
Transaction failure


"What is it?" Sieg turned around and said, his face was masked by his 'neutral' one as he eyed them.

"How did you happen upon such a weapon?" A man stepped forward and asked with a smile on his face. Sieg couldn't really make out their appearances since their Soul Forms are incredibly blurry, the man seemed to be the leader of the group since he was the one that stepped forward and the two just stayed behind.

"Same as what you guys did, I made it." Sieg replied non-chalantly.

"My name is Ren Carl, Core Disciple of Eastern Branch. Behind me is Huang Lao and Huang Tao." The man smilingly said.

Sieg took notice of the man's gaze, sometimes he would look at his eyes and sometimes he would look at the claws wrapped around him. From this signs alone, Sieg could already tell what would be the outcome of this conversation.

"Sieg." He simply introduced himself, plain and indifferent.

Ren and his troops frowned as they heard him speak, although Sieg's tone was plain, neither servile nor arrogant, they still felt a little bit offended.

"Oh, so it is Fellow Disciple Sieg, would you like to travel with us? I believe that us, fellow disciples should team up against these wretched beasts so that our survival would be more successful." Ren Carl didn't lost his composure despite being offended and invited Sieg to travel with them.

"Sorry, I prefer to be alone." Sieg said, after which he turned around and prepared to walk away.

Seeing this happen, Ren and his troops' expressions darkened, they didn't expected that Sieg would instantly refuse Ren's offer without even batting an eye. The most offended was of course Ren Carl, he was trying a generous and welcoming approach but he was rejected coldly.

"How about making a transaction with me Fellow Disciple Sieg?" Ren's voice was a bit grave and colder than before as he called out to him once again.

Sieg, hearing him turned around and looked at him indifferently and said: "Do you seriously believe that a transaction would work inside of this place?"

Being asked with a rhetorical question made Ren and his troops' face flush red with embarassment.

Sieg wasn't wrong anyway, what transactions? They only have their weird rusting metals in their hands, not even a storage bag or any real piece of cloth could be seen anywhere so what is this transactions that he is talking about?

"I, just want that weapon in your hands Fellow Disciple, if you decide to part with it then I would not treat you unkindly and would reward you once we finish our task here." Ren spoke once again and tried convincing Sieg.

"Really?" Sieg asked amusingly, "You devoured that soul earlier so you should perhaps know the circumstances that were in. What you killed is a Wandering Soul, in other words the weakest of the bunch, above that is Vengeful Soul, killing that beast required three of you plus a constant struggle, what if you encountered a Vengeful Soul? Are you confident on staying alive?"

Ren Carl swallowed hard as he heard his question, he was about to defend himself when he heard Sieg speak again.

"Let's take a step back and say you could, are you confident on facing a Soul Knight? What about a Soul Mage? What if you don't find any inheritance and unfortunately die in the middle of battle, what's going to happen about your promise?" Sieg threw multiple questions at him making him flustered.

Ren couldn't speak a single word back, he was already feeling ashamed and humiliated, he could only look at the mask of indifference on Sieg's face and feel an even intense sense of anger.

After a minute of silence, Sieg smiled coldly and turned his back against them. People like this doesn't worth his time at all.

Seeing Sieg walking away again, Ren's body shook in shame and anger, this is the first time that someone dared to slight him after knowing his status and listening to the way he communicated. For a person like him that had a noble background and was looked up wherever he is because of his title, this is a serious offense.

"Stay where you are you piece of shit!" Ren couldn't hold back anymore and bellowed at the top pf his lungs, the twins behind him also felt their leaders animosity so they assumed a fighting stance immediately.

Sieg smiled coldly and turned around and asked again: "What is this time?"

"Drop you weapon and we might decide to let you live." Killing intent could be seen in Ren Carl's face right now.

Sieg coldly laughed and said: "There we fucking go! Can't endure this time huh? Next time you should stop pretending to be a saint when deep down you are a whore, it doesn't suit you." He mocked as he faced them.

"Good! Good! What gall this little fucker have! And what a sharp tongue too! Let's see if that tongue of yours could help you in escaping this time! Kill him!"

