
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

Asmohawk · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

The Boss knows

Stepping into the crypt Draven noticed the stench of death greatly intensifying. It was so bad for the first time Draven cursed his heightened senses. Looking over to James he could tell that his father wasn't doing any better. "Are you able to locate him through the shadows?" James asked. Draven fell into his shadow and saw the interior of the Crypt there were a few traps that he triggered by sticking his hand through the shadow and activating them. He saw a large metal door that was sealed shut and no light escaped inside so Draven could not see beyond the door. "I triggered all the traps I could find but be careful the shadow doesn't cover the entirety of the crypt so I could have missed some," Draven stated. "To his location, there is a metal door that I can't see beyond, he is likely behind it." 

James nodded they stayed within the limit of the shadows as they walked as that path guaranteed safety. Draven was able to lead the two of them on a direct path to the door without running into any of the dead ends. The crypt was set up as a small maze with limited lights and a few dead ends with traps that would cause them to fall into a pit or be shot by poisoned needles. Once they reached the door made of solid metal Draven was unsure of what to do it was massive. James could have stood on Dravens shoulder and still not reached the top. "We are here to trade open your door," Draven called out. 

Hmm, intruders? no no no you said trade. Yes, I remember you wish to see the cost of knowledge come through the door and find out. No need to be shy come through the door." The voice beckoned. 

Draven touched the door and it was solid. "I can't go through the door you need to open it. Draven said. He was sure he could eventually break it down but he didn't want to collapse the crypt who knows what was in that room?

"Ahh yes, you can't not phase such as I. So sad so weak. Bound by the laws of the living. You chosen are puppets who think themselves free. But I am caged and free to do as I please within my prison. But I will trade oh how I would like to trade. Come trade with me."

Suddenly a hand came through the door and snatched Draven and pulled him through. "Draven!" James yelled running to the door and slammed against it with balled fists causing the underground to shake. "Fuck! Not again. I'm not losing you again kiddo," he said as he began to breathe fire against the door causing it to glow as it heated up. Draven landed on the stone floor on the other side of the door. In front of him was a floating Skeleton with a wooden staff in one hand and multiple books hovering in front of him as he started reading in a language Draven had never heard before. It had a crown made of finger bones above it's skull and a black tattered robe covered its body.

"Rahsha Rak'ta Volgen Ni'chak," The skeleton chanted. Ghostly chains materialized and wrapped around Draven's body. Draven quickly scanned the creature.


Level 25 Elite

Health: 20000, < ∞ >

Mana: 45000

"Fuck it's a Lich!" Draven desperately tried to free himself from the chains but due to their ghostly nature, they were unbreakable. No matter how much strength he exerted they didn't budge a bit. He desperately started to scan the room everyone who is into fantasy knows what the weakness of a Lich is and that is its phylactery. If he could figure out what it was and destroy it, the Lich would die as well. Draven was in a laboratory countless limbs were hanging from hooks. A large chemistry station was set up on the center table. in the corner of the room was a workbench with many tools that were stained with dried blood. On the other side of the room was a medium-sized cage with a large medieval iron lock.

Typically a phylactery was depicted as being a crystal or a personal object that held sentimental value to the Lich. The Lich's soul resided in that object making it unconcerned for its physical body as it would either regenerate or it would inhabit a new body. Remembering everything he knew about a Lich a light bulb went off in his head. Draven now understood his predicament The Lich wanted his body.

"Yes, you have discovered my plan. So smart so very smart. But this is a trade of your choosing. The cost of knowledge is time when you are undead you will have endless time and can gain endless knowledge. I will Trade that gift for your vessel. A fine vessel indeed. A puppet without strings free of my prison. A chosen unrestrained. Yes, a fine trade indeed."

"It can read my mind!" Draven was freaking out It wasn't a far stretch to think that was possible. It was speaking to them in their minds but it never answered to their thoughts before making Draven believe it only worked one way. Draven dumped 100 stat points into Spirit to prevent attacks on his mind hoping that telepathy counted. 

"Hmm, how strange. Your mind is blocked what magic is this? So interesting. Too bad you are my vessel. Dissecting you would have been so much fun. So much to learn. So many secrets to discover." It said as it made rattling sounds with its teeth while taking a closer look at Draven.

Magic circles started to form under Draven's feet. He was hoping to find its phylactery before he made his move but he was running out of time. "Fuck it ill look for it after I destroy its body. Draven sunk into his shadow freeing himself from the chains. He then appeared behind the lich and stabbed towards the base of its nape to remove the skull from its body. A blue shield made of light appeared behind its back and pulsated with enough power to launch Draven to the ground. 

