
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

Asmohawk · Fantaisie
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48 Chs

AL's History lesson and a new Class?

<Hello James, I am Alazahr you can call me AL. the A.I. of Draven's Djinn System. It is nice to meet you.">

James' mouth was hanging wide open. James of course believed his son when he said the voices in his head were real but it was still shocking to hear it for himself. "AL please explain to us what the Ten'ok are," Draven asked. he had been patiently waiting for this answer and it was time to hear it.

<The Ten'ok are a race from another world. Throughout time their forms have greatly changed. Originally they were known for having the ability to extract genetic material and implant it within themselves becoming hybrid creature between two races. Their offspring, however, would never these added traits start with clean slate. After was discovered could combine not only but other races as well became target many of warring tribes worlds who sought more power defeat enemies. The able factions by utilizing aggressors then went on killing spree taking revenge those until extinct. This turning point that led destruction enslavement countless throughout universe.>

Both Draven and James were carefully listening to AL's history lesson. 

<Typically 6 it was rare to find a Ten'ok who shared the same genetic trait as another but in order survive majority took on traits of warring factions that held them captive. This greatly changed mentality Ten'ok. They went from being peaceful race one with burning desire conquer and grow stronger. began seek out strongest races they could merge enhance their armies laid waste entire worlds. After broke through limits reaching new point strength innate abilities increased allowing take race's traits. As time passed continued wars grew even stronger which turn abilities. I do not know current or how many can with. At my death, hold different Genetic comprised simulations discover were be combined least amount negative side effects causing all adopt exact combination.>

"That makes sense after becoming part dragon I feel that my mentality has changed drastically as well. Draven is sometimes unrecognizable from who he used to be. But if they conquer other worlds to become stronger what is their interest in humans? we are so weak in comparison what would they want with us?" James asked.

<I do not have the answer to that question but I can speculate. You see The Ten'ok could merge genetic traits with other races besides their own grow stronger there was a catch. Their captors had be compatible race they wanted with. were forced continue search for specimens until match found. Seeing how adaptive each human is are likely experimenting determine your usefulness or perhaps advance innate abilities discovered in humans.>

"So they destroyed our civilization, massacred us to near extinction, infested our planet with monsters, and altered our bodies just to see if we could be useful to them if we got stronger?" James yelled out in fury. Draven put his hand on James' shoulder. "Calm down Dad I don't want you to go berserk again." Draven said trying to calm him down. James took a moment to actively slow down his breathing. While James was taking a breather Draven decided he needed some questions answered. "AL why would the Ten'ok want to kill me for being part Djinn when they have no reservations with the other races?" he asked.

< This is because they have not defeated us yet. They were successful in sending my kind to another dimension unable to escape. The Ten'ok fear their return for vengeance. As only another Djinn can bring them back to our Dimension. Djinn's are immortal beings made of pure mana. We hold the power to shape the Universe as we see fit. The Ten'ok craved this power and tried to steal it from us. They invented an item that could prevent our usage of Mana and were able to trap one of us. That device also acted similar to a slave collar but was a pair of Bracers. Those bracers could force that being to do as they wished. However, the bracers had a flaw they were unable to contain all of our power forever and after 3 orders were given the bracers would shatter freeing us from captivity. The first order was to trap all Djinns into another dimension. The second order was to give them a biological sample of the djinn's genetics. and the third was to turn the captured Djinn into a mortal. Before the Bracers had even shattered the Djinn was slain.>

"So they have gained the abilities of a Djinn then? why would they be afraid of their return when they have the same abilities as them now?" Draven asked.

<Becasue they do not have our abilities. just as I given you the Djinn system and am guiding to learn ways done same for them. Having denied them power of a making that sample useless> 

"So you were the Djinn that was captured and killed?" James asked.

<Yes I was caught unaware once the bracers were placed on me unable to use magic against them or reject their commands. however, if they didn't word Orders very specifically could make changes as saw fit. So when asked give a sample copy of myself within every particle it.>

"So what's the overall plan here how do we defeat the Ten'ok?" Draven asked.

