
DCGB EP 09 -Time to get that

The church door swung open, revealing two figures emerging. The first was elatively pale-skinned woman with dark blue hair, clad in a nun's habit. The other was middle aged man with short, gray hair and a goatee,wearing long, black robe with a wide, white bands at the hem and cuffs.

They both walked straight towards Yuji and Maomao. Just as they were about to speak, Asta rushed in, dropping to his knees and shouting loudly, " Sister Lily, I've come to propose! Marry me, please!"

"No!!" Sister Lily exclaimed, conjuring a water Grimoire with magic to knock Asta down to the ground.

"Ah... I'm sorry, Asta" Sister Lily apologized before turning to Yuji and Maomao, saying, "Nice to meet you both. I'm Sister Lily."

"Pleasure to meet you. I am Father Orsi," the middle-aged man introduced himself before adding, "We've heard about you from the caretaker of the dormitory. Though it may not be very comfortable here, we are happy to welcome you."

"Thank you. I'm Yuji, and this is Maomao. We're pleased to meet you both," Yuji introduced themselves before bowing respectfully.

The next day, they all rose early to prepare for their journey to the capital city of the Clover Kingdom. Asta and Yuno would accompany them on this journey. Now, standing in front of the church, they bid farewell to everyone.

"We'll become Magic Knights, all of us!!" Asta declared before adding, "And once I become the Wizard King, I'll come back for my sister Lily!"

"Being the Wizard King is my thing," Yuno interjected.

"Have you two forgotten about me?" complained Father Osic.

"Father Osic, thanks for letting us stay," Yuji expressed gratitude before turning to address Maw Maw, Asta, and Yuno. "Well then, let's hit the road. The capital city is quite a distance away."

"Alright!" Asta cheered enthusiastically as they followed Yuji.

"Do you two have any luggage?" Sister Lily asked, looking at them skeptically.

Upon hearing this, Yuji realized that not all of his belongings were in his dimensional ring. If anyone found out he had a dimensional ring, it could be dangerous. So, he decided to lie, saying, "We left some in the forest and haven't had a chance to retrieve them yet."

"Is that so?" Sister Lily smiled.

"Well then, we'll arrange sleeping place for you. As for food..." Father Orsi began hesitantly, knowing that they themselves didn't have much to eat. So, having guests made them concerned about food shortages.

"Don't worry, we have food supplies with us. We can cook something for everyone. " Yuji offered, understanding their concerns about food shortages. He knew that Father Orsi and Sister Lily were caretakers of the orphanage, and they had issues with food scarcity. Therefore, he offered to be the one to cook, believing that since he and Maomao were staying here for free, they should do something in return since there's nothing free in the world. Anything received must be reciprocated.

"Would that be alright?" Sister Lily quickly asked, although she was worried about Yuji being an outsider and possibly poisoning them. However, she decided to trust Yuji because of the dormitory caretaker's recommendation. Moreover, judging from Yuji's demeanor, she didn't think he was the type to poison anyone, but she was afraid it might make things difficult for them since there were many people in their care. So, Yuji had to cook a large amount of food.

"It's fine. I like cooking anyway, and I'm staying here for free, so at least let me contribute something," Yuji replied honestly.

"Alright then, we'll leave it to you, Yuji-kun," Sister Lily said with a relieved smile.

"Yay! Finally, we'll get to eat something other than potatoes!" Maomao cheered.

With that, Yuji and Maomao entered the forest to take out food ingredients and their belongings from his .


After Yuji and Maomao entered the forest, they walked to a deserted area before starting to take out food ingredients and bread.

"What's this? Looks delicious!" Maomao exclaimed as she looked at the Yakisoba Pan with sparkling eyes.

"That's Yakisoba Pan. If you want to eat it, remove the plastic wrapper first," Yuji said, pointing to the package of Yakisoba Pan.

"Like this?" Maomao tried to open the package several times before finally succeeding.

"Yes, that's right. And give me the plastic wrapper," Yuji said as he took the package of Yakisoba Pan and put it into the dimensional ring, not wanting to litter and dirty the nature of this world.

"Wow, this is delicious!" exclaimed Maomao as she took a big bite of the bread, savoring its flavor.

"Now, what should we do about our bags and clothes? I didn't bring my bag, and I'll need to change my clothes to blend in with the locals. Plus, we need to avoid any potential problems," Yuji explained, voicing her concerns to Maomao.

"What kind of problems could arise, Yuji?" Maomao inquired.

"Just call me Yuji. Well, potential problems could include being mistaken for spies from enemy countries or getting arrested for not being citizens. That would prevent us from fulfilling our mission for the chat group," Yuji elaborated.

"I see now. I'm starting to understand," Maomao responded. Initially, she thought their mission would be straightforward. But upon hearing Yuji's explanation, she began to realize the potential challenges they might face.

