
The First Mother Who Loved Me Part 1

Who's calling at this hour? It's 3am in the morning, the phone is ringing. My Mom picked it up.

Jill, there's been an emergency. Carl had a stroke, we should leave now, we need to go to the hospital.

What?, I didn't have time to react, I was shaking my hands is like jelly. I put on a coat and underneath I wore my T-shirt and jeans.

My Mom and Dad, went with me to the Hospital. We hurried and drove more than the speed limit.

Carl's Mom, Dad and Sisters, were sitting outside the waiting area, and the other side of it, is Carl, fighting to be revived.

We reached them and there was silence, and frightened faces looking at us, and when Aunty Yoli saw me, she cried so hard.

What happened Aunty? Is he okay? I asked her. He was just fine last night?, I started to cry too.

He was sleeping, and when I checked he was having a stroke, he didn't respond to what I was saying. I pinched him to awaken him, but he didn't. So we called an ambulance. He...

I hugged her and when she felt unsteady, I let her sit on the bench. My Mom and Dad, said this is not the end yet, let's pray for him to over come this.

Just as we are worrying so hard. The doctor came out, He was frantic.

Sorry to keep you waiting Mr. and Mrs. Denz, we were able to revive him and checking for any damage to the brain. Good thing he arrived here in the nick of time, but he needs to be put in surgery right now. You need to sign this papers allowing us to bypass his heart, and perform a Cardiac Surgery. We can't lose anymore time, we need to fix more underlying problems that caused him to have a stroke.

My Boy, Uncle Carlo, is gasping for air, and quickly signed the documents.

Aunty Yoli still struggling to breathe, cried even more for her child...he will always be a little baby to her.

Thank you Doctor, please do your best to save him.

Will do, and just pray for him, it will be long hours waiting.

He left us and we searched for comfort within each other.

I went in the cafeteria, and they were only serving tea, sandwiches and coffee. I might need to go to an overnight store to fetch some supplies, like water and food for the group. I asked Ann and Sheri to help me for the things Carl would need, such as change of clothes and underwear. I was being proactive just to keep my head away from the thing that scares me the most. Loosing him so early, I don't want to let him go, not now, he needs me, and I need him.

We went in the store, to buy packs of coffee, milk, and sugar, some snacks, and went in their house as fast as we could to gather the things from our list. Mom would need this said Sheri. I agree, Ann said.

They packed their Mom's medicine, and shawl for when she gets cold. And we head on out as quickly as they could, I held on to Carl's clothing, trying to find his scent and feel his aura, telling him silently, please fight. Were here for you.

We came back and got them coffees from the nearby cafe, by then it was almost 6 am, and there's still no word from the doctor. We fetched them breakfast too, but no one seemed that hungry.

Here Aunty, Uncle I gave them coffee and pancakes. I didn't say another word.

I knew they were putting up a brave face. I cannot imagine what his Mom is feeling right now, How a Mother would feel, if her son would be the first to go before her. I shook my head from those thoughts.

I finally sat with my Mom and Dad, they were holding hands. Please if you need anything else, were one call way. My parents need to go home, and rest, and promised to be back to check on the progress, any news call us they told me.

We hugged and they left. I was there staying strong for my Love, My Boyfriend. I'm hoping to have a future with. But what kind of future he will be in? If he doesn't fully recover?, Will he be able to talk again,

laugh, run, and live his life normally after his surgery? I keep on stressing and blaming myself for what happened. What If he didn't get tired, if we didn't had that date, if we hadn't made love twice that day, if I only left him early on? If we didn't meet at all, will his life be fuller? or empty? without me in it?

After 4 Hours, the doctor finally came out from the operating room.

The Patient is stable right now and is staying in the ICU, we managed to fix the walls of the atrial septum, the upper chambers of his heart that pumps blood to the lungs, and repaired the hole that caused the stroke, also we took care of any blood clots surrounding his left and right Atrium. Good thing there was no damage to his brain. But he needs to stay in the ICU for a couple of days, and we should monitor him for about a week, if there's no complications after the surgery, then he can be discharged under my approval. What the patient needs right now is rest, prayers and lots of love.

My heart was delighted to hear the good news, and his family was even more relieved. They thanked the doctor, and promised to take care of Carl and give him his medicine, and their utmost Love and care.

We went in the ICU, we stood behind a wall of glass, and there he was supported by tubes supplying him oxygen, his face swollen, and his palm bloated from the fluids he's been receiving, and in the monitor shows his beats are slow, but steady.

To me his heartbeat sounded like flicker of a candle, or a jazz music starting, and a soft reminder, that he was not out of the woods yet.

I wiped my tears from my cheek😧😢 and finally dialled my parent's number.

Hi guys,

Feel free to leave comments, I'm working hard on improving the story. Enjoy!

Domo arigato!

harayucreators' thoughts
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