
Chapter 3

5 days since the beginning of the secret operation. Thousands were chained from neck to toe, awaiting their trial. Trial of life and death.

These death rows, were all chained to the wall, unable to move even an inch. In front of them, a meeting between the president and the scientist were being played out. Right next to the prisoners were a glass covered room filled with human body parts and blood stains.

This room was where the injection of the mysterious energy and its experiments were carried out.

"Sir, after few hundred more tests we found a correlating evidence that pointed toward one theory."

"So, there is actually a pattern in the success and the failure of the operation" James asked while burying his head on the report.

"Yes, sir, unlike quantum atoms, this substance seems to have a greater affinity with those with a strong belief, or should I say powerful [will]." The scientist with a white cloak answered in enthusiastic voice, while barely keeping himself from going back to continue working.

"A [will] you say? How can such pseudoscientific factor even affect the assimilation of the new found energy?", With a questioning look, James raised his head and directly looked at the scientist.

"At first we also thought otherwise, however, we knew we mustn't ignore such coincidence, and invited us some powerful psychologists. With the psychologists in our team, we started questioning individuals, and through analysis reports of psychologist, we found ourselves brand new 15 individual successes."

"Hoho, that's a big leap from 1 in hundred to 15 in 100."

After hearing the number of success, the president failed to hide his happiness and raised a voice.

Fifteen percent success rate. Miraculous indeed. With such results, forming an elite squad wouldn't be a dream now.

The president was hysterically laughing inside as these recent days have been inducing strong headaches to him. Due to a sudden appearances of a powerful beasts, he had to dispatch thousands of soldiers to fight them, only to find 10 survivors escaping back home all critically injured.

Alongside the sudden surge of magical energy, bakemono/monster started repopulating the earth. Unlike ancient times, the population of such mythological beasts were tens or thousands of times greater.

Amid such thick energy, it wasn't weird for millions of krakens to roam a single sea, or even hundreds of thousands of Fenrir to populate a single forest.

In North America, the most famous monster that even existed during the 21st century, Chupacabra, was causing terrifying attacks on settlements created to support the ever increasing population.

With so little people populating north America, numbering less than 4 million, the resources were said to be awfully abundant. First few years, no city wished for war as humanity was on its way to recovery. However, as many cities started their expansion, small conflicts were seen every day, and soon small conflicts resulted into big fights.

The insatiable hunger for power induced many new governors who were once a commander of their militant group, to launch a military campaign against their neighbors.

While men were busy fighting the endless war, female in United States of America were treated amazingly well. Their social standing, was above any common men and were only below the government officials and the rich bourgeoisies.

Due to the new policy introduced by the president, James Mattis: New Child policy, women who gave birth were given special privileges that allowed them a comfortable lifestyle.

Government elites once military organization, who had their fair share of learning economy together with management of their combatant, military organization were the best options for controlling the people during such critical time.

Important officials and middle class workers were encouraged to produce an offspring while lower class people were sent of to war to decrease the amount of "incompetent" citizens.

"How, did the operation to capture those Rothschild members go?", after leaving the lab and checking on the results of the new energy, president asked his secretary who came looking for him.

"Unfortunately president, those people were as slippery as a snake, most of them were able to escape unscathed."

"Unbelievable… for them to still hold power in this new world, they are indeed, the descendants who ruled earth through centuries. There should be a rat in the government."

"Sir, one of the rat we kept under our watch, escaped. Langley, actually knew of our plans to clear out the Rothschild family."

"Shit, what happened to the cia then?"

"Elite cia squad escaped our net of surveillance while the goons are doing their usual chores, most likely being kept under the dark of their leader's escape"

"It seems like Langley only knew of our plot recently and hadn't had enough time to educate his bunch. This is a good chance for us to take over the nuisance…go inform the loyalists in Cia and let their leader become the director of the Cia"

"Understood, I shall take my leave"

The president dismissing the secretary rushed to his room.

Lack of communication devices, has left us stranded…. Without proper contact method, I'm not sure if I can keep my power in check. However, to everything there are pros and cons, with this lack of proper communication we can easily control the opinion of the mass and swallow CIA without a hitch. This pro clearly outweighs the con.


Under the guise of shadow casted by night sky, a small silhouette could be seen approaching the meditating monk.

Ton Ton

The unknown creature patted the meditating monk's shoulder, as if asking for his attention. The monk answering, the call stopped his meditation and slowly looked back.

"Oh, hello little skeleton, what are you doing all the way here?" the monk, asked calmly and with great patience, displaying his shike like personification.

"I'm here to play, do you want to play too?"

The little skeleton, jumped up and down, creating *clank clank* sound.

"I'm sorry but as of right now, I'm working for Chiba, and can't play with you, maybe after I finish this I might be able to play," the monk smiled.


The little skeleton seemingly disappointed, drooped his head and looked at the dirt.

"How about you go play with your friend?"

The monk suggested.

"Are you the skull breaker that everyone talks about?"

The skeleton acted like he didn't listen to the monk's question and changed the topic.

