
Dimensional Monarch.

Luck. Some are blessed by lady luck and others are favoured by misfortune, Leon Rodrig. An exceptional young man who always worked hard despite his fortunate background of a cultivation family, the normal citizens believe he's blessed by Luck, but is he really? So when a mysterious power decides his fate is to stand above all others, will he attribute it to luck and walk along the road crafted for him? Or will he walk his own path, leading him to an even stronger realm or possibly astray. The Tale of Leon Rodrig in a world of Cultivation has begun.

Runscape_Guides · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

A Genius From The Womb!

In a luxurious mansion, a cute little toddler was running through the halls, followed by a young girl no older than 15, dressed in professional attire like that of a maid.

"Young master, don't run too fast or you might fall! You've only been walking for a year you should be more careful." The young girl scolded him lightly with a concerned tone

"I'll be okay Agnes!" the adorable baby ran around happily swinging his arms as he went, slowly reaching a huge wooden door, pushing it open with great struggle using the limited strength his small body could produce he leaped into the room, tripping over and going face first to the ground

Just as he almost plunged into the marble floor he felt a soft force lifting him up followed by a heavenly voice with a tinge of exhaustion speaking to him.

"Sweetie, how many times have I told you to let Agnes open the library door? Just because you can walk doesn't mean you can balance" A gentle voice reprimanded him.

"But I wanna learn already, just because I'm 4 doesn't mean I can be dumb, I'm gonna be testing for cultivation talent in just 12 short years!" The little one held his ground as he looked up at the one who spoke out moments ago.

Looking across him was a beauty sitting on a chair, with a book labeled "Mysteries of Alchemy", she was staring at him with her clear blue eyes and smile etched onto her stunning face

"Alright Leon, let me tell you about the world then" with that she patted her lap and the baby named Leon skipped ahead and sat on her lap with an adorable smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts

At this moment, Agnes rushed into the library "Young Master-" Her expression changed when she saw the lady who's lap Leon was sitting on comfortably.

"Good morning Miss Ellen" she hurriedly bowed. Her expression was one of utter respect, after all this was the mistress, the Mother of Leon, Daughter of the Huber Family and the Wife of Rodrig Filsch. Let alone her identity of being a powerful cultivator! She was stacked with high statues so being respectful Infront of her was a given.

"I've already told you that such courtesy isn't necessary for you Agnes, you're like a daughter to me, you mustn't be too cold" Ellen spoke with a relaxed voice as she played with the excited Leon's hair

"Yes Miss!" Agnes gave another resolute bow.

"Alright, I'll take care of Leon, you can either stay and listen to or head to your room." Ellen seemed expecting of Agnes' rejection to her proposal, this girl was too timid!

"Then I will excuse myself" with that Agnes silently left the room, leaving the mother son duo alone.

"C'monnn, hurry up mom" Leon urged his mother to start talking already.

"Okay okay" Ellen nodded, "do you know what our world is called?" she continued

"it's called the Sky Heaven World...I think?" Leon out his hand on his chin like someone in deep thought, making one want to instantly devour this bundle of cuteness.

"Mhm, this is a cultivation world, there are mortal and cultivation worlds, you know that much I assume?" Ellen teased "En" Leon nodded innocently

"The Cultivation World is vast, and super scary! There's a lot of strong people, so you have to grow up and be the strongest if you wanna be happy okay?"

Leon, who felt like a great burden had been placed on him, quickly asked "How strong are they? And is dad strong too??"

Ellen smiled and replied "They're some who can destroy trees with a punch, others can lay waste to forests with a swing of their blade, and some legendary ones can even destroy worlds just like ours!" She continued "And as for your dad..." Her thoughts flashed as a figures back view appeared in her view, with a smile she spoke

"Of course he's strong, he's one of the strongest! But he's getting old so you have to hurry up and get stronger than him to protect us don't you?"

Leon nodded, "Mom, what are the differences between strong people? And how do you know I'm stronger than dad?" He continued asking questions.

"Well you see, everyone has a talent, talent decides your limit, but hardwork fills that limit and can sometimes even expand it alright? As for why I know you'll be stronger... it's because you're a genius!"

Ellen seemed to have a smug look as if she was the so called Genius, 'after all it is her son right? So she's got some credit too!' she assured herself.

"You see talents are divided into many grades, the ones known to us are: Low Tier, Middle Tier, High Tier, Top Tier and Profound Tier and finally Legend Tier, there's only been 3 Legend Tiers in all of the Sky Heaven world's history!"

"When a baby is born they give off a certain aura, indicating what tier they'd most likely be in. You gave off a black glow! Which doesn't match with any talent, therefore we believe you surpass the Legend Tier in talent." Ellen's eyes glowed with the pride of a mother.

"But don't get arrogant, there's always someone better than you." She instructed to make sure Leon's arrogance wouldn't overflow, though it seemed she had more arrogance than the child with the actual talent...

"Okay mom, I promise to work hard no matter what level of talent I have." Leon jumped off her lap and saluted like a soilder, though he was too cute to be classified as such

Ellen burst out laughing and the two began to play and chat.

Many years later

In a palace far more impressive than Leon's home, a pale man with long white hair and a withered, weak body was meditating...when suddenly, his eyes burst open with profound light!

"It's time. Happy 16th Birthday Leon, I hope you like what I give you." As he said that, his body cracked, like a glass, slowly disintegrating.

All worlds in the Leo galaxy shook, as the Monarch, Rhysand, had died.

First Chapter. Yeah, I assume most of you can guess where I'm going with this, or maybe not? Who knows, another chapter after this, 3 in total, including the prologue. Enjoy Reading!

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