
Chapter 1: A Rich, Grumpy Old Man Funds an Implausible Project

The rich, old, and grumpy Abraham Goldstein looked out through the window of his Penthouse apartment on Antarctica. From his apartment 3000 metres up, he could see all his vast domains all the way to the ocean, far away at the horizon. Despite being the richest and oldest man on the planet, he wasn't happy. He wanted to own more and be more powerful. There was a problem with this foolproof plan that Abraham was 250 years old, and the life-extending pills that Abraham was taking had started to lose their effect on him. Despite being so rich and powerful, it was time for him to take a nap, six feet down under.

Abraham was not ready to die yet and had come up with an implausible and ridiculous plan that he would spend all his money on, to bereave his horrible relatives of their inheritance. He had ordered a top-grade scientist, Jack Brown, to partake in a 'secret' project, building an absurdly expensive and massive machine in the basement of Goldstein Tower. This machine, a colossal particle replicator, would create a dimensional rift that would allow Abraham to meet God before he died. This was a bit wasteful as Abraham was 250 years old and he could simply stop taking his life-extending pills and die anyway!

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