
Chapter 2

Gaea, I see.

"Yup! Now, let's make you a new body."

I can see Gaea wave her hand, and I can feel my soul change a little. My bright soul shines even brighter before suddenly I can see I get a new body. I can see my hands, my feet, and even my dong.

"And done! Here, you can see for yourself."

Gaea snapped her finger, and suddenly a mirror appeared in front of me. When I look in the mirror, I can see my face. Gone my black hair and brown eyes were replaced with light green hair and emerald eyes.

I know that my face is not that handsome.

"What do you think?"

"This is perfect. Thank you very much."

"No problem! Now, let me tell you what you need to do for me."

Before I could ask it, Gaea snapped her finger once again, and suddenly the pure white place changed into infinite space. I can see many stars in the distance, see a black hole devouring many planets, and see other galaxies.

"This is beautiful."

"Right?! Even to this day, I am still marveled at the beauty of this place. Anyway, look at this!"

I look at Gaea for a second before our view suddenly changes again. I can see a massive planet filled with green and blue this time.

"This planet is called Planetos."

"Planetos… I heard that name somewhere… Oh! Game of Thrones!"

"Bingo! Your first mission is to help this planet heal. As you know, the Children of the Forest, my former worshiper, decided to create a being using chaotic magic from the Void. This creature knows only one thing. Destruction. Their only purpose was given to them by the Children of the Forest. Destroy the invading force, destroy their home, and destroy their loved ones. However, when they decide to sign a peace treaty with the First Men, the White Walker loses their only purpose, and the Children of the Forest decide to seal them away, thinking that they can use their secret weapon once again if the First Men decide to invade once more. That is a mistake."

Gaea snaps her finger, and suddenly I can see a massive battle between the Ice Zombie and the living.

"They cannot control the chaotic nature of the White Walker. Their magic fails them and even feeds the White Walker. The magic that they are proud of fails them and makes the White Walker even more powerful because of their connection. The White Walker continued to massacre the living and only stopped because of the sacrifice of many people in a ritual that the First Men created."

"And what seems to be the problem? Where does the pollution come from?"

"The magic that the Children of the Forest use to create the White Walker is the problem. Any magic that uses energy from the Void has one characteristic. They will devour anything. The energy released from White Walker is the problem. It eats all the magic in this world and slowly but surely will kill any living being on the planet. It will not happen soon, but it will happen in a hundred years of time."

"But in the show, the Night King will be killed, right?"

"Yes, but it will not solve the problem. You need to filter them slowly. This will be your mission. I need you to filter all of this tainted energy."

"I see. How can I do that?"

"You will know about it when you arrive in Planetos! For now, I will leave one of my planets in your hand, William."

Before I could say something, my vision was engulfed with a bright light. The last thing I see is Gaea waving her hand at me.


|Jorik, The Chieftain of Magnar House|

Life is hard.

It's always been hard. Skagos is a large island, but it is bitterly cold, and it is hard to grow food even during summer. This would not normally be a problem; we exist in one of the richest fishing areas around. We could, in theory, live off the sea's bounty, and once upon a time, we did so. From what I heard, those were better days, days where we controlled our own destiny, days where we made our living off of fishing and trade though there was some piracy. From what I could tell from the old runes though the mainlanders did plenty of that, their hands were hardly clean.

Our side of the story rarely gets told, most of what gets out is Stark propaganda, and the Starks have a very long history of proclaiming to all and sundry how glorious and honorable they are while acting like utter cunts. Everything they say about the south? All of the bitching and moaning about how they're so unfairly treated? They do all of that to us, and that's during summer. During winter, that's when the north gleefully tries to take every fish in the region and purposefully destroys and wrecks our boats to steal our fish. Oh yes, you're starving? Well, so are we.

And they say something horrible about us for not lying down and dying like an animal, for doing what we need to do to survive. They told the other that we enjoy eating our own kin because it was our tradition. They never think that we are doing this because we do not have any other choice.

All of the Skagosi hate the Starks, particularly their cadet branch, Karstark. For centuries they overfished in our water and even raided our fishing boat that they encountered to steal our fish. The same fish that feed our people, the same fish that make our people live.

The same with the house of Umber. They always come to our water, stealing all the fish from our ship and even stealing our ship.

When they said that we are cannibals, it was because of what they were doing to us. We hate them. We hate all the north. We want to rebel and reclaim what is ours, but we know that it will not work. We know that we are weak and can only barely survive by eating our own kin who died from hunger.

We cannot go to war with the north because we cannot win that fight. It hurt to say that, but it was the truth. Skagosi memory is long, we will remember, and we will have our justice when the time comes.

"Chief, are you okay?"

I snap from my thoughts and see my fellow hunter who is looking at me. I give him a nod before saying.

"I'm fine. Winter has yet to catch up with me. Has the fisher group come back?"

"I bring bad news, chief."

I release a sigh before saying.

"Who is it this time? Umber? Karstark?"


"Haaaa. I wonder when the Gods will give us the way."

The village Shaman walked into my tent as if my question had been answered. She is the oldest woman ever living in Skagos, and she is the only one that has a connection to the spirit. She heals the injured, and she is the one helping our women give birth.

She is the only person that has the same rank as me.

"Greeting, Green Mother. What brought you here?"

"The spirit has spoken. The savior of our people has arrived, and he is currently located in the north of this island. Gather all the people to move out. We will go there with the protection of the spirit."

I look at her for a moment. I know that this is summer for us, but the snow is still falling, and the north island is even more snowing than here. However, I decided to trust her. With the fishing trip failing, we did not have any other choice.

"I will announce it, Green Mother."

Let's hope the spirit really gives us a savior.

You can find the advanced chapter here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee.



LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts
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