<By becoming strong enough to bend space and time open a portal another dimension free the Djinns that were sealed away eons ago. All while not alerting Ten'ok you are Djinn yourself.>

"Oh is that all? Just learn to bend space and time and open a portal to another dimension sure. Would you like some fries with that?" Draven scoffed. He still hasn't learned healing magic but he was supposed to bend the fabric of reality. 

<Dont 2 be like that Draven. months ago you were a regular human and now can sink into your shadow create flood with wave of hand. Give it some time I will help reach point.>

"And how do we hide me from the Ten'ok they think I'm a Dragon with innate shadow and illusion elements whatever that means but I'm assuming I cant use other forms of magic around them."

<At a certain age dragons form Mana core. That core gives innate complex elements to said Dragon making them shadow dragon or an ice etc... Some even gained multiple it was really luck of the draw on what you got. Then there were Sorcery Dragons that could use all elements. Of creatures in existence, closest Djinn terms magic ability. There still incredible gap knowledge, mana, and capability but they next race underneath us when came magic. So we will within at Silver Rank let's be honest probably take until Gold pay for as require lot SP.>

"Wait didn't you say Dragon magic and Djinn magic are not compatible with each other and I would implode if they came into contact? Which is why the Djinn Systen needed to prevent me from obtaining Dragon Magic? Draven was freaking out a bit he did not want to implode and AL seems to be going off the rails a bit here in terms of expectations.

< That's what I was talking about with misunderstandings with the older version of the system. No context at all. Djinns would implode yes but that is because we are beings made of pure mana and have no living body to house the Mana core. if we were to place one inside ourselves it would suck all the mana out of us until the core explodes us back out. You have a living body and you are physically more dragon than Djinn it won't be a problem I have already performed countless simulations. We will have to spend an enormous amount of Dragon SP to make it though since we want to guarantee a sorcery Mana core so I suggest we find some bronze and silver drake nests or other higher level beings that are related to dragons instead of just being reptiles.>

Draven needed a moment to process all of this. it was a lot to take in. But the more he thought about it the more he started to smile. There was a clear goal in sight and it was possible to achieve. He just needed to bide his time and grow stronger until he could do it. By saving as many humans as possible they could all rebuild everything that was lost after the Djinns dealt with the Ten'ok. Hell with the power to bend the fabric of reality they could bring everyone back to life and rebuild everything that was broken and lost. 

< Im sorry Draven just as the Ten'ok could not wish for my death or the death of the Djinns we can also not bring the dead back to life. We could restore your planet but eliminating all the monsters inhabiting it will fall on the shoulders of the humans. We have strict rules and cannot go against them. Even the Bracers could not force me to break those rules. The closest thing to bringing the dead back to life is through necromancy but even then there are clear rules you have to have gathered the soul as the individual died and then place it into a new vessel. Even then that soul will be tormented for the rest of their lives as the soul will not fit the vessel and will constantly struggle to free itself but it cannot.>

James nodded in understanding. He had gotten his hopes up hearing what the Djinns were capable of but death even eluded the most powerful beings. "Since you're able to speak to us through the terminal can you also give me some of the benefits that Draven receives through the terminal as well? Like a new class that is tailored to me or change my stats where I want them?"

<That is an interesting question I wouldn't be able to do anything about you choosing your stats as those are delegated automatically according class needs. am unable give a version of the system that would require my race. could, however, attempt overwrite or evolve it. As not connected with cannot run any simulations guarantee its success but it highly plausible and worth attempt. It greatly increase strength so benefits will most certainly outweigh risks.>

"That's incredible!" James was ecstatic to have another chance at a new class ever since seeing Draven he has regretted his choice he would much rather be a magic user as he would always be strong enough to tear his enemies apart with his dragon's body anyways there was no need for a physical class he didn't gain anything from it other than a few buffs. "When can we start?" he asked excitedly.

