
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · Films
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42 Chs

Chapter 17

To be honest, Mia doesn't know much about Gizmo. As an 18th-tier, no, it should be said as a 32nd-tier villain, he doesn't have much popularity. If Ronaldinho hadn't shouted to her, "He is definitely planning something" when he saw the advertisement in the newspaper, she would never have known that he was once a villain.

"His real name is Mikron O. Janus. He used to stay with the Terrorist Five, but then he changed his ways and opened a toy store in Times Square, and I heard that the business was still very popular." Ronaldinho To educate her, she sat on her shoulders holding the computer she had taken out from nowhere, with a serious expression on her face, "But there are rumors that the company was just covering up his illegal arms trade. Destructive weapons are mixed with toys and shipped on trucks across the United States."

"But that's just a rumor, isn't it?" Mia asked innocently, as she was walking to the toy store.

Judging from the location she had just seen in the newspaper, it was not far from the Gotham Library. If they did not encounter any surprises during this adventure - it would be something like a villain attack, explosion, Or if Ah Fu went to the library to look for her for some reason, they could rush back in time within forty minutes and still spend another five minutes finding a book they were interested in in the library.

"But I don't believe it's just a rumor." Ronaldinho said, looking warily at the toy store that appeared in front of them. It was a very tall building. Xiaofa bought it as a branch of his company, and to celebrate the opening of his new store in Gotham, he also announced the news of their cooperation with Neverland.

It was a new company that was established not long ago. Before that, they were only active on information walls, wikis, and chat rooms. Through long-term diving observations, they selected children who met their requirements and issued them the Path to Eternity. An invitation letter from Wu Dao, inviting him to become a closed beta player.

This operating model originally destined it to be just a niche game, but relying on word-of-mouth among children and the quality of this game is really hard to beat - when you search for information about it on the Internet When reviewing Neverland, all the children who have become beta testers will tell you that it is an unparalleled, almost perfect game, and if you ask them what kind of game it is, they will all agree unknowingly. Without mentioning anything about the game, they would only use one word to describe it, magic.

Yes, magic, they call this game magic, magic that can get them out of their fucked up lives.

"This doesn't sound normal." Ronaldinho said seriously. She frowned and looked at the flyer Mia had just given to them by the staff. In addition to introducing some recent hot toys, it also had bold fonts. I wrote that today the Yongwuxiang project press conference is being held on the second floor. Anyone who goes to watch the press conference can experience their new project, "Elf", for free.

Mia also nodded. She looked around curiously. The bright and childlike decorations combined with the wide variety of toys made her feel that this place was a paradise. To be honest, can you believe she actually saw it in the hall? A 1:1 model of the time machine and Batmobile from The Time Machine (that was her favorite movie)? That's so cool!

"Seriously, why didn't I come to this place earlier, even just a second earlier? Or I could go to their official website to give Mr. Janus advice and ask him to open a toy store like this in Texas. I'm sure this will definitely become popular!" Mia said, she looked at the time machine excitedly and had the urge to sit on it and go back in time.

But I felt a little disappointed when I saw the sign next to it that said "No touching." But that's right, displays like this are generally not allowed to be touched by guests, so she just sighed under Ronaldinho's disapproving gaze, and then climbed up the stairs to the second floor of the press conference, looking back step by step. , there were many more people inside than she had imagined, and everyone was excitedly sitting on their chairs waiting for the press conference to begin.

Some of them were holding the flag of Neverland in their hands, and some were talking quietly to the people next to them. They were talking about their rotten lives and the world that belonged to them in Neverland.

"They should have

put this game on the market . I bet it will be popular all over the world." While looking for a seat, Mia heard a girl say. She was wearing clothes with the Neverland logo printed on it, with an expression on her face. With fanaticism.

Others were similar to her. They cheered with flags in their hands. This made Mia feel like she had actually entered the rape scene. She swallowed and felt that she should leave immediately and call the police to find Batman. .

Of course, this was just a thought, she did not really leave, but continued to look for a seat, and on the way she also met an acquaintance, the boy she had just saved.

He was stunned when he saw her, and then the surprise quickly turned into excitement and intimacy. "So you are also here to attend the press conference." He walked quickly to her, "I'm sorry that I was so mean to you just now." Indifferent, but at that time I was really worried that I would miss this conference, you know, no one wants to miss the elf." "

No, I mean of course, no one would want to miss it." Mi Ya responded, looking at him curiously. He looked completely different from what she had just seen. If before he was just an autistic boy who was bullied, now he looked obviously more confident and more relaxed.