"Kill!" Ren and his troops advanced forward with roaring malice, for them Sieg repeatedly tested their patience and bought this to himself.

Facing this malice, Sieg only scoffed and threw his claw forward. Huang Tao saw this action from Sieg and just sneered in contempt saying: "Insignificant skills!" He held his spear and swept to parry the incoming attack.

What happened next however shocked not only him but the other two as well.

"Leg." Sieg said faintly and suddenly, the claw changed directions mid-air while Huang Tao is still in sweeping motion. A flesh piercing sound followed by a loud grunt from Huang Tao echoed inside the cavity. He looked down and saw a claw with two protrusions piercing his flesh, things weren't done and clanging sounds of chains could be heard. Next, Huang Tao's body involuntarily flew up in the air, Sieg tugged the chains fiercely and also disconnected the claw from Huang Tao's leg. This action caused him to directly plummet to the ground with a loud bang and a muffled groan.

The other two paused on their tracks, they have no idea what just happened, from the point where that claws changed direction to Huang Tao plummeting to the ground only took a couple of seconds.

After the dirt cloud disappeared, Huang Tao's Soul Form could already be seen, he was staggering to at least sit back down and there's some weird smoke coming out from his leg.

As Huang Lao saw his twin's condition, a deep killing intent surfaced within him, he roared fervently and charged towards Sieg and said: "I will kill you!!!"

He brandished his two daggers and charged nimbly at him, Sieg sneered said: "Nape."

As Huang Lao heard this, the scene of his brother's demise replayed in his head, he remembered Sieg saying 'Leg' and the claw landed on his leg. With this in mind, he instinctively turned around and saw a claw charging towards him.

His eyes diluted a bit but he managed to raise his dagger to block it sending it away, he breathed a quick sigh of relief before his countenance froze again.

"Idiot." He heard Sieg's voice again, he wanted to turn around but he noticed something happening. The claw that he sent away using his dagger, made circles around his arm that is raised a couple of times, it suddenly tightened and another flesh piercing sound happened again. Even though Huang Lao clearly blocked the dagger, it still landed and pierced his nape, not only that but it's chains are also wrapped in his arm.

"Wah!" Suffering the same fate as his twin brother, he felt a strong tug sending his body in the air. Sieg held the chains with both hands and spun around Huang Lao's body making sure to loosen the grip on Huang Lao's arm upon reaching the direction of Ren Carl.

As Ren Carl saw this, an ominous feeling arose inside his chest, his instinct screamed danger so he suddenly moved from his previous spot avoiding the collision.

But that is way too easy isn't it?

"You wanted this weapon right?" Even though they are in Soul Form, Ren Carl still felt all his body hairs stood up when he heard Sieg's voice behind him.

He turned around instantly and to his horror, Sieg magically appeared behind him. This scene made his mouth wide open as he stuttered the words: "H-how is this-this possible?"

Sieg answered him by saying: "You know what? Nevermind that! Didn't you want this claws of mine? Here! Shove it in your stomach!" As he said that, a fierce expression appeared in his face as he directly pierced Ren Carl's stomach before he could react.

A faint blue smoke leaked through his stomach followed by the agonizing and burning sensation from his stomach.

Ren Carl couldn't speak, he could only look at the man before him in horror. From his appearance, he could tell that he's younger than him but obviously, they weren't at the same level.

He slowly looked down on his stomach and saw the smoke coming out of it, he mustered up his strength to remove Sieg's claws but alas, he can't.


Sieg leaned closely and whispered in his ear: "Don't think that your status could always save you. That might work on others but for me? I never gave a damn about it. Remember this lesson in hell." And with that, he wedged the claw deeper in his stomach, after which he retracted the claw and use the other one to divide Ren's body in half, horizontally.

The twins saw this and their bodies visibly shudder as Sieg's demonic gaze landed on them.

[A/N: FATALITY! LOL. Anyways, excuse me if this is a bit late, be patient with me guys, storm is still here and electricity shutdowns are happening consistently. Hopefully, tomorrow would be different. Thanks for your support and enjoy the chapter! :) ]

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