

3rd POV ( POV = Point of view )



*Crackling* *Creak*


Inside of a dark side cavern that was barely illuminated by a dim green light, attached to the wall is a single torch that's about to lose it's eery green flame.

There lays in the center a large pile of bones mostly made of large bones covered with smaller one on top of them.

There besides the pile of bone's lay two human corpses, close to one of the three entrances of this cavern.


*Creak* *Crack*


The lifeless and cold corpses laying on the ground were those of two women one cladded in a iron armor, the other was cladded in a leather armor both armors were damaged and hand tear's and scratches on them indicating a battle that they lost.

One of them had long waist length ginger hair and she looked to be in her mid twenty's. the corpse of the ginger haired women was in a horrifying condition, missing most of it's torso, barely not bisected half even though she wore the iron armor.

The corpse next to the ginger haired one was that of a pale blond haired girl with shoulder length hair, she looked to be rather young around 15-16 years old.

Her armor was less damaged even though it was made out of leather with bizarre symbols drawings on it, The girl had her skull damaged with visible skull fragments protruding under the damaged skin and hair. 


*Crack* *Creak* *Crack*


From beneath the pile of bones resounded a bone chilling cracking noises of an object that was breaking.

The sound was coming from an egg, no there were multiple eggs, they were all made of the multiple glued together bone plates that looked natural 

This plates were unlikely to have been of their current shape, those bone plates were likely deformed they looked as if they were melted and molded to make them the way they are.

On each egg there was one plate that was breaking, as if it was softer and made of less dense bones mixture. 


*Creak* *Crackling* *Creak*


If you take a closer look you might notice that the cracking plate was made of smaller animal bones, mostly the size of what looked the size of mice and lizards bones.

It was even prematurely melted with minimal black substance over it, which allowed those bones to keep a portion of their original shape like the ribs and the limbs bones.

The eggs were separated into pairs of two, connected by the black liquid there we're 6 eggs in total, and 3 of them were about to break open by something inside them.




It finally broke.



MC POV ( Mc = Main character )


I feel strange I feel so tired the darkness around me gives me comfort as if I'm laying on the most divine bed in the world warped in the softest blanket.

As I was waking up tried to open my eye's I realized the reality of the situation




'Why? cant I see anything I feel like I'm surrounded by darkness all around me, but different. 


'Someone please help me' The more I was regaining my consciousness the more I started to feel my true surrounding the warm substance that was covering me felt wet and slimy.

I felt entrapped within an object and I couldn't clearly tell the shape of the object, I tried to touch the objects walls with my limbs only to realize that I had no limbs.

I couldn't feel my feet, my legs, my fingers, my arms only then did I realize that it felt completely different.

If before I never thought about how my organs feel like now I felt different as in the they were missing no they were entirely altered type of different, I could feel those small details that I subconsciously gave no notice before as they were a norm that I ignored.


I don't think I have any eyes this is not darkness I see, I can't even compare this to darkness it just feels like there is nothing only the repugnant smell and the extreme sensitivity of my skin.

Yes at least I definitely still have skin, but it also felt different as I could feel so much more, all my touch receptors felt enhanced, it feels as if I wasn't even using them before.

It feels too strange.

'why so? Did I adapt to my inability of using my eyes and started improving my other senses, no there is no way for me to improve my sense's this quick'.

It's too quick of an improvement for someone who just woke up, it also feels more so as if I was born with such sense's than anything else.

I could only imagine what happened to me 'was I kidnapped by some organ dealers or body part's dealers? do the later even exist? or, did I become some experimental freak in a lab tub or . . .' I continued with my theory's of what could've happened to me.

But after all my brainstorming I came to one conclusion the more sober I am the more I started to realize that I had no aye sockets to begin with which made in combination with my different fell of organs easier to get rid of some theory's.

The more I wen't through my situation the more I was panicked, I could feel my heart beat increase, no I could even hear it, my sense's were really enhanced, I still didn't know about my sense of smell whether it was changed too.

And finally after freaking out I realized that I felt extremely weak and exhausted it's as if my body could't handle my stress and attempt's to move

'I feel tired and sleepy . . . so sleepy . . . I . . .can't fall asleep! . . . I . . . must st~ay awake . . .' That's how I fell asleep once more.


Unknown amount of time later


'I came to the conclusion that I died' and now that I woke up for the second time I was able to calm myself down and decided to go through my memories, as the situation was getting clearer now.

Truly this is one of a kind situation I was able to remember a crashing sound as my last memory before I woke up for the first time here.

'I do question whether I am in hell or heaven, but this doesn't look like heaven for sure, is this my punishment my eternal suffering?' only my own thought's and self monologue could keep me sane in this kind of situation.

'I am awake, but I have no clue how much time has passed, I would've given anything for a watch right n~ . . . w~wait what is a watch looking like again? it's a . . . I can't remember . . . God no please no don't tell me!' the more I tried to search my memory for a what a watch looks like the more I realized 'well shit I forgot'.


'I really am starting to lose my memories' the more I started looking into the memories I had left the more I realized that there were too many inconsistency as if a film tape is partially cut at certain sections.

At the very least I remember what year I was born 1987 I don't remember what year was when I died but I know I'm 20 year old, my name was one of the thing's I couldn't remember.

I don't remember many key things like my parent's, but I know where I am from as I am a Canadian my hobbies are books and movies favorite movie is matrix and my favorite book was Lord of the rings, I also like game's but don't have much time for them.

