw.

"I didn't see any reaction to the inside of the houses except that he enjoyed Hermione's excitement." Emma said.

"Yes, I can see that I am going to have to have a talk with him when he gets older." Dan mused with an evil smirk.

"No you will not!" Emma said firmly. "I will speak to Hermione, if we believe Harry needs to be spoken with, we will discuss amongst ourselves the best way to do so. The last thing Harry needs is the image of an angry father barrelling down on him."

"I would only be teasing him!" Dan moaned with a pout.

"Yeah, but would Harry realize that, and more to the point, would it scare him off completely and break your little girls heart in the process?" Xander explained.

"Damn it! There goes all the fun out of teasing what may be her only decent boyfriend."

"We will not be speaking of this outside the three of us until they come to realize it for themselves." Emma stated sternly. "They need to live their own lives."

"I have plenty of experience with love-lorn girls, so if Harry appears to be overly dense, I'll let you know so you can discuss it with Hermione. At the moment, Harry wouldn't know love if it snogged his face off." Xander scowled.