
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · Films
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42 Chs

Chapter 24

Mia didn't fall asleep that night. She lay in bed thinking about what Bruce said to her today. It was completely different and another version from what Superman told her.

He told her that the Joker did kill Superman's wife and his unborn child, but he didn't kill them himself, he just found a way to make Superman inhale the fear gas.

Under the influence of the poison gas, Superman recognized his wife as Doomsday, so in order to prevent more people from being harmed, he chose to take her to outer space, far away from the earth. Unexpectedly, this move directly caused a person The two hearts in the body just stopped beating. He killed his wife and children with his own hands.

And as Louise's heart stopped beating, the missile installed by the clown in Metropolis was also detonated - he set her heartbeat as the missile switch.

The explosion sounded in the center of the metropolis, and a huge mushroom cloud enveloped the entire city. Although members of the Justice League who were present at the time tried their best to save people, they were only able to rescue those living in the suburbs. Eleven million civilians lost their lives in this terrorist attack, and Superman lost his wife, his children, and his city forever.

Driven by anger, he rushed in front of him and killed the clown directly, and after that, he began to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

He brought Villarreal, the president of a war-torn country, before reporters and told them that he was no longer president and that he wanted the world to stop fighting immediately, or he would end it himself.

"Shouldn't that be nice?" Mia asked. The war has caused many people to lose their families and friends, and many people live in fear every day.

"This is not good, Mia." Barbara shook her head, "It is indeed good not to have a war, but we should not intervene artificially."

What's more, after the spring is pressed down, it will only use greater force than before. perform a rebound. Those conflicts that have been suppressed for a long time will only explode in a spurt-like manner in the collisions.

The first is the war between the ocean and the land. In order to protect the inhabitants of the seabed, Arthur allows the Atlantis army to appear on the coastlines of various countries.

The second is the war between ordinary people and supermen. The flags they hold high appear on the streets just to oppose the rule of supermen.

But this only strengthened Superman's determination. He first asked the Flash and the others to move Atlantis to the desert to make Arthur surrender. Then he and Wonder Woman appeared at the parade in person, and During the quarrel he also ruined the future of a boy who stood up for his country. If nothing happens, he will never be able to walk upright again in his life.

They ended all wars on earth with what can be described as a tough approach, allowing people to live in a world without guns, discrimination and war in just one month.

But in order to maintain such a world, he can only use tougher methods to suppress those crimes. So the laws began to become more and more strict, and everyone who had the slightest tendency would be sent to prison.

Criminals who wanted to make a fortune through robbery, thieves who supported their families by stealing, and people who sold drugs and guns to their children were the first to become victims. Some of them were killed by those who thought they were righteous. They died in alleys, some chose to commit suicide after being imprisoned, but many more were sentenced to death due to changes in the law.

Later, more people started to face charges, some of them simply stole a loaf of bread from the shop because they were hungry, or they got into an argument with other people in the street for some reason... They showed violence , the tendency to sin, so they lose their freedom.

"This is simply unreasonable!" Mia shouted, and she looked at Bruce angrily. Everyone knew that the United States is a free country, and they have no right to restrict the freedom of others.

However, she found it incredible when she thought that the perpetrator was Superman. In her impression from childhood to adulthood, Superman has always been the kindest person. He is the representative of all good qualities, and all the words to describe good people can be used. On his body.

"And because I didn't agree with his approach, I reached a contract with the government and formed a resistance army to overthrow the Superman government," Batman continued. There was fatigue on


expression. He had lost a lot in order to achieve this goal. The inheritance his parents left him, the Wayne Corporation was shut down after Superman announced to the world that Batman was Bruce Wayne, and Wayne Manor. Also barred from entering, were his friends and children, who died in the war.

"Superman released your news in advance in order to lure me out. He knew that I would not miss this opportunity, so I arranged for Barbara to disguise herself as a staff member and go to the celebration site, while others and I took the opportunity to sneak into the Hall of Justice to attract him. Pay attention and look for what we need..."

"What thing?" Mia asked.

"Just something to defeat Superman." Rick's voice suddenly sounded from behind them. He stood at the door with a bottle of wine. Morty followed him. When he saw Mia, he raised his hand to her. Say hello, but Mia ignored this. She almost immediately hid behind Barbara and looked at him warily. She has not forgotten his betrayal of her before.

This made Morty a little embarrassed. He wanted to explain something to her, but before he could say anything, Rick took out the gun from his pocket and knocked everyone into a coma.

He walked up to Mia and picked her up from the ground, then took out his teleportation gun and opened a portal on the wall and took her directly out of the resistance base. When leaving, he urged Mo Mo in an impatient tone. Ti quickly followed.

Morty, on the other hand, stared at everything in front of him with wide eyes. Even after all the adventures he and Rick had gone on together, he still couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

"What are you doing, Rick?" he yelled at him.

"Of course we're going back. Have you forgotten our purpose, Morty?" Rick yelled as well. From the very beginning, they went to that world all for Mia. To be more precise, it should be for the position of Kawaka-chan in her mind.