"But are you also a beta player?" Mia asked. Although she had not received an invitation, it was obviously a good plan for her to get involved in what was, on the surface, a new product launch but was actually a gathering of internal beta players.

"Of course, here are basically closed beta players," the boy shrugged, "but to be honest, I didn't expect you to come to this conference at all. After all, you look completely different from us." "It's different

. ?" Mia repeated that sentence with a puzzled tone.

"It's just that you look like the kind of spoiled little girl, innocent, cute, kind, compassionate, who has never experienced any bad things, as if all the pain in the world has nothing to do with you," the boy said , he invited Mia to sit with him. He said that he had asked a friend to help him get a seat, but he did not expect that he would encounter something like that on the way here.

"Those single-celled organisms will always do such things. I will teach them a lesson when I return to Never Island." The boy continued, putting his backpack next to him, "Speaking of which, you are When did I receive the invitation? I received it about four months ago. At that time, I was still thinking about jumping off the roof of my house." "

It was probably a few months ago." Mia asked the question vaguely. Fooled him, and then focused on "jumping", "But did you just say that you wanted to jump off the roof?" "

Of course, it's because of the people you saw today," the boy replied, He opened his mouth and wanted to continue saying something, but when he heard the radio saying that the press conference was about to start, he immediately closed his mouth and turned all his attention to the stage.

The voices of other people around him also began to gradually become quieter. They all looked towards the stage excitedly. Only a few people lowered their heads to look at their phones or continued to communicate in low voices with the people next to them.

They are ordinary people who entered by mistake. Mia came to a conclusion in her mind. She turned her head and looked at the stage. A woman with green hair came out from behind the curtain. She thanked them in an excited tone.

"...Thank you for being here today and supporting Neverland. As you can see, we are not some rich kids from Silicon Valley, we are rising stars," she said happily, the lights slowly dimming with her voice, and finally Only the light on the stage is left. "And it is only with the support of your word of mouth that we can continue to grow..."

"That's not the real her." Ronaldinho suddenly said just as Mia began to be immersed in the speech. She frowned and looked at the green-haired woman. After she had finished speaking her welcome words, she began to greet them. Introducing the new product, a fully immersive VR game, "It's going to be a whole new experience. Just take the free syringe under your seat, point it at your nostril, and press the button. You can be the first user of this project..."

"What?" Mia subconsciously asked in a low voice after hearing Ronaldinho's words. She took out the syringe from under her seat. It looked like A

first aid respirator.

"I mean that's not what she really looks like. She used a technology that I can't understand to fake her appearance." Ronaldinho replied, she flew into the air, and most of the children in the venue had already faked the so-called elf. Injected into their bodies, excitement and fanaticism are reflected on their faces, but for some reason, that fanaticism is also mixed with anger and sadness that cannot be ignored.

"Excuse me, everyone! I am Spiral Bomb, and there is an emergency now..." Just when she was confused about this, a male voice suddenly sounded, which was a member of the Teen Titans.

Because Robin found out that Xiaofa was smuggling weapons, they hid in the returned weapons box and sneaked into the warehouse, and successfully defeated him after a not-so-fierce battle, but in the end, Kid Flash took it on him. Gizmo accidentally triggered the destruction device when he was about to send him to the police.

Now Robin, Red Arrow, and Kid Flash are trying to figure out how to defuse the bomb that might blow up the entire company, while he, Crusher, and Djinn are responsible for evacuating the people in the toy store.

But now, "...well, that's not going anywhere, and I guess more help is clearly needed here," he continued.

And things suddenly started to become magical. Members of the Teen Titans broke into the press conference. The green-haired woman immediately launched an attack after seeing it.

She controlled the children who had inhaled the pixies and rushed towards the superheroes, while Crusher used her own super strength. To be honest, Mia wasn't sure if it could be called a super strength, but she did see the floor. It cracked under her attack, and those cracks stretched from the doorway to the stage.

Kid Flash also came belatedly later. He said that Robin discovered that Gizmodo himself was the bomb. "He turned himself into a human bomb. We have to kill him before he explodes..." "We fucking

know , but we have to deal with this place first!" Sui Zhi interrupted him. She punched the children who jumped in front of her, but soon new children came up.

