
Chapter 2

" So, Mr. Edgy-Demon guy, where are we headed to?" Alex asks

" Don't call me that, and we have to head to NYC"

The two of them shout out in excitement,


" But Lucifer, that's a little far from here"

(They live in Albany, New York)

" It's not that far, and walking might be good for the two of you shut-ins"

" I think we'll just take a train.."

Alex and Adir get their bags together and head out to Albany-Rensselaer Amtrak Station

(Fun fact: The Albany-Rensselaer Amtrak Station has a direct train to Penn Station in NYC)

They arrive at the station, and pay for 2 tickets for a one-way ride to NYC and enter their train.

" So uh, Lucifer, what about our parents? What are we going to do about them? Won't they come looking for me and Alex?"

" Don't worry, we'll arrange things for you two when we get to our destination."

Authors Note* (For those of you wondering, Lucifer is appearing from the curse seals on Adir's back, he isn't in his own body)

Most of the train ride was silent, and they only began to talk once they arrived at Penn Station.

" So, where do we go from here?" Adir asks

" Franklin Place I believe."

" You better not be joking around right now…" Alex says

They look up directions to Franklin Place and walk to the location on the gps. After a while they finally arrive at their destination. The road is filthy, and looks extremely sketchy to Adir and Alex

" Are you sure this is the right place Mr. Edgy Devil guy?" Alex asks

"I'm not edgy…. And yes, this is the right place"

" Then what do we do now?"

" Are you by chance looking for me? How flattering."

Adir and Alex look up to see a sketchy man wearing a Hawaiian print button up, a bucket hat, khakis, and sandals crouching on a fire escape. Adir then whispers in Lucifers ear,

" What is that homeless man doing up there..?"

" He isn't homeless, that's Robert Len!"

Robert jumps down from the fire escape and leans on the wall next to them.

" Hehe, it's fine, I get that all the time, now hurry up and come inside."

" Inside where, a crackhouse?" Alex says

" Don't worry.. You'll see.."

A purple energy begins to emit from Robert's finger and he touches a brick with the numbers 1010 on it and the bricks start to disappear, opening an entrance to a bar with a small number of people inside.

" Hurry up! We wouldn't want people seeing two minors walking into a bar now would we?"

Alex and Adir walk into the bar in amazement and the bricks start to fade away. An attractive girl from inside the bar says,

" Oh my… Is it really him? And who's this? My my, it seems some young men have wandered into our bar…"

Alex's face turns beet red and gets a nosebleed as she approaches him and falls to the floor.

" Is he gonna be okay?" Robert asks

" Yeah, he's just flustered that's all." Adir says

" Well anyways, welcome to Impish Ale, one of the many demon safehouses in NYC. Care for a drink?"

" A soda would be fine." Adir says

Robert goes behind the bar and grabs out a can of soda with the label Brite on it and slides it over to Adir and he opens it and takes a sip.

" Mr. Len, I have a question?" Adir aks

" What is it?"

" Could you please explain to me, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!"

" Calm down, I bet you have a bunch of questions, but please, keep it to one at a time, ok?"

Adir calms down, taking big breaths and starts to ask him questions.

" First, how do you know who I am already?"

" That's a pretty good question you have there"

" See, I've been selected to watch over everything Mr. Lucifer over here does. So I keep tabs on everyone he's ever even considered to be his summoner, including you Adir."

" So you've been stalking me…"

" No… well kinda. But enough about me, have you activated your summon yet Adir?"

" What about me? Don't I have a summon too?" Alex asks

" No, but you're going to get something similar, don't worry." Robert responds

Alex looks at Len with a disappointed face but cheers up pretty quickly after seeing Adir's face full of curiosity.

" Now, look closely Adir, do you see the mark on my hand?"

" Yeah, I also have one, but what about it?"

" This mark is the key in using our summons. When your summon tells you the name of the weapon that it uses, concentrate, and with the marked hand, try to use your magic to make that weapon."

Robert, with his marked hand, makes out almost a cross like shape in the air with his magical energy and a double bladed axe appears in his hand.

" See this? This is my summon, its name is Akili and with it, comes an axe with two edges."

Adir looks at his own mark, and realizes that it resembles an upside-down crucifix and asks Lucifer,

" Could you tell me what our weapon is?"

" Of course, the weapon we use is a staff."

Adir was surprised by this and concentrated, closing his eyes and using his marked hand, figures out a staff in the air, and a black energy laced with a darkish-red seeps from his mark and a basic staff with a skulled top appears in his hand.

" So this is the power of a devil huh…" Adir says

Chapitre suivant