
Diamond No Ace: Life As Sawamura Eijun

In this thrilling tale, a young boy transmigrates into Sawamura Eijun within the world of Diamond No Ace. With an indomitable spirit, he asserts that his position on the diamond is untouchable, vowing to remain unchallenged. Channeling electrifying passion and unwavering belief into every game, he strives to claim his place as the king and unparalleled ace of baseball, determined to carve out a legendary legacy. --------- If you want to read advance chapters ahead. Visit my patreon: patreon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Anime et bandes dessinées
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53 Chs

[22] An Easier Performance!

Chapter 22: An Easier Performance!

"Hey, it's that kid's turn now?"

"Let's see what this self-proclaimed ace, Sawamura, can do."

"At the very least, his spirit is commendable."

"I'm a bit intrigued now."

As Coach Kataoka's words settled, the crowd's attention shifted to Eijun on the mound. Despite earlier doubts and the hype around his ace declaration, Sawamura Eijun, a first-year player, had already made a strong impression on everyone.

With Eijun stepping onto the pitcher's mound, anticipation buzzed through the crowd. People were curious whether this rookie pitcher could deliver a performance that matched the high expectations set for him.

Miyuki, observing from a distance, couldn't help but show a flicker of interest. His usually relaxed demeanor was replaced by a hint of seriousness. Despite half a year passing, he still remembered the sensation Eijun's pitches had left on him.

"I wonder if this kid's growth will meet the expectations I had for him," Miyuki thought.

Kuramochi, seeing Eijun take the mound, wore an unusual expression of curiosity and a strange smile. "A battle between dormmates, huh? This should be interesting."

"Oh, he's from your dorm, Kuramochi," said Isashiki Jun, crossing his arms.

"Watch closely, Jun. This is the freshman who struck out Azuma-senpai," said the aloof Yuki.

"What!? I need to get in there and teach this kid a lesson."

"Jun-san, that's not possible. The coach will be angry," Kuramochi said, grabbing Jun's arm with a look of frustration.

At this moment, the first-year players' eyes were fixed on Eijun. Talk was cheap, and anyone could claim to be a hero, but real strength would speak for itself. They wanted to see if this brash rookie could back up his words with performance.

The opinions and gazes of others didn't reach Eijun as he stood on the mound. At that moment, it felt as if he was alone in the world, completely immersed in his own domain.

Standing on the pitcher's mound, Eijun felt an intense exhilaration. This was his true battlefield.

Eijun's eyes sparkled with excitement and eagerness.

"Here we go, it's time to fight back for real."

As he locked eyes with the batter, Kusunoki Fumiya, Eijun's distinctive gaze made Fumiya feel a shiver. This kid was not to be underestimated!

This was Fumiya's initial impression of Eijun.

With everyone watching, Eijun took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on Kariba behind the plate. He lightly tapped his right arm twice with his left hand.

"Got it!" Kariba nodded and adjusted his position slightly, setting up the catcher's glove.

"Signals? When did they start?"

"These two are different from the previous pitching-catcher pairs."

"Looks like the expectations are starting to build."

With control over his pitches still imperfect, Eijun knew he had to maximize the advantages of his ball's quality and his pitching style. In the original work, he could easily throw off all batters except for Tohru Masuko.

This time, Eijun was even more confident in handling these upperclassmen.

Eijun lifted his right leg high, positioning it in front of him like a barrier, while his arm, moving swiftly, was hidden behind his head.

At this action...

Coach Kataoka's expression shifted, showing a hint of surprise in his eyes.

In the next moment, Eijun's arm swung.


A flash of light sped towards home plate, momentarily startling Kusunoki Fumiya.

The white blur was closing in, and Fumiya could only instinctively swing his bat.


The bat and the white blur seemed to connect perfectly.

However, Fumiya's expression changed drastically.


The ball flew away.

Eijun calmly extended his left hand, catching the ball cleanly in the glove.



With a straightforward pitch and catch, Eijun secured his first out, causing a stir among the spectators. The ball's trajectory was straight and unremarkable, but the precise execution had left a strong impression.

The crowd surrounding the field couldn't fully grasp the intricacies of the pitch. Only a few discerning observers noticed the subtleties of Eijun's stance, but it was the pitch quality that revealed some of Eijun's capabilities.

"Moving ball? This kid's quite interesting," mused those who were keenly observant, a faint smile gracing their faces.

"What happened, Kusunoki?"

"That was just a simple fastball?"

"No, it wasn't just a fastball. It's also the way he pitches..." Back on the bench, Kusunoki Fumiya replied with a rueful smile. In that instant, he hadn't even understood how the ball had arrived, and more importantly, the sensation in his hand showed he hadn't hit the sweet spot. Yet, it was only one pitch.

"His stance?"

"Anyway, don't swing too easily. It's better to observe more closely." Fumiya's advice was all he could offer in response.

Eijun's unique pitching style and the quirks of his pitches made it clear that the upperclassmen, during this sudden appearance, were truly unable to catch onto his pitching.

The inability to see the release point, coupled with the ball's unpredictable path, drove them to frustration.



"Second baseman!"

"Thud, thud, thud."



Kominato Haruichi effortlessly fielded the ball and threw it to first base.


"Out. Three outs. Switching sides!"


A flawless inning with three up, three down, and no batters reaching base. Eijun had exceeded everyone's expectations with his pitching.

"Well pitched, Sawamura" said Kariba, rising from behind home plate. His eyes couldn't hide his delight. Even though it was just one inning and three batters, Kariba was certain that Eijun's pitches were effective against the upperclassmen.

"Nice pitching, Sawamura-kun," added Kominato Haruichi from second base.

The first-year players were astonished, the upperclassmen were infuriated, and the spectators were impressed. Eijun stood confidently on the mound, a slight smile of self-assurance on his face.

"The game has only just begun!"


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