
Ice Zombies?

Yawning Chris lean back on plane seat as he look through the window.

(I seem to travel alot now) He thought. He was presently following his father to a meeting in England today.

Chris father seeing Chris change his troublesome ways decided it would be best for Chris to be involved in the company so he told Chris to follow him.

Chris couldn't really say no to the person giving him money for living plus he wanted to be an active member of the company so he agreed.

He left the girls Gorn city stopping crimes.

Although he heard about his brother plans with king ping he didn't care much.


The Flight took six hours and landed in London city. "Hey Chris we will be touring out branch in London tomorrow so your free until then. "

Nodding head to his father he got the name of the hotel he is staying in and began roaming the streets of London.

" This is really boring, I should have decline and stay with my waifu. Hmm I should deal with king ping and my brother when I come back." Chris muttered as he walk on the street. Suddenly he a strange site caught his attention. A group men was hiding in a van in mask and some machines gun. Obviously he saw this by his x-ray vision.

After confirming that they were planning to rob the bank he sat at a nearby bench to prepare. If he is fast enough he could be in and out in flash.

He saw the men rush into the bank with machine guns blazing into the air. Chris thought how common this event is.

(Well they going to be in jail for life but it doesn't hurt to cripple them so they get a proper punishment.) He thought as he vanish. A black blurred rush into the building. As the world seem slow to Chris he grab all of the 7 men and broke both arms. He then knock each out and threw them to one side of the bank as he left and return into his bench.

" I really need to get some new clothes. I seem like my powers are increasing too fast so my self made suit won't last." Chris said.

He sigh and got up as he watch the police car gather at the bank. Checking his watch he realize it was broken and got piss.

He walk toward restaurant and brought something to eat. Munching on a burger Chris walk around. A strange site indeed the passée by thought. A man with more than a 50 burgers in his bag eating as he walk around London.

Night soon fall and he went to the hotel and call it a night.

The next day Chris followed his father into the branch lab as he observe everything. The lab seem to work efficiently with every hard at work.

"So dad what are they working on here dad" Chris ask.

"Seem you didn't read the folder I gave you. This is a branch that his dealing with genetic manipulation. They have been many cases of mutants in the world and the US government ask us to find ask us to find a counter measure.

This lab recent got DNA on human that could control ice so we are trying to create a serum to enhance human to control ice even better water itself." Chris father explain as he went through the labs recent results.

Listening to his father Chris mutter in a daze motion "Water manipulation huh"

" Yeah but this lab haven't made much progress. I was thinking of closing it down but the scientists here ask for a chance since they spent their life on it but seeing the results now it was a waste." Chris father said putting down the lab results.

He nod to his father as he followed him out of the lab.

The tour took another three hour until they left. The final result was to shut down the lab project.

The two went back to the hotel to rest and planned to leave tomorrow morning.

That night the cold breeze felt even colder as the ground became blue ice. A blue figure could be seen walking slowly in the road. Everything it pass turn to ice.

The figure where a lab coat suddenly shout as it ran in frenzy toward the hotel. Three more similar figure did the same and barge into the hotel.

(It cold ) Chris said as he woke up. He look down as he heard the scream of the office crew. He quickly got out of bed and search the area with x-ray vision onky to see million of blue skin people turning the hotel into ice.

Looking at these face had a ridiculous face.

"Am I really seeing ice zombies in marvel "

He muttered as he put on his uniform.

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