Perhaps he doesn't have a friend?

"Skull breaker?"

"Yeah! the bad guys, that crushes our people's head! They are really scary people"

The little skeleton shivered at the very thought of his skull being crushed by the horrendous monster.

"I'm not a skull-breaker, but may I know a descriptive portrayal of these so called skull-breaker?"

The monk couldn't help but wrinkle his eyebrows at the very thought of disregarding life and killing a sentient being.

"They are very tall! And they look like you, hehe, but with hair" with a slightly long pause, "Right, they wear bad clothes!"

"What, they look like me? That's not possible, according to our country's policy of not killing a sentient being without a proper reason, this is an act of defiance against the shogunate!"

"Shog un ate? What's that, is it something tasty? I like candies! I heard you are making a tasty candy for all of us, can I eat it?"

"Its Shogunate, the ruler of this feudal country…. Candy, no I'm not making a candy. But its true I'm making something that your race loves, but its going to take a while for it to be completed. Wait, the topic railed off, the so called skull-breaker… how many skull did they break?"

The monk couldn't communicate effectively like his old self, due to being isolated for far too long.

"one, two, three…"

The skeleton started counting using its skelly fingers, but when he counted till ten, he showed a troubled expression.

"10, yeah, the skull breaker broke 10 heads!"

"10 that's a lot of dead skeleton, who would be so cruel to kill them…."

With new questions in mind the monk said his goodbye to the little skelly and caution him to be careful.

"You can ask me for help if those skull-breaker ever come attacking your friends"

"Really? Mister are you strong?"

The little skeleton showed a curious expression through his empty eye sockets and hand gestures.

"I am indeed strong enough to protect those needed"

The monk replied with strong sense of justice.

To dare oppose the shogunate, they are either Ronin or a bandit, it shouldn't anger the current daimyo of the region.

"Wow! Amazing!!"

The little skeleton jumped up and down in excitement.


In middle of the early afternoon, two youngsters could be seen walking along the concrete road leading to nowhere. The two reached the point where the road started to elevate upwards.

"Kairi, are you sure this is where you've seen the ghost?"

Sho, a youth wearing black glases, could only ask unwillingly as he looked up at the steep hill.

"Yeah man, I'm pretty sure I saw it around here"

Kairi dismissed his friend's question and continued his way to the graveyard.

"This place is really close to the grave so maybe you were just shaken and mistaken some leaf for a ghost or something?"

"Nah man, I saw it for real, I even remember hearing the sound of something being crushed under my feat."

"Yeah yeah, I've heard it millions of times already, but how come you crushed those poor skeletons of our ancestors?"

"Ancestors, ptui, I give no shit about those dead people."

"Dude at least you got to respect them, it's the least we can do"

"Yeah, I respect them when they are all quiet and DEAD, not suddenly waking up from their coffin and attacking me"

"What? You never told me that you fought with a skeleton"

Sho shouted in surprise, and caught Kairi by his shoulders.

Kairi once again turned to face Sho and "Oh my bad, I thought you already knew" showed a fraudulent [Oh I thought I already told you] face.

"God damn it Kairi, this is why no one likes you!"

"Chet, whatever, it's not like I care about them any way"

"Haah, it feels like I'm talking to a rock or something, at least rock wont spout some bs like you right now"

Sho drooped his shoulders in defeat and sighed as he silently followed after Kairi.

Rustle rustle

Unfortunately for the duo, due to their bickering they didn't two empty sockets observing them in the shadow, as they made their way to the graveyard.




"It's here The SKULL BREAKER!!!!!" The little skeleton couldn't hide his excitement as he shouted jumping up and down.

The skeleton was excited not because he saw the skull-breaker coming, but because he knew if he led this monk to solve the problem with the skull-breaker, his reputation among the little skeletons will increase and maybe he might be granted with some benefit from bigger skeletons.

"Ok ok, I heard it the first time, so they came back huh."

The monk stood up from his lotus position and patted himself, clearing of all the dust that was built up on his body.

"Maybe by meeting with a real human, I might not even have to get the information from Chiba" the monk muttered.

However, even though he said so, as a Shike, will not do anything that will taint his reputation, even if it meant him doing extra work.

"Little skeleton please lead the way"

The cupped his hand in respect.

"Lets go??? Let us fly? " the little skeleton started singing his favorite song from the modern era, the "Lets go, something good ought to happen".

It was one of the hit song for the children in Japan, as it was broadcasted in the tv show every morning as an ending song for the kids show.

What an amazing song.

The monk couldn't help but sigh in amazement at such uplifting and encouraging lyrics that danced with its rhythm.

Japanese entertainment has progressed this far, now I'm getting a bit more excited to meet with the new Japan. Maybe, Japan has finally lifted of its shell and greeted its new beginning with the west?

The monk as a person who lived through Japan's most barbaric timeline couldn't help but overestimate Japan's capability. His nationalistic ideology entangled with his rational thought.

Some of the conjecture thought by the monk was true however, the way in which Japan "opened its shell" differed from how the monk thought. It was a lot darker.


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