1 Burning

Cassie awoke to the smell of smoke, startled she grabbed her phone and ran into the kitchen to see what was happening. Then she remembered, it wasn't real smoke she was smelling but the dream of that night.

She tried to quickly remember what the dream was about, confused and not remembering the dream but she only remembered the smell of smoke. She sat down on one of the stool and tried to calm down, the smell of the smoke was bothering her but she didn't know why it was.

Her phone ringing brought her back to her senses as she looked at the caller ID. It was her Ex-boyfriend who she had broke up with nearly 2 months ago. 'Why was he calling me again' she thought and cut the call then looked at the time it was still early in the morning. With nothing much to do she started to get ready for work. But even then, the smell of ashes and smoke lingered on the back of her mind. The last thing she remembered was getting drunk, later on she had no idea what has happened to her. Just thinking about it is giving her a headache. Even after she opened the windows the smell was there. She didn't pay much attention to the smell before she left her house for work.

As she drove down the street , the scent of smoke lingered, teasing her nostrils. At the traffic light , her attention was drawn to an itch on her right hand.... WHAT!?! Did she get a tattoo on a dare while drunk last night!?! Of a flaming skull , no less.. the flames looked so realistic that her skin sheen made it shimmer... with tantalising hints of smoke round the edges.. on a whim , she took a close sniff... the smell of smoke was so strong that she gave a cough....

She went into a coughing fit so bad she had to pull her car over, she stumbled out grabbing her knees and trying to catch her breath. "CASSIE" shouted a voice, she turned to see who was calling for her. A slender man was waiving at her from across the road, "are you alright?" asked the man. Cassie looked at him trying to figure out who he even was, he didn't look even remotely familiar to her. Just as she was about to speak a large wind whipped up and caught her off guard, she steadied herself and went to turn her attention back on the man, but he was gone! She frantically searched the street for any sign of him, but no trace. She felt a tear well up and then she got very angry. "who the hell was that and where did they go?" she muttered. More importantly why was she crying?.

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