
Too Far

"Today we have great news for everyone!" said the principal in the assembly in an ecstatic voice, beaming curiosity in students as to what this great news could be. Whispers were shot throughout the assembly, but one section was dead quiet. Three lines, standing at the corner of the room, students in this line had expressions of extreme gloom on their faces. Among them stood two faces famous throughout the school, the current talk of the school. Eric Sterling and Ella Brooks.

Eric was an everyday face, but Ella was a new face. She seemed like she would cry any moment as she grabbed her right shoulder with her left arm and looked down towards the ground. She was scared, it was obvious, this was noticed by Eric. Eric was also fascinated by the new face in this group and decided to check what had happened later on. A week had passed since their last encounter at the school grounds, but for now, he was really interested in what the principal had to say.

The principal was an old man with a bald patch on his head. The hairs on the side of his head were white and he had a wrinkled and droopy face. His eyes showed signs of wisdom and age and there were rumours regarding his age. In the glorious past of 1200 years, the Divine Gate Academy has only seen three principals, making it another fun topic amongst the new students.

But for now, the old man seemed too excited, almost as if he would faint. What a creepy guy. This reminded Eric of another rumour he heard during his early days, it mentioned how the principal had a weird lust, a lust for power. He would be seen getting weirdly excited whenever he saw someone strong and a part of the current condition of the school was also a partial fault of his and looking at him now Eric couldn't help but wonder what the hell this weird old man was doing.

The principal right now had a completely red face and a deep blush, he started breathing heavily into the mic, the older students were used to this and they already got a gist of what was going to be told, but this got the new students. They weren't prepared for this.

"Ahem! The principle" said a teacher from behind him. She was wearing a blue skirt which went to the lengths of her knees followed with a white blouse on which she wore a blue jacket. She had beautiful blue eyes and black cat-eyed glasses. Her hair was a beautiful black, overall she was a teacher that many students would have a crush on. "Ms Carter back with the save," said Eric in a mocking tone. The principal adjusted the mic and after a loud cough continued.

"Sorry, I got a little distracted there. But the good news is that our student, Master Robert Leonard has been crowned as the next head of The Order Of The True Sky and as the principal of this academy I must praise master Leonard for this feat at his tender age!". '…' Eric had a lot of questions on his mind but thinking back the moment in the garden, he looked down at his hand and smiled. "Also, the first war games will be taking place soon, so I request the students to create teams and register them to the office through their PDA.

Since it's the first war game of the session, students from different courses are free to create a team together. It will be a nice exercise for the juniors and they can also learn a thing or two from their seniors, but the rules state that each team must have at least three people and at most five. So make sure you register by the end of this week. Dismiss!" the principal said as he ended the assembly.

As the students slowly started moving away from the assembly grounds, Robert was making his way out after everyone left. After the announcement he was surrounded with students from every class, "Quite popular aren't you?" asked Eric as he jumped next to him through his portal. Heaving out a deep sigh Robert replied: "This is such a pain, all they wanted was that they could get on my good side, so they could use my name.". Eric laughed in response and then both of them continued walking on their way.

"It's unusual for me, but I must warn you. I am no good with friends" said Eric mockingly. "You don't need to be. You are the only one I see who don't want to use my name" said Robert laughingly. As they were walking to their class, Eric stopped suddenly and stared at a particular direction where the girl's locker room was. As Robert noticed his friend stopping and looking towards the girl's locker room he couldn't help but shrug. "You know, a man should hold their dignity, Eric. It's bad to peep…" Robert's expression suddenly changed into one of dead seriousness. Eric's eyes had such amounts of anger in them that they could almost burn up in flames. Even Robert couldn't help but clench his fists at what he was seeing.

Fifteen minutes before Robert and Eric made their way to the corridor where the girl's locker room was, Ella made her way to the locker room. Next was gym class for the second year students, and according to the rules, they had to change into their gym clothes. Ella waited until everyone left the locker room, as she walked into the locker room she didn't even think, never in her wildest dreams had she imagined what was going to happen to her.

Opening the door, Ella entered the locker room, but to her horror, three people were waiting for her arrival. "A-Anna!" she couldn't help but exclaim in horror, Ella wanted to run away but as she turned around to look at the door, two of Anna's lackeys stood there. "For an outcast such as yourself aren't you too full of yourself?" said Anna mockingly as she slowly walked up to Ella whose face sank deeper and deeper into horror.

As Ella took steps back she was caught by someone from between. "Look who we found to replace you, Ella Brooks. Meet her, she is Aimee Myers and she unlike you belongs to a noble faction. I only allowed trash such as yourself because I had use for you, but now you don't need to exist. Aimee, can you please show the trash her place. And make it extra painful for the time she made me wait" the last sentence was spoken in such a tone that Ella couldn't help but shudder in fear.

Saying this, Anna left the locker room and then turned to one of the girls following her and said, "Take care of it, if sounds leave that room, it'll cause me troubles of listening to trash such as her scream." To which the girl simply nodded and looked towards the locker room. She then brought her left arm up and conjured a barrier around the room. "Let's go, dispel it in a minute or two, that should be enough for the trash to quiet down," said Anna with an evil smirk as the girl nodded and simply began following her again.

Inside the locker room, Aimee Myers looked at Ella who stood there scared. She slowly walked up to her and placed her hand onto the centre of Ella's chest and grinned. It was this moment that Ella understood that there was something much worse going on, but until she could do anything Aimee shouted: "BURN!". With her shout, Aimee's hands glowed with a purple hue and Ella's body was set ablaze by a violet coloured fire.

The fire quickly devoured her clothes and started burning her skin. It stopped a moment before becoming life-threatening, but at this point, Ella wished that it should have rather ended her as she fell to the ground naked, with a burnt body full of wounds she couldn't even allow a single word to leave her lips. As tears flow down her cheeks, she thought as to what wrongs she ever committed in her life.

Looking at the almost half dead Ella, Eric and Robert couldn't help but clench their fists and grit their teeth. Robert has seen this since his early childhood, and Eric went through the same every day. But, this was too much. Eric and Robert shared a glance with each other and nodded. They knew that they will have to do something, "but first" both of them said in unison as Eric started running towards the end of the corridor and Robert took out his coat.

Eric created a portal at the end of the corridor where the wall was supposed to be and then ran into it, opening the next one into the locker room. Using his momentum that he gained while running, he was able to capture Ella without any problems before she could even react. He then conjured another portal right towards where Robert was standing, and noticing a pitch black coloured circle opening in front of him, Robert awaited his turn.

Eric threw Ella out of the portal and Robert caught her, putting on his coat over her he walked into another portal that Eric created, this took them straight to the school nurse. Where they left Ella and decided to look further into this matter. Not a word was spoken between them after their last conversation, yet their thoughts were the same. They knew how outcasts were treated, but this went too far.

Please tell me if anything was wrong with this chapter! Every comment is appreciated!

What do you think? What happened with Ella was right? Is she going to be fine?

Silver15creators' thoughts
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