So from my memory before my death I remember watching a DVD movie I bought called Beowulf it was an animated cgi movie that only came out recently, after finally finishing recapping some of my memory's I could move onto the next part.


'I think I died because of a car accident, while I was walking to the Convenience store I got hit by a sudden flashing light while crossing the road.




'yes definitely a car killed me, what kind of idiot doesn't watch where he drives!?' I could only complain, but I truly feel only hopelessness from my situation, I can't do anything else except waiting, but this time my body felt a little different. 

'I am starting to fall asleep again' this were my last thought's as I didn't try to resist this time and just fell asleep in a moments notice.


Sometime more time later



After waking up once again, I finally started learning more about my wired body.

I tried to use my senses and started exploring by moving my body around in this strange place and I figured out that my body is shaped more closer to a worm but it's far thicker maybe I feel like this because I have no limbs?.

The object I'm in is made out of multiple plate's, realized this while coming into contact with the walls of this place while trying for figure through touch what my body was like.

At first I though I was just a torso but I realized that this is likely not even my body anymore, or not my body that I used know, as I am still the one in control.

I still have no clue on how much time has passed since my death, maybe a few day passed or ever years.

At this one point I decided to start counting seconds ' but after 637 seconds of counting I gave up after I started felling dizzy again.

I came to the conclusion that its a pointless thing to do as when I lose my consciousness hours might have passed maybe days, the small amount of information I will get won't be that useful and will only tier myself out.

I still don't know is my current situation a trail given by god or is this actually hell, I might not be tortured by the imps in the pit's of hell, but my sanity and psyche is definitely going though something.

'God please I can't do this anymore I just wish for this hell to stop' I was losing my mind again I can't take it anymore it's driving me insane.

I just hope that my prayers and begging would be heard by anyone at this point, this place is truly a form of torture.

I fell asleep once more.


More time later


Waking up again I decided to start recalling and repeating things from my memory as I noticed that it became a tiny bit blurrier.

This time it wasn't the same as when my memories were just missing it was different they just became less clear, I could still recall them if I think about them long enough.

But I knew I would eventually forget more and more of them forever or it will become near impossible to recall them again so I came up with a plan to kill time and keep my memory's clear and fresh.


My plan on how to keep my memories clear and fresh was simple, I would try to use detailed description.

I tried to remember a object and repeatedly start describing how it looks from my memory in the smallest details, then I would start describing what it was used for, how it came to be, and how it worked.

Every object was different so I couldn't describe the function and operation of an orange the same way I could describe the function and operation of a washing machine or a Car, 'I am still mad at that asshole that killed me'.

After many repetitions of this exercise I remembered that I worked in a kindergarten, which promptly confused me about something I never though of 'Am I a man or women?' I can't get it as to why my most important personal memories are gone, yet other memories are more so intact. 

'I'm falling asleep again guess I'll continue the next time I wake up'


Even more time Later 


I noticed that my body was getting bigger or the object I am in gets smaller after every time I wake up.

I came to the conclusion that I'm getting growing as lately I noticed that I felt stronger than before, far stronger than in the first day's I feel less tired from moving around at the same time.

I started falling a sleep after longer intervals of time.

One way I was able to figure this out was through the counting that I stopped attempting after the first attempt this time I was able to count till 4891 seconds +- loosing count at times and taking more time the self monologue the number, self monologue takes time too when you deal with big numbers.

After spending so much time within my thoughts I managed to achieve a truly insane level of focus, if it was me before I would've quitted counting after the first few hundreds of seconds.

If only I had such focus when I was younger, I would've aced all my subject's to perfection. now that I think about it, I still wonder how I ended up as a kindergarten employee, my grades were good by themselves, not perfect as I wished but either way I should've succeeded in going to college?.


Far more time later


I feel that there is nearly no liquid left in this place I feel like I reached the end of my growth, I feel like something is about to happen but I don't know what, it's as if that feeling comes from my own mind.

'No my instincts, are telling me something important'


'I feel it . . . I must find something and it's related to this plates' this was my conclusion as I started violently slamming my body in all directions, trying to find that something 'what is it?' I continued my current action for over a minute and. 




It was the Cracking sound of a plate braking 'where my instincts telling me to escape this place?' I wonder I can't understand 'Why now of all time's was it because I grew stronger?'.


*Crackling* *Creak*


'YES YES YES' I could't hold back my emotions I was going crazy ' I can feel it freedom' the ecstasy the crazy surge of emotions that was coursing through my mind now 'I can finally leave this god forsaken place'.


*Creak* *Crack*


I couldn't stop trying to damage this weakened plate it was indeed different from others and I was thankful for it.


*Crack* *Creak* *Crack* 


The more I struggle the harder it get's to move, I feel it how I am loosing all my stamina, my body actually hurts after such a long time I feel pain in my muscles.


*Creak* *Crackling* *Creak* 


My body stopped moving I can't do it anymore I simply can't, 'I can do it latter nothing will change?' this were the thoughts I gave to myself, just to reassure myself so I could give in to loosing consciousness and rest. 


'No! I must push forward! I must not Stop! I feel it! I must not stop! no matter what! I went through far worse things all this time! going crazier and crazier barely holding on! the cursed inability to know where am I what happened to me and who am I!?'


The last push




It finally broke.

I am confused about what I'm cooking but I belive I got the spirit, but not the holy one though ;)

BarneyEnjoyercreators' thoughts
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