

" what would you do, if you get the chance to explore not just the universe but the whole multiverse." Neo obtained the Dimensional system with a big spaceship, but the spaceship is now empty but not for long as Neo goes on a adventures he will keep adding new members to his team. multiverse..........seems intresting right? well, Neo and others have to undergo a lot of hardship to save multiverse. But why, you must be thinking? multiverse got attacked by a dark creature from the choas and had already destroyed multiple universes. Alfa:- leader, all the holder's of the system has agreed to join our alliance accept one. Neo:- oh.. which one? Alfa:- Rumuru tempest the holder of saga system. Neo:- it's ok , take the system back and live him to his own device. and order everyone to gather. ............. .......it's time to counter attack. -------+++---------+++++----------++++------- the current worlds included in the novel. :- Harry Potter Marvel Battle through the heaven Naruto ongoing world:- overload ( the great tomb of nazarick is waiting for your visit.) By the way check out my other books , and pls give me some reviews or comments even if it is not to my liking. i would love to know your thoughts about the story in the book or if you want to add something.

UniverseM007 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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49. Life and Death Unknown

After the defeat of Hun Li the competition went smoothly. On the third stage of 3rd round there was no one who could fight xiao yan or suling but xiaomai had to work little harder to win the fight .

On the 4th stage, only 4 people were left among them 3 people belong to cosmic sect and the last one belongs to ling clan which is also one of the ancient clans.

In this round xiaomai and suling became opponent but even before start of the match xiao Mai admited defeat. As for xiao yan whose opponent was ling seng from the ling clan was defeated in a same fashion as hun Li.

On the final round suling and xiao yan stood against each other.

As referee was about to say start 2 voices simultaneously sounded " i admit defeat."

Hearing this referee and all the audience were stunned.

" Excuse me, but why both of you wants to Admit defeat."

" It doesn't matter who wins among us , owner belongs to our cosmic sect so there is nothing to fight. " Xiao yan replied with a smile while looking at suling.

" And to find out who is stronger among us , we can just find out ourselves someday. Am I right ms. Suling."

Suling who heard it just nodded and left the arena.

So the competition finelly came to an end dramatically.

Natasha who was bored out of her mind stood up .

" Now that the competition has been completed. Pls top 10 contestant come forward and receive your rewards."

After that Natasha announced the name of the top 10 contestants and gave them there deserve rewards.

Many people though that the competition wasn't for there liking. But some still enjoyed it. It can be said all the people have different likes and dislikes.

" Now for the last part I will invite the leader of our cosmic sect and the person who you all are waiting for. Pls welcome Neo our leader and the strongest in this dou qi continent a supreme and a legend Dou di.

Sound like a thunder clap all the audience started to cheers loudly. The moment they were waiting for has finally come. Some were exited and some were nervous. This is a legend in there whole life they only heard about doudi but never got to see them but today they are finally going to see a legend.

As all the public were waiting for the dou di to show up but Hun tiandi was waiting for someone else. He just kept looking at the metallic object in his hand forgot about the goings outside. Sometime later suddenly a voice came from the metallic object." We have arrived."

Hearing this it's like Hun tiandi got a new lease on life became energetic suddenly. While looking at the surrounding . He watched a person with black robe and black mask coming out side of the bigger flouting platform.

Neo who was being called didn't kept them waiting and started flying towards the front of the audience. After coming in the middle he started to hover and looked around himself. And just as he about to say something his scenes started screening danger.

Neo was baffled and looked in the front where a red beam of light which was thicker then a bucket coming towards him.

Before he could use any defensive skill, the red beam hit him with tremendous force. Sending Neo towards the ground.

' bbbboooommmmmm...'

All the audience, all the members of cosmic alliance, Xiao yan,suling or madusa everyone were stunned on the spot. When the attack registered in their mind, Neo is already lying in a big crater.

Suling who was secretly was in love with Neo was also stunned, her body started to tremble uncontrollably. Tears threatens to come out of her eyes. In the state of madness she started running towards Neo with her full speed.

Not only her but madusa also who is always been independent , never asked anything to anyone. Always tried to solve her own problems.

Since Neo ' s unconditional help to her or to her tribe. She has started to like this human . Who even after being a leader of a big sect always stays low key, never asks anything from anyone in return for his help.

Seeing him in this condition her eyes became red . It was like anger has engulf her entire body. As she cried in a loud sound " no" . She also started running towards Neo not known to anyone if he is still alive or dead.

On the opposite side, Natasha is like being electrocuted , she just stood on the spot not knowing what to do. As her eyes stared to get moist. Her eyes became cloudy with tears. She started visiting her memory when they met for the first time .

He was hovering in the middle of sky. Talking to her. Even after that she was angry with him . But he saved her and hackeye and changed our lives and not just our but a lot of people. He was first clueless but little by little become what he is today. To save the multiverse he put all his effort in cultivation for many years continuously.she doesn't know when she started liking him . Whenever he ask something,she would do her best to fullfill it but now she truly felt how much valueable he was to her.

She just used teleportation without thinking and reached Neo before everyone else.

As for all his friends also Running towards him with their fastest speed. With various expression,some were angry, some were at a loss.but for Tony it was different.

All the people on earth always says ' a man never shade tears even in despair.' but a grown man like Tony ' s eyes filled with tears as he saw neo's condition. After Running towards him , he started to remember everything they have went through since the time they have met. He is not just team member but he was like a brother to him .

Again he started filling despair from all those years ago when he fought Thanos and couldn't defeat him and in the process lost everyone dear to him.

As for the person who had become something special in so many peoples heart' lying in the crater silently with both hands and one leg is missing. And only half of the mask remain on his face.