"Be careful, Shatter, they are all controlled." Helix Bullet shouted, and he also tried hard to get rid of the children in front of him.

"I know." Suiya replied impatiently. She threw the child hanging on her arm. Compared to the embarrassment of her teammates, the giant spirit, a girl who has lived for four thousand years is much more relaxed. , as a spirit body, she appeared directly on the stage and frowned at Qiao Lan, the green-haired woman. After seeing her, she immediately dropped what she was holding and ran into the curtain, but as soon as she entered, she saw Luo Lan. Bing and Red Arrow appeared inside, and among them was a masked child she didn't recognize, who greeted her when she noticed she was looking at her.

That was Mia. She escaped from the press conference not long after the chaos started. This matter was not difficult for her, and it could even be said to be very simple with the help of Ronaldinho.

And she also knew very well that it was best for her to leave here and return to the library as soon as possible after calling the police. It's almost forty minutes now.

Just as a naughty kid who wants to join the Teen Titans, she can't give up this opportunity to fight with them no matter how she thinks about it, so she is trying to convince Ronaldinho to help him find Robin's current location-if the spiral bomb and If Suizhe appeared in this toy store, then Robin must be here too, and judging from what he just shouted, what happened in this building? They were responsible for evacuating the crowd - and they were wearing After putting on the mask, run towards the warehouse.

When she was almost there, she saw a yellow figure running out of the warehouse. She knew it was Kid Flash, which made Mia even more excited. She sped up and ran into the warehouse. As a result, the moment she stepped into the warehouse, He saw himself being pointed at by an arrow.

Robin stood next to Red Arrow with a cold face and asked her who she was.

"Neverland held a new product launch conference on the second floor. The green-haired host saw the spiral bombs and the others and controlled the children injected with elves to attack them." Mia did not answer Robin's question. He just raised his hands (to show them that he was friendly) and recounted what had just happened in very concise words.

Robin frowned after hearing Mia's words. He did not believe her words. She appeared too coincidental, and

there was also the mask on her face.

He had seen information about her in the Batcomputer before. Batman wrote on her information that "her position is unknown and her abilities are unknown. According to me, her abilities are not stable."

"Robin." Hong Jian put down the arrow in her hand, and she asked him with a cold face what they should do next.

"Go and have a look." Robin replied, looking at the gizmo lying on the ground, unconscious from the battle just now.

After hearing what Robin said, Mia also volunteered to lead the team. She handed Robin the syringe she just got from the press conference, and told them the introduction that Qiao Lan said, "She said that through VR implantation, it can It allows users to experience multiple lives and realize their dreams easily. She also said that thing is safe..." "

No, it is not safe. It is a consciousness implant device that uses edge technology." Robin interrupted her. , he took out the so-called elf, a chip, from the syringe, "They use this to control those people."

"What is edge technology." Mia asked.

"Something that can kill people." Robin replied briefly. They took a shortcut to the backstage of the press conference and stopped Jolan before she was about to leave.

She had a look of surprise on her face when she saw them, but more of it was anger, anger that her plan had failed.

"Ha, you are surrounded by us. Surrender quickly..." Mia shouted. She put her hands on her hips and looked at Qiao Lan with dignity. She originally wanted to call her name. On TV, the protagonists asked the villains to surrender. Sometimes she would shout "Your plan has been exposed, xxx", but since she didn't actually know her name, and Robin, Red Arrow, and Ronaldinho all looked at her with disapproval, she kept silent. The home court was given to them.

To be honest, after knowing how Jolan controlled those children, it was very simple to release the control. After quickly subduing Jolan, Robin asked the crusher and the giant spirit to restrict the children's movements, and then asked the Lightning Kid to use the shock Shake the devices out of their heads.

But the problem now is that those children are simply unwilling to leave the imaginary world. They understand everything when they discover the chaotic scenes around them and the superheroes who appear on the scene. They will lose their Neverland forever.

So they began to become angry and uneasy. They did not want to go back to face their rotten life, nor did they want to face the beatings and abuses from their parents, the whispers of their classmates, the disgust of the people around them, and those The pain, sorrow and pain that erodes their lives all the time.

The slogan of Neverland is that they can easily realize their dreams, but now, they don't know if they still have a future.

Black eggs emerged from their bodies, and negative words such as "It's impossible", "I can't do it", "I never want to..." sounded in Mia's ears, which made her eyes widen.