"Hmm? It seems we can still use the chat group," Yuji noted, trying out the chat group and discovering they could only use it for shopping and completing tasks. Other functions were unavailable. Nevertheless, this was sufficient, as they currently relied on the shops for necessities. "But I only have 20 points left."

"In that case, how many points does your chat group have?" Yuji asked, raising an eyebrow at Maomao.

"I have 50 points," Maomao replied.

"In that case, let's buy some clothes for people in this world to keep for later," Yuji suggested before turning to select his own clothes. he didn't choose the clothes he recommended to Maomao. Instead, he picked the outfit he wanted the most: a costume of Izuminokami Kanesada from Touken Ranbu.

Izuminokami Kanesada Costume - 15 Pts

Features: Automatically adjusts size, self-cleaning

Shoulder Bag - 5 Pts

Features: Internal storage space of 5x5, but the external appearance and weight remain the same even when empty

"Nice, but it doesn't come with self-repair," Yuji mused as she eyed Izuminokami Kanesada 's costume and the shoulder bag in the store before swiftly deciding to buy them. In no time, the outfit was in his hands.

The sudden appearance of eyed Izuminokami Kanesada 's costume in Yuji's hands startled her so much that she gasped, "Wow!"

"Take it easy, it's just a costume," Yuji reassured herself before walking into the bushes to change.

Ten minutes later, Yuji emerged, wearing eyed Izuminokami Kanesada 's costume 's costume. he looked as though he was cosplaying Kanade Sadachika.

"How do I look? Does it suit me?" Yuji asked Maomao.

"Yeah, it looks good," Maomao replied nonchalantly, seeming bored with having to answer such questions repeatedly. Seeing her reaction, Yuji let out a sigh internally, thinking, 'Fine, be that way. I'll look handsome when I go out. Why do you have to make that face?'

After they finished preparing their belongings, they walked back to the church before heading inside to prepare dinner for everyone. Yuji whipped up a classic menu: omelet with tomato sauce for everyone to enjoy.

"Wow, this looks delicious!"

"Mm, Brother Yuji's food is so tasty!" exclaimed the children joyfully as they ate the delicious omelet, expertly prepared by Yuji.

"You're amazing, Yuji," Asta said with satisfaction as he enjoyed the omelet.

Meanwhile, Yuno sat quietly, eating his meal without saying a word.

As Yuji watched everyone enjoy their meal happily, it brought back memories of times past when they would share meals with his family in the past life, a thought that filled his with longing for those moments.

"Yuji, is everything alright?" Maomao asked when she noticed tears streaming down Yuji's cheeks.

"It's nothing. I just remembered something, that's all," Yuji quickly wiped away her tears before smiling at Maomao.

"..." Maomao looked at Yuji with a thoughtful expression.

The next day, they rose early to prepare for the journey to a certain location before heading to the capital city of the Colver Kingdom because Yuji wanted to collect some items before he had no chance to do so. They both stood in front of the church while bidding farewell to everyone.

"Father, Sister, thank you for letting us stay," Yuji expressed his gratitude before turning to speak to Maomao. "Then let's set off. The capital is quite far away."

"Take care, both of you," Sister Lillie said with a smile. "YuJi, Maomao, take care of yourselves."

"YuJi, Maomao, see you in the capital," Asta said cheerfully, but Yuuna looked at both of them indifferently, seemingly unconcerned.

After Yuji and Maomao left the village of Hage, they hurried towards the Border between Clover and Diamond Kingdoms

Upon reaching their destination, Yuji took out a grimoire to use a new spell he had created using the grimoire.

" Maomao, aren't we supposed to go to the capital?" Maomao asked suddenly, as Yuji had brought her here, and she didn't see any signs of a capital city.

"Yes, but before we go, let's hunt for treasures," Yuji said with a smile.

"Treasures?" Maomao was confused because she didn't see anything that could be considered a treasure at the moment.

"The place we're going to hunt for treasures is called Dungeon," Yuji began to explain to Maomao.

A dungeon has been described by mages as an ancient tomb that was established a long time ago. Dungeons usually house countless treasures, which were left by the people who built them. These treasures could range from ordinary riches and priceless artifacts, to a powerful magic tool, to an ancient magic. And the Dungeon they were going to was one of the important ones with important items that the protagonist of the story would have to collect in the future. But he decided to collect it first because he didn't like the main character's attitude.

"So, is it dangerous?" Maomao knew well that places filled with such treasures couldn't be safe.

"It's dangerous, but don't worry. If we follow the right path, we won't be in danger," Yuji reassured Maomao before taking out a four-leaf clover grimoire.

Sorry to make your guy wait . just post before go bed. if there is mistake in word , you can tell me and i will fix it .

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