
Chapter 86

In the early morning, the fog had not yet lifted. Mu Hanxia, wearing a mask and clad in sportswear, stepped outside her building. The sky was touched with a gentle golden light, yet the ground below remained dim.

Years of running had turned into a habit, her strides were even and powerful. She ran out of the residential area, past the high-rise buildings near Guomao, and along the not-so-large square at a steady pace. Her mood was at its most serene and pleasant of the day.

Just then, she saw a man slowly appear on the opposite side of the road.

He was dressed in dark grey sportswear and black running shoes, which were clearly brand new. He didn't wear a mask and ran at a leisurely pace. As his face gradually emerged from the mist, their eyes met, and his gaze was as tranquil as ever.

Mu Hanxia ran past him.

"Morning," he said.

Mu Hanxia replied, "Morning."

The two passed by each other.