


Here, the story will be about one village boy who born in a middle-class family. His name was Raghu. Actually, this story is based on Raghu's life that how he came outside from his ordinary thinking and broken his own limit to fulfil his desire. The main center of attraction of this story is Raghu's mentality which totally changed by facing myriad troubles in his own life. I will describe also some ways ahead that Raghu followed and then controlled in his life portions like financially, spiritually, physically and emotionally.


Raghu was born in the 1997 year with a healthy body. He was only one of the son of his parents. Raghu's family was living in a village for a long time. All family members had limited thinking for Raghu's future like ordinary people that "work for others". Raghu started his schooling after 5 years as par criteria of Indian education law. At schooling time Raghu did not seem prowess in his education but as an average student he passed all standards up to 12 at village school. He made many friends during schooling to succor him for support in any area of his life but all village mentality was not modern in particular living lifestyle. For example, if someone came from the city to village for spending a vacation, people of that village always knitting and Raghu was also part of them. Raghu did not want to go away from that think-tank. Such like his thoughts were shaped by local people and friend's perspectives. In contrast, the outside world was totally different. People were not much supportive, fear to share things with others in connection with a narrow mindset so this all afflicted awfully on Raghu's personality and having this Raghu got huge trouble in his later life.

After finishing 12 standards Raghu started his college at hustle and bustle city. College was prestigious so all students were coming from high-class families. By the way, Raghu did not want to study there owing to an average student but his uncle and aunty were excited about Raghu's college education and they put all education expenditure on their shoulder because they were living in the U.S.A., were wanted to make Raghu's life better. Raghu was a simple guy with ordinary mindset, had not any sense of how to live life. City lifestyle and mentality of people were so different for Raghu. Consequently, Raghu became incompetent to fulfil the city's requirements and started realizing ignored by many people of that city, especially at college. Raghu was conscious of language but did not know how to use perfectly to impress someone. Still, he used to speak the village language but how long. Within a short period, Raghu felt in love with a beautiful girl of that college, she was the center of attraction of all boys. Boys wanted to avail her in their individual life. Apart from all also Raghu too. At that time Raghu was not capable to propose her because of their limitation of living class. But, on one special day, he proposed and got rejection. That thrilled Raghu's standard of life in college and this way the myriad trouble began in his life. After that day, at college student commenced laughing on him and tried showing "the value of village boy" that small village's guys do not have the power to acquire their desire. Raghu did not have an idea of what was happening with him.

Then, one honest guy took the hand of this depressed and low self-esteem boy Raghu in his own hand. Raghu and that good guy met at the garden. When Raghu set a side corner of the garden, the guy who was appeared as a messenger of God came and ask Raghu why are you looking so depressed? Without taking extra time for thinking, Raghu told the whole story. Actually, that guy was a physiologist and after listening, he analyzed and proffer good suggestion to Raghu that you should work on your self-development. He told, "If you will not a plea to take action against your negative thoughts now, your life will continuously swamp inside gutter of your own mindset". Hey, brother Raghu, do not cry, just follow my instructions, I will help you to change your life. And this was a turning point of Raghu's life. As par guideline of that man, Raghu started work on his mentality development by reading different books, he started physical exercises which help him to gain confidence and by doing this all things Raghu found out that "speed reading" is the well-known method that can aid me to absorb all important information briskly. Thus, Raghu changed his all old habits and started a walk along with the world again with a new perspective and personalities. He passed his college exam with flying color grads. The happiness comes in his life return, after getting the good result she came back, he started welcoming by all college groups. He won the race of emotional thoughts, he is still working hard for his future to bring changes in the world.

The epitome of this story is that "never discriminate people with their class, but help them to grow together".

BY- s@hil patel