
1.The Beginning (180AD - 210AD)


 You get only one life they said, live it to the finest. The so called "life" with extremely short span was indeed a blessing for beings with knowledge as less as a speck of dust in a universe. If only they had known that they are wasting it in living to the finest.


 180 AD

 Persian Empire

 Parthian reign (Arcases XLV)



 On the outskirt town of capital there lived a middle class merchant's son who was training to wield a sword. The boy is about 12 years old named "Malvin Chronos"*.

 "Father! I will become the best swordsman. Do you believe that I'll succeed". "Ah"said the father "yes my son as long as you stay true for it." "Then ill stay the most true to my target" said Malvin. "Ha-ha" father laughed proudly, "now that's the spirit my son but remember never give up when fate wants to mold you to change your course". "Yes father I will peirce through the fate like a spear." "Ha Ha Ha!" father laughed heartously amazed by his son "now that's my son but remember Malvin you can go stand firm when fate goes against you but you can never mold it according to your likes". "What does that mean father? " Malvin asked "you'll know when you'll encounter it".


 10 years later


 "Roman scouts!" yelled the soldier "Roman scouts on the south." "Malvin! Hurry! "said the captain "take these men and lead them to set up an ambush don't let anyone flee" "yes sir! " Malvin said assuringly "come on boys, lets give em a hell".

 Malvin ran and mounted on his horse and left with 7 men consisting of 2 tankers , 4 archers and his friend Samim*

 who was a swordsman. They all rushed out of the post on their horses and raced to the south of the town to a remote location near the border lands he positioned his men and laid traps on the road.

 The evening arrived and darkness almost enveloping the land they saw convoy approaching. It had around 12 men gaurding a cart with a chest that somewhat seemed odd because something red with a little of black shade was being emitted from it and it was glowing in a strange way. The convoy moved and soon it encountered the trap of hidden crossbows which took out 2 men on the front. "Ambush!!"yelled the roman soldier "it's the persia…. " arrow went through the throat of the alerting soldier. The ambush of Malvin had already begun the attack and his positioned archers took down 3 men one after another. Soldiers hurriedly dismounted and took cover behind their horses but unfortunately for them they were being targeted from all sides and one after another they got targetted by the archers. Seeing the situation 3 men fleed but soon they faced Samim as they made the move.Samim rushed to the soldier and slashed him from the side. The other 2 seeing that turned around and took the stance to clash as they had no other choice. Samim stepped ahead and spinned whilst swinging his sword beheading and cutting the chest open of other. After the clash they searched them up and gathered one of the archers retrieved a letter from the corpse of enemy and handed it to Malvin. He read the letter and said, while looking concerned "Hmm, that's strange it looks like an order from the capital." "what should we do then" asked Samim. "what can we do let's report it to captain" said Malvin. They took the cart and then made way back to the post.

 Samim on the way asked "Malvin what do you think there could be in the chest." "I don't know it can't be gold or gems because they don't make the chest emit strange lighting. Let's not think about it and better report it fast we'll know soon what was being transported right under our nose" said Malvin. "agreed" Samim answered while nodding.

*The name malvin is originally malwan which in persian means sailor.

*Samim is also a persian word which means close as in close friend



 Written by,

 Rogue sailor

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