

The wind blows as it's cold and dark out. What was there to expect when it was October. The chilly wind blows up my back as I shrug my coat down around my body. That train ride a week ago brought us to this wonderful place. Even though home in Antala would be nice I'd get to see my sisters and mother. To be free with out worry. Then again I'd have to deal with my father and the scarring of him disowning me. The kick to the head of the disappointed look he showed me. I try to shake my head of these endless thoughts that keep running in my mind. "Look it's father's dissapointment." I hear me half-brother Herakles say to my half-sister Athena, father's pride and joy. They snicker when I look at them as they run off as if they were still children. I look to the ground as the wind picks up and my eyes start to shed tears. I wiped my eyes and walked to fathers chambers. Of course Hermes was flying out as soon as I was walking in which meant I could ask him for a favor. "Hermes can you send my mother, Dioni, this message." My voice still raspy from the tears I had shed not long ago. "Of course, Diana." He said with a smile on his face. Of course his smile is fake. As it's a show for father. "Would you tell her not to miss me much and I'll be back soon." I say eyes tearing as I say it. Trying not to be too shallow in front of Hermes though. He said yes and soon flies off to wherever he has to go. I finally walk into my fathers chambers. Marble flooring and walls so high a titan couldn't come through. As I look around I finally find my place in front of my father. I do what all children are supposed to and kneel on the shiny marble floor. My father in his high chair a couple of feet higher then where I'm kneeling. "Father," I say in a voice that wavered. "My child you've grown to be quite big." He says in astonishment. I look up to see my father's face. He hasn't grown old. "Father, am I ready to come to Olympus?" I ask shaking. My father grows restless as he thinks over my question. "No. You're not ready yet Diana." "But father Athena and Herakles is here. So is most of my other siblings." I say trying to be careful with my words. My father stands from his chair gripping it in hand. "When I say you're ready you're ready." He says getting irritated by what I said. "IS IT BECAUSE I'M A DISSAPOINTMENT FATHER! IS IT BECAUSE MOTHER HERA WON'T ALLOW ME UP HERE BECAUSE I'M A DAUGHTER OF A WARRIOR?" Tears well in my eyes as I scream at my father. I was standing when just a minute before I was kneeling. My father's anger fusing as he is now holding a lightning bolt. I can feel the ground shaking beneath me. As fast as I stood I was back to kneeling. The lightning bolt went flying as my father yelled these few words to me. "DIANA, DAUGHTER OF ZEUS AND DAUGHTER OF DIONI, I BAN YOU FROM OLYMPUS AS YOU ARE A DISGRACE AND DISAPPOINTMENT TO ALL GODS. AS WELL AS A DISGRACEFUL CHILD OF MINE." As soon as it started it ended. Until I get broken out of that trance when I hear a blood piercing scream.

This chapter is a bit longer then usual. I also had a hard time figuring out what I wanted to do with this chapter as I left the last one off a little sketchy. I hope this chapter is a little better then the last two and if I hope it makes sense. Also Herkales is pronounced as Hercules. I only used “Herkales” because it’s the greek wording of his name and not the Roman.

Godivacreators' thoughts
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