"What's that?" she asked.

"That's the bad guy." Ronaldinho replied, "When the holder of the egg punishes his or her soul because of troubles, their eggs will become bad guys." "Then what should we do?"

Mia asked again.

"You have to transform." Ronaldinho replied, flying in front of her, "You have to believe that you can indeed become Robin, believe that you can join the Teen Titans, and you have to believe that you will become your ideal self!" "

But ..." Mia opened her mouth after hearing her words. Her mother's question and Batman's rejection came to her mind. She looked at Robin, who still had no idea what was going on. Ordinary people can't see bad guys.

But they can see the giant spirit. Although they don't know the reason, Xiao Luo said that maybe it's because the giant spirit was created from smokeless fire. She is not an ordinary human being, and Sui Zhen is an alien. .

"This is my first time seeing aliens." Ronaldinho said with a frown.

"If you existed for a longer time, you might be able to see more." Mia replied. She tried to explain the current situation to Robin, but in fact she couldn't quite figure it out herself.

She only knew that she had to transform, and the giant spirit also appeared next to her. She heard the conversation she had just had with Ronaldinho, telling her that she had the potential to become a hero.

Suiya was also talking, she was avoiding the bad guys who were attacking her, and she looked at her with a look that seemed to hate the iron.

She didn't understand why the child wanted to join the little tyrant's team. If he hadn't been able to help her find Bakuro, she would have run away.

Robin frowned and watched all this, "If you want to join the Teen Titans, you have to show me something that you are qualified to join." He said suddenly.

This made Mia stunned. She looked at Robin. She knew that this was a test, just like the test between her mother and Batman. If she could pass it, then she could really realize her dream.

Ronaldinho also flew in front of her, and she told her that she could leave the manor without alerting anyone, and also saved the boy, and now she has received Robin's approval, although he only gave her a chance , but they all know how rare this is.

"You're right." Mia nodded. She looked at Ronaldinho confidently. The words "My heart, unlock" were subconsciously spoken by her. The originally dangerous press conference suddenly suddenly There are a lot of extra special effects of buling buling, and the clothes on her body were also changed into Robin uniforms at some point.

"Wow, this is so cool!" Mia shouted looking at the clothes she was wearing. She looked at Robin with bright eyes. He just nodded coldly, then wrote down everything that happened and prepared to go back and investigate.

But Mia didn't know this. She asked the Djinn and Crusher to help her gather the bad guys together and then purify them.

These movements seemed to have been engraved into her bones. She obviously didn't know what she should do, but her body would guide her.

Those guardian sweethearts with crosses on their heads began to slowly return to their original appearance. Some of them were stewardesses, some were programmers, and some were rugby stars... Those various guardian sweethearts were floating in the air, and they were all children's ideals. of myself.

Somehow Mia suddenly remembered the reason why the villain was born, because the owner of the egg lost confidence in his "ideal self". They lost their future due to repeated bullying, suppression, abuse and neglect from their parents, friends and teachers.

"What will happen to them next?" Mia asked suddenly. She watched the guardian sweethearts return to the children's bodies. They began to wake up slowly, and everything came to an end.

"They will go back to their own homes," Robin replied, "but after this incident, people from the Children's Protection Society will start to get involved. They will first determine whether their parents are qualified enough, and then decide whether they want to continue living. In that home..."

"But I think not many of them can stay." When Robin said there, he let out a disdainful "beep" and asked others to quickly deal with the bomb. He had invented it since childhood. He removed the bomb canister from his suit and gave it to Kid Flash to throw it into the sea.

The police also arrived in time. They handcuffed Xiaofa and Qiaolan and put blankets on the children.

The Teen Titans and Mia left the building before they arrived, but the difference was that the Teen Titans were going back to their headquarters, while Mia was rushing to the library - Robin said she Still in the observation period.

She used the grappling gun in her waistband after transformation to swing back to the library as quickly as possible, and when she was almost there, she also released the transformation and pretended to tidy up her clothes, and then slowly returned to the car, regretfully. Tell Afu that there is no book she wants in the library.

"That's such a pity, Miss Mia," Afu raised his eyebrows after hearing her words. He started the car, and the sound of the engine rang in her ears, "Then did you say hello to Miss Barbara? "

Barbara?" Mia asked.

"Don't you know? She works as a librarian in the Gotham Library. If you go in, you should see her at first sight." Afu continued.

Mia:? ! !