
Chapter 10

The room was silent still, bleached with a colorless white, with only the resonating sound of footsteps bellowing throughout the chalk-like foyer. The footsteps belonged to a man of high stature, with his eyes holding a luminescent glow of blue. He wore a white cloak that bore three crosses on it. He sauntered up a small staircase that led to a tiny room that held one person sitting in a throne-like chair; a small girl with brown hair, who wore clothes that struck a resemblance to the man. Once at the top of the stairs, he bows his head and she begins to speak.

"May I have an update?"

He raises his head, nods, and starts talking.

"Of course sister. It seems Adir is already making steadfast progress. Through the Agent exam, he already achieved the first stage. Not only that, but he handled a full-body aura user with ease. It seems that he also recruited one other person into the gatekeepers as well."

"I see… Well, thank you for the report. You may go now Chad."

"You're welcome, sister."

He bows again, turns back around, and as each footstep echoes, he leaves the hall. Meanwhile, Adir and his trio are meeting up with Len at Impish Ale, where they originally were introduced before. Remembering what Mr. Len did, Adir focuses magic energy on his index finger and writes the numbers, 1010 into the unplaced brick in the alleyway. Upon doing so, the bricks on the wall separate from one another, forming an entryway.

"So this is the bar you were telling me about earlier? It seems a little sketchy…" Harry says

In an almost synchronized way with what Harry said, Len appears from the brick opening and greets the three.

"Welcome back, I'm surprised you passed, and it seems you've brought someone new along too…" Len says, glancing at Harry

"Ah yes, my name is Harry Waser, it's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Harry says, bowing his head a little

"Please! Call me Len, now enough with the formalities, let's get inside." Len responds

The four of them head into the bar, they see Mr. Slate, who was their trainer before, Miss Flaskin, and a man they hadn't seen before in the corner of the room. They all introduce themselves to Harry, and Mr. Len heads over to have them greet the man in the corner. The man steps out of the corner with a stoic face, and he pushes his long, brown-braided hair back behind him.

"You three, this man right here is our 1st Squadron Captain, his name is Navo Chenyo." Len says with a smug smile.

He shakes their hands and begins to talk to them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you three, I've heard great things, especially with your performance in the Agent Exam. As a result of your performance, Len has asked me to take you on what will be your first official mission. This will only be a reconnaissance mission, so you must follow all of my orders no question, got it?" Chenyo tells them

Their faces held an initial shock from hearing this information, but that shock soon changed to excitement. Right before Adir can say anything, however, Len cuts him off.

"Sorry Adir, but we have another mission for you and being quite honest, it's a lot more important than theirs is," Len says to him

"What's this mission then?" Adir asks

As Adir asks that question, Miss Flaskin gets up from her chair and stands right next to him, making him almost uncomfortable with how close she's getting to him. She puts her face close to his and says with a wink,

"You'll be on a special mission with me okay handsome?"

Upon hearing this, Adir's face turns red and Alex looks at him with a look of jealousy and says under his breath,

"You lucky bastard…"

Before Alex springs at Adir, Len puts his hand on Alex's chest and tries to reason with him.

"Now now, no need to get jealous of Adir, he's going to be working a whole lot worse than you two will.. It won't be necessarily fun"

Adir gulps and Captain Chenyo clears his throat, swiftly attracting everyone's attention.

"I hope you two don't think you can go on this mission wearing that, we have more suited clothing for this mission, so come follow me."

They don't argue with him, so Alex and Harry follow him, leaving Adir with Len and Flaskin. She backs away from Adir and changes to a more serious tone.

"Len over here probably hasn't told you yet, but do you think that humans are the only things with magic? Us humans aren't always born with magic, nor are usually able to bear magic. But, our emotions can breed it into others, animals and even all the way to the objects that we own. With that being said, these animals, humans, and objects that obtain magic usually run amok and cause lots of trouble. The U.S government has scouted us out and hired us to take care of these threats. That's why the general public never hears about these types of things. With your mission, you first need to learn a new type of magic."

He quickly processes this information and responds to her.

"Well what's this type of magic called?" He asks

"It's my speciality, and it's called thread magic dear." She says with a small giggle

"Now follow me and you and I will have a little one on one okay?"

With Adir a little unsure of what to do, Mr. Len pushes him towards Flaskin and says something to Adir before disappearing.

"Good luck young savior, I know you can do it."

Meanwhile, Alex and Harry are in a separate room in the bar, and Captain Chenyo is showing them something. He ruffles through a locker and picks up two black uniforms, with black military hats and tool gears too. Harry and Alex are surprised by the tool gears that they are given, and Harry asks a question.

"Sir, what is this gear for?"

"Hehe, you two are gonna have a lot of fun learning to use this.. It's called a M.E.G and it helps with movement.. And it stands for a Magic Enhanced Grapple.. Now if that's it for your questions, get geared up and let's move out!"

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