< I will first have to take over the terminal at the Adventurers guild then while Draven has his hand on it you will access the terminal and I will then scan your information through the terminal and then give you new options after determining what I can and can't do. If it works you can choose a class and I will handle the rest. Much like Draven, we can assume that changing your class will require a lot of energy so you should give Draven plenty of XP orbs to use as a source of energy to facilitate these changes.> 

"No problem I have a ton from the invasion."James was like a child being promised his favorite toy at the toy store. Draven just looked between the terminal and his father dumbfounded as to what was going on.

"Are you out of your mind? how can you blindly trust AL like that? what if something goes wrong and you end up having no class or a broken one? What if there are any health risks to doing this? You're giving yourself up to be his lab rat." Draven yelled out.

<No worries I would never do or suggest anything that could harm your father this is to help him gain strength and at the first sign of something going wrong, promise cancel entire project. am however very confident will work benefits be quite large.>

"James was looking at Draven with puppy dog eyes which was something a son should never have to see his father do. "Fine it's your funeral I said my peace," Draven said as he walked out of the townhall and made his way to the Adventures guild. Once there Draven placed his hand on the terminal and let AL do his thing with it.

<Scanning Terminal... Vulnerabilities discovered... accessing list of potential classes... Please have James access the Class option on Terminal.>

Draven waved his father over and he accessed the terminal and clicked on Class selection.

<Scanning User James Morgan... Scan complete, Race Ancient Dragon. Loading options based on usefulness to and personal wishes.>

<Draconic 4 Sorcerer - Gifts the User an innate ability to learn all types of magic. The chance naturally forming a Mana Core is guaranteed. will receive knowledge basic elements similar amount gained after training for years.>

<Dragon King - The user's Bloodline will be purified becoming true royalty of his race. All beings related to Dragons forced obey commands. (Allies can excluded) When using Draconic Aura the effects multiplied even on outside Dragon race and its descendants. attribute multipliers benefits gained through Race enhanced.>

<Dragon of Life and Death - One the most feared specializations among Dragon Race. The User will have very strong healing spells. user's own regenerative abilities be significantly enhanced. gain knowledge Curse Magic as well Necromancy Magic. is a true Powerhouse on battlefield supplying utility in wounded, raising dead, nearly unkillable battle.> 

James' jaw was nearly unhinged from the shock after reading his options. He had no idea what to choose. They all sounded good and badass. He was instantly drawn to Draconic Sorcerer but that was the path Draven was on did he really want to follow in his son's footsteps? Magic was amazing but Draven said he could learn it on his own and maybe AL could give him pointers as well?

Dragon King sounded amazing he remembered Draven having a similar option that made those obey his commands and seeing Draven had 3 races that would have been a terrifying class to have. He would have become a tyrant for sure. But this was a lesser version as that only affected dragons and reptiles. He could also exclude it from affecting his allies. he would become much stronger than before he could only imagine how his enemies would react when using draconic aura it was already pretty strong. 

Lastly, Dragon of Life and Death. This sounded badass he could imagine introducing himself to people. "Hi, I'm James the Dragon of Life and Death no biggie." James snorted just thinking about it. With this class he would gain magic Draven couldn't use well at least yet and it would give him a lot of options in and out of the battlefield. He wasn't a huge fan of necromancy but the thought of raising his own army of the dead to fight his battles just flipped a hidden switch in him. "So cool..." He said out loud. Not to mention being able to heal his allies and regenerate his wounds very fast was a huge plus Draven might never get that kind of regenerative ability if it is as good as the text is making it sound like. He was imagining some superhero or vampire regenerative ability where you cut yourself and 2 seconds later the cut is gone.

Draven was doing his best to patiently wait while keeping his hand on the Terminal. He could see a wide range of emotions on his dad's face as he contemplated his options. He almost broke out laughing when his dad out of nowhere just said "So cool..." like some grade-schooler holding his favorite Pokemon card.

James looked over all his options again before nodding. "Okay, I've made my decision."