As for why he chose to join the resistance, it was only because he knew that the Superman of this world had personally killed Mia of this world not long ago, so he still felt guilty and longing for her. He wanted to let her She agreed with his approach, joined the Superman government, and stayed in his world.

It has to be said that such an idea is obviously very ridiculous and impossible to succeed at all, but given that the person who has this idea is Superman, the most powerful person in the world this week, even as a Rick, he is not sure that he will not be prepared. defeat him.

So he chose to temporarily join the Resistance, use Batman to help him get Mia away from Superman, and just for fun, he helped them when they were preparing to invade the Hall of Justice.

He inflamed the civilians' anger against Superman and helped them enter the celebration. Since they wanted to get Superman back to his old self, he helped them make him realize how annoying he was now.

However, he lost interest in all this after he could immediately find out the location of Kawaka-chan. He returned to the garage in their world and put Mia, who was sleeping, on a chair, and then took it out from the shelf. A metal helmet was put on her head to check her memory, but she found that there was no memory of him in her memory except that he asked Morty to find Kawaka-chan today.

But this is natural, after all, she has never experienced those things before. For Mia, Rick is a big bad guy who suddenly appears.

But Morty doesn't accept this. As a person who has received a normal education, he always remains kind when facing some things.

So when Mia woke up, she saw Morty arguing with Rick, yelling about his rape, and telling him that he would leave if he didn't help the Batman of that world.

"Oh, come on, Morty, we have found Sichuan Sauce now, they are of no use to us at all!" Rick pointed to Sichuan Sauce placed in the corner. Although Mia had no memory of stealing Kawakawa-chan in her mind, she saw it in the closet this morning.

"That's enough, Rick, I say it again, if you don't help Batman, then I will go alone!" Morty shouted again, he didn't care whether the box of Sichuan sauce was found, he only knew that scene If there is no support in the war, Batman will fail.

Superman has taken control of the global political system. He has revealed Batman's identity, cut off his financial support, and is seeking members of the Resistance around the world. He needs help now.

"What does that mean?" Mia asked after hearing Morty's words, her tone was a little confused. In her memory, she should still be in the infirmary, not a small garage.

It's just that neither Rick nor Morty answered her question. Rick just shrugged indifferently. He shouted at Morty that if he wanted to leave, then leave. Anyway, he would never care about this again. He is now going to take Sichuan Xiangjiang to the living room to watch the second half of the TV series.

Morty became even more angry when he heard Rick's words. He returned to the rebel base with a teleporter gun, leaving only Mia and Rick in the garage.

Just at this time, Sangmei came down from upstairs with chicken nuggets, and she came to ask about the location of Sichuan Xiangjiang. They had said before that they would eat chicken nuggets dipped in Szechuan sauce and watch TV together.

But when she saw the angry Rick and the strange girl who suddenly appeared in the garage, she shrugged, "Well, it seems I'm the only one who can enjoy those chicken nuggets today." "No,

wait, just now Morty What do you mean by helping Batman?" Mia shouted in protest again. This time her tone was angry. She had had enough of not knowing anything. In these days, she could only passively follow everyone she met.

Superman wanted to use her to attract Batman, so she was brought back to the Hall of Justice, and Damian didn't want to face her because of her death - she already knew from Bruce what happened between her and Damian in that world To put it simply, the person she was closest to and trusted became an opponent - so she could only stay alone. Batman didn't want her to stay with Superman, so she was taken to resist again. Army base, and now, she was inexplicably brought to this garage.

It made her feel like a disrespected object, and no one ever asked her opinion or told her what was going on.

They just looked at her with sad and nostalgic expressions, and added some emotions that she didn't understand at all, and Mia didn't like this very much.

She jumped off the chair and ran to Rick's side. At the same time, she grabbed Rick's clothes and looked at him with her most ferocious expression, "Tell me everything, tell me what I did a few days ago and why. I didn't become someone else in that world and all that!" she yelled angrily at him. Her instinct told her that he must know everything.

But this is indeed a fact. Of course he knew what happened at the beginning of everything, but he had no obligation to tell these things to the child who stole his things.

It was just that Sangmei became interested in the whole thing after hearing Mia's words. She stood in the garage holding the chicken nuggets and asked her grandfather what happened.

"This is none of your business, Sangmei!" Rick shouted at her, but he was still defeated when he saw Sangmei's indifferent raised eyebrows and Mia's fierce expression.

He frowned and took out other weapons from the cabinet and threw them at them, while also opening a portal to the unjust world on the wall.

While drinking, he answered Mia's question just now. He said that he asked Morty to find her because she stole his Sichuan sauce. As for why she still maintained this identity, of course it was because of their The flow of time between the world and the unjust world is different. She stayed in the unjust world for several days, but only about an hour passed in their world.

"But we have just been in our world for a long time!" Mia said, she walked through the portal and looked at the chaotic battlefield.

"Yes," Rick yelled, he raised his weapon and fired directly at the people in the army who attacked them, and the beam directly penetrated their bodies, "So now it's time for the Resistance and Superman to fight. We We have to join a war."