6 Chapter six : The news II

Woo it's finally Friday I woke up by, 8:30am since I was not going to school, there w no reason to wake up early, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth I did not bother to bathe cos I was seriously starving, I went to the dinning room as break fast was served, I ate after which I took my medications there were much, come to talk about the smell that makes me fell like throwing up, this leads to a question, why do drugs smell horrible if there were made from food stuffs and fruits.

Thank God is Friday at lest Maryam will be coming to spend the weekend with me, so she will be hear by 1:00pm or 2:00pm we never can tell, oh I can't wait to tell her how horrible the past two days have been for me, how many times I thought of taking my own life crossed my mind, I have been socially withdrawn from my family especially my big sister who was my best family member, I hardly talk to her now.

OK, let me take a good night sleep, I mean a good morning sleep. Oh my God, what's that smell, oops it's the smell of my armpit how disgusting, I stood up and went straight to the bathroom where I used one good hour to bathe and study my beautiful body.

My leg was felling a lot better and I walked upstairs, woo it has been three days since I last did this, I missed this, I walked up the stairs gently and carefully, I don't want to you know fall again, I went up until I got to the first steep I walked straight on that path and entered the room ahead which was mine, I looked around and I could see how they have put the room in order, they tried, I went to my dressing mirror and picked up a jewelry that mom had bought for me and Maryam after our graduation from junior school, I remember that time that Maryam still wanted to become a lawyer after three of her elder siblings were already keyed into the profession, it took a lot from me but it was worth it as I convinced her to become a doctor or an engineer like me, she decided to become a medical doctor because her parents wanted her to, not because she'd wanted that doe her self.

I sat down in front of the table that was placed slightly to cover the window which could easily pass out as a door if it was downstairs. I used it as my study table as waking up and going downstairs and coming back up is kind of stressful for me.

My laptop was on the table, and I was logged into my Instagram account where I posted about two hundred pics of my self, family and things I love or things that were happening. I had only five thousand followers, and I was following only one person, my back up account which was made for my artistic side, my poetry and the rest, it had ten thousand followers I guess people just love my work, or maybe people just like the word follow for follow, but trust me I only followed the accounts and in follow them later, I had twenty new followers which added to the sum total of ten thousand three hundred and fifteen followers, which was a big deal for me, it really ment a lot and people just don't know how happy they can make you fell when they click that follow button, celebrates don't know the value as they have millions and billions of followers.

“Christi what are you doing?” Mom asked.

“Nothing” I shocked and turned at the same time making the laptop to shift and fall on the floor detaching and breaking its screen

“Yeah, happy laptop day sis” freedom started to mock me

“Hi, good morning Cristina” Oh my God it was Maryam she came

I stood up and jumped to hug her, which was a bad idea cos my head started to hurt afterwards.

“Hi, how are you doing”

“Fine thank you sis”

She steeped into the room as mom and free left for this various rooms.

“Story” I started

“Story” she said as we both laughed as we sat down on my bed to jist.


“Beastie sooooo, what happened why where you not in school?”

“Big question ohhhh, my sister I was you know.....” Trying to remember what happened.

“Okay, continue”

Tears were gathering in my eyes.

“I am sorry I don't want to talk”

I stood up and walked out of the room, I was not sure where I was going to, but I wanted to get out of this place, right now.

“I am sorry” she said behind me, but she was not interested in following me.

I did not turn back as I went out, I did not know where I was going to until I saw my self in my former room, I mean in the room I was staying downstairs. Why did I come here?, I still don't understand.

I am tired of all this illness and explanations, I went straight to the kitchen and took a knife, I rubbed it on my hand and I felt a pinch on my hand then something started coming out, well that thing was blood and now it really hurts, I had to cover it not to allow anyone to see it.

I was tired of life but this pain was more than what I expected I went to my dad's room and to pick a tissue and sport, I poured a little spirit on the wound, it hurts a little but this was what I wanted, I needed this to stop me from thinking about the current situation of my life.

“What are you doing?”

“dd.a.dd.....dad... I.”

I was shocked to see dad in his room, he always came back from work by two latest by four.

“What are you doing?”

“D.a.d I. w.a.s c.l.e.a.n.I.n.g M.y w.o.u.ND”

“And how did you get the wound?”

“D.a.d I. w.a.s f.r.I.NG

Dad did not seem to understand what I was saying neither did I.

“Where is your mom?”

“Dad good afternoon”

“How are you freedom”

Freedom came to the room and Maryam followed.

“Good afternoon sir”

“How are you my dear?”

“Fine sir”

“The two of you should go and prepare lunch Christi and I will catch up later"

They both went as dad sat down close to me.

*shit* I forgot the knife in the kitchen.

“Dad we will talk later, I am coming”

“I ran downstairs by I was a bit carefully as I went quickly into the kitchen, thank God they cat worked to the kitchen as I reached there before they did. I went straight to the table and carried the knife I quickly took the knife and washed it with water as I switched on the tap on it.

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