"You ruined my Ritual!" It shrieked. "So very rude. Rude indeed. No matter, I can heal a broken vessel. And break it I shall" Hundreds of Ice spikes formed in front of the lich they then sped toward Draven. They were unable to penetrate his scales as they shattered upon contact but each spike was like being bludgeoned by a hammer. Draven was being pummeled into the ground.

James was still on the other side of the door and continued his Flamethrower assault on the door slowly the metal started to melt and a hole formed in the center. Smiling he jumped through and saw Draven on the ground as Ice shards were being launched at him with so much force the ground began to break under his body. Flames surrounded James once more as his eyes turned red. Without a word, he spread his wings and launched himself into the air like a bullet racing towards the lich. He then closed his wings and spun in the air landing a devastating kick against the shield of the lich. This caused a shockwave to reverberate through the underground laboratory. James wasn't done as he used the shield to jump into the air and gained momentum with a front flip he performed a heel slam against the shield causing cracks that splintered throughout the shield. 

Another pulse radiated from the shield as the invisible force knocked James flying back crashing into the wall. Draven forced himself to stand up The lich was distracted so he fell back into the shadow where latched himself onto the lich's shadow and attempted to drain its stats. 

"Foolish chosen you cannot drain the life force of a Lich this body holds no life to drain." An invisible force grabbed ahold of Draven and forced him out of the Lich's shadow. Without hesitation Draven launched towards the lich again and activated a rune on his right leg he jumped into the air and kicked as hard as he could towards its skull activating his lighting legs. Sparks of electricity brightened the room as the shield shattered and Draven continued his kick landing on his intended target. The lich was slammed into the ground. It collided with great force rolling and sliding before coming to a stop after crashing against the wall. James smiled as it landed nearby and he continued the assault with fiery fists he pummeled the skeleton over and over again. Ice spikes formed behind James about to launch into his back but Draven formed a platform of earth behind James that tanked the attack for him. 

Draven then formed earth spikes underneath the lich that pierced through its body holding it in place. He then shackled its hands with earth while James continued his onslaught. The skeleton started to break and crack. The lich unable to move casted spell after spell ranging from a deadly mist to ice bricks that tried to crush its assailant but Draven countered each spell with one of his own. The mist was blown away with wind while the ice was instantly melted with a fireball. James ended it as he breathed fire point-blank burning the skeleton to ash. 

James was panting as he sat down to catch his breath. He had been nonstop breathing fire before launching straight into the battle and after that pummel marathon he was a bit winded. Draven however, didn't waste a second and began running around the room looking for anything out of the ordinary. 

"My body is broken but I live on. My time is endless yours is short. how long can you keep your flesh moving I wonder. I have no such constraints an undead knows no sleep, it cannot grow weary. Rest while you can for I can march into battle until the end of time and even beyond." 

"don't listen to it. it will take time until he can reform his body we need to find its phylactery it will only die after we destroy it." Draven quickly explained. "What the hell is a phylactery? I've never heard of that word until you just said it." James yelled out in confusion. "It can be anything but it holds its soul. It will probably be some kind of trinket something that it has sentimental value for when it was still a human. It can also be a crystal just look for anything you wouldn't expect a psychotic undead wizard to have lying around." James got up and helped to search. Draven scanned everything he came across with his mystic eye hoping that the system would tell him that the object was a phylactery. After ten minutes they still hadn't found it. What if it wasn't even in this room? Draven didn't know if there was a limit to how far apart the lich could be from its phylactery. if there wasn't a limit then it could be anywhere or sunk in the ocean who knows?

No, it had to be here it said it was a prisoner which means it can't escape. Maybe it was somewhere within the crypt in the paths where they had come from? That was also unlikely Draven was able to see a lot when he entered the shadow he would have noticed a secret room or hiding spot. His mind was racing trying to figure this out but he couldn't find it. 

"Your time has run out. You should have fled. It is pointless to continue your search you will never find what you seek. Oh how greedy the chosen are. Is my Orb so precious to you or do you truly seek knowledge? No matter greed is greed regardless. Time to trade."

