
What wrong with my powers.

Chris was amaze at what he was seeing now.

The giant wolf man was throwing cars all over the place as it rip and tear people in two.

Chris quickly look for a solution to hide is face.

A blurred rush toward the wolf has it send a fist toward it stomach.

"Huh?" Chris let out as he was confuse why that didn't send the wolf flying. The wolf not letting this chance by send Chris flying into a building. Chris struggle to get up with a frown as he saw the his wounds.

He was completely surprise at the wolf for injuring him. Chris fixed the black cap back on his head as he sigh at the crush Sun glasses.

In a 20 second Chris wound was finish healing.

Walking out of the building he prepare to attack to wolf but got grab by the neck and held to the air. (Sh*t what the f**k is happening am I getting weaker.)

Chris thought as he was thrown into the air. Landing on a car Chris rub his head. He lost his disguise so he began to super vibrate his head to blurred his face, but this was making him dizzy.

The wolf growl at Chris as he let it a sonic wave blasting Chris further away from it.

Chris was losing his patient now as he got up and blurred Infront of the wolf sending it flying toward a building.

(Geez by the time we are done the town would be in wreckage.) Chris lamented as he saw building with holes.

He focus on the wolf that got out if the building. It had a bloody hole in it stomach but it was closing at visible speed.

Chris disappear and kick the wolf to the ground when he reach behind it.

He then held both of the wolf arms and brutally rip each off.

" It may seem cruel but if this continue alot of people will die." Chris mutter to himself.

"Raven help me hold him down." Chris shouted as he saw a black figure in a corner watching him. The figure nodded as a black bird shadow cover the wolf and tightly wrap around the wolf.

Chris pick out his phone that was luckily in one piece and call Fury.

# Yow Fury need a favour. Could you send some one to pick this up for me. You know what if you watch the news.#

Chris quickly said and end the call. He was feeling extremely dizzy as he sat down on a huge piece of concrete from the broken building.

A couple hour pass and a huge truck came with proper equipment to take the wolf away. After they came Chris quickly zoom out of there but by now he realize his abilities are having a problem.

Reaching his base Chris took a bath and layed on the living room couch. Raven teleported into the house as she look at Chris with a worried face.

" Ra I'm fine just a little scratch that healed" Chris laugh it off.

"I understand that but when you were fighting just now you seem weaker than you use to be. I could barely see you image now when you run" Raven said as she sat beside him.

Chris rest his head in her lap making her blush but she did nothing.

" I'm not sure what the matter. I have never have proper count in my abilities anyway. I guess I can figure out a way to figure out the problem." Chris said as he close his eyes.

"Oh by the way Fury ask me a favour so I'm will be leaving in three days. I will be back soon. " Chris calmly said. As Raven about to answer the three girl enter the house asking to come too.

Chris could not helplessly decline them but promise when he came back to spend some time together.


Baren sat in his lab as he review the fight between Chris and the wolf with a wicked smile. His creation was doing good maybe if he change up some gene he would be stronger and faster to kill that super guy.

Baren thought as he laughed. After closing down the laptop he left his lab to go home and rest.

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