A whirlwind of dust began to form in the middle of the room and within seconds the skeleton had reformed. It was at full health and mana again. Both of their full-scale armor skills had dispersed and were now on cooldown they would have to be more careful this time around. Draven and James both launched at it at full strength. Draven activated the runes on his arms and legs as he kicked and punched against the shield trying to break it again. James was doing the same but with nowhere near the same amount of force. His mana was running low and he couldn't envelop himself with flames anymore. The shield pulsated knocking them both back crashing into the walls and knocking over the tables in the process. this hurt a lot more without his entire body being covered in scales. Both Draven and James groaned as they struggled to get back up. There was a small crack in the shield it should break again if they attack like that once more. But before they could get to their feet. More ice spikes formed and without warning came flying through the air knowing how hard they hit Draven sunk into his shadow but his dad wasn't so lucky. He raised his arms to guard against the spikes but after the third shard his guard was broken and he was knocked to the ground as the shards rained down on him. Draven quickly formed an earth shield to protect his dad but he had already been hit by several spikes. Fortunately, none pierced his body as his dad turned his body to the side which was mostly covered in scales. 

James did not come out unscathed his ribs were cracked and his left shoulder was dislocated. James was not a doctor and had no clue how to set his arm back into its socket. He tried grabbing his arm and thrusting it up but that did more harm than good. Draven shadow stepped to the ceiling and jumped out to land on top of the Lich and refilled the runes in both arms and legs before hitting it with everything he had. He needed to break its shield. The crack grew larger but before he could finish a full combo another pulse threw him off causing him to fly back toward the ceiling. He allowed himself to fall into the shadow again instead of crashing into the stone tiles. This time he launched from underneath the Lich flying with the same momentum he punched upwards while activating another rune in his right arm and finally broke the shield. The lich was prepared for this and sprayed deadly mist the second the shield broke covering Draven in it. He quickly used wind magic to blow it away. In those few seconds, he felt like his life was being sucked out of him. As if he was going to turn into dust. Draven felt weaker like pieces of him were missing. As soon as the mist dispersed those pieces came back and he felt whole again. 

The lich used those seconds to form a larger spell underneath Draven. As the ghostly chains wrapped around his body again. Before he could sink back into his shadow he was encased in an ice block separating his body from his shadow. He was frozen and couldn't move while the chains kept him tightly in place. He tried to summon fire magic to melt the ice but he was unable to cast any spells. "I have read of creatures who can merge with the shadows and learned that they are harmless if they cannot touch the shadow." The Lich stated. Stay there my vessel I'll be back shortly, It said turning around. But James was already there as he punched the Lich in the face from above causing it to slam into the ground.

Keep your filthy hands off my son! He roared. James wasted no time and ran over to Draven and started beating on the ice block to free him. Chunks of ice broke off with every punch of his right arm. Draven could only watch as spikes of ice began to form behind James. He continued to attack the ice until he had freed Dravens hand. He immediately cast an earth wall behind James before touching the ground and vanished into the shadow escaping the ice block. Draven then reappeared behind the lich and grabbed ahold of its spine with both hands as he activated the runes in both arms and in a twisting motion snapped the Liches spine in half. He then quickly burned the bones to a crisp hoping it would increase the regeneration period. James was panting on the ground he had an ice spike going through his leg but was otherwise fine. He was spent and wouldn't be able to go another round. Draven was feeling tired as well with only a quarter of his mana left. 

He needed to find the phylactery before the Lich respawned. Draven took a moment to remember everything the Lich had said to them perhaps there was a clue somewhere. He called them the chosen and that they were puppets. Looking around Draven didn't see anything resembling a puppet or a doll. It then went on about it being inside a cage. Draven remembered there being a cage in the room and ran over to it. He scanned the cage but the system just showed it being a regular cage made of iron. The lich spoke about being a prisoner. A prisoner is locked in a cage or cell. Lock... Draven scanned the lock on the cage. 

<Iron Lock holds the soul of a Lich.>

"Hahaha i found it!" Draven laughed. "I got you by the balls you son of a bitch." He yelled as he grabbed a hold of the lock. 

"Impossible! How did you discover that the lock was the phylactery?" It yelled out in Dravens mind. "It doesn't matter how I found out i have it now so time for you to speak up. What do you mean when you call us the chosen ones?" "I cannot tell you I will die if I mention it ask another question," it pleaded. "You will die if you don't tell me," Draven roared as he began to emit heat from his hand while holding on to the lock. 

" I can not say anything specific only that humans became part of their experiment you survived so you are chosen. But this is only the beginning. They have plans. Oh, their plans are great, you cannot win. You cannot begin to comprehend the depth of their power. But still, you have a chance because you survived. You were chosen. Why wasn't I chosen? why why why!" it yelled.

"Who are they?" Draven asked. "They are the creators. The conquerors of all that is known they are AHHHH" It screamed in pain as the lock in Draven hand shattered. An image of a teenage boy appeared from the lock and smiled at Draven. "Thank you for releasing me. Beware the Ten'ok they are the enemy of all that lives." He then vanished without a trace. Draven was able to loot the lock and extracted an Elite Bronze Veteran XP Orb.