
Devils Chess Board

Years Ago a war between satan and a group known as the sins sent by God to keep balance in the underworld broke out, unfortunately the sins lost with five meeting their demise and two fleeing, the souls of the five sins were reincarnated into five humans who have to fulfil their purpose and defeat Satan.

Okechukwu_Michael_4665 · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Toxic Hierarchy

Lilith sighed. 'You see, Medusa junior, in Hell, there are levels of power and rank known as pieces, chess pieces, ranging from King to pawn. Now, the King never changes; that's our King, Lucifer of Hell. But the Queen changes every time the King falls in love, for Lucifer is immortal, so he is bound to fall in love with many women. Every woman he falls in love with is automatically promoted to Queen.

But there was one human woman who Lucifer fell in love with when he trespassed into the human world, and her name was Ijeoma. Lucifer had a child with her and named the boy Michael. Lucifer even left his King duties to watch over the boy. But one day, God got angry at Lucifer for abandoning his duties in Hell and presented two options: either he leaves Ijeoma or takes her to Hell. But Ijeoma refused, so Lucifer forcefully took her to Hell.

On their arrival, she was despised by all the demons, but Lucifer commanded them to be nice, so the demons had no choice. Until me and your mom came in. You see, I was Lucifer's first love, but he left me to rot behind women, only filling me with babies when he wanted. But your mom, Medusa, on the other hand, was Lucifer's direct guard, but also my best friend, and she also hated Ijeoma. So we came together and decided to poison Ijeoma. But I actually framed your mom. I reported her to Lucifer after Ijeoma drank the poison. Lucifer watched his only true love die in his hands. This made him mad, but I made sure to get your mom out of Hell safely while taking the role of the new Queen of Hell. So yes, I caused your mom an exile from Hell, killed Lucifer's first love, and now I'm searching for Lucifer's only human son because he will be a future threat.'

The Snake girl looked at Lilith. 'So you're the one who caused my mother's death, and you're proudly saying it to me, maybe because you were never loved by a mother or a man, that's why you're YOU,' the snake said in an angry tone. 'You're lucky I can't do anything unless I would have killed you for Michael, for myself, and my mother, you bastard.' Lilith smiled. 'Well, at least I told you. Alfred, baby, let's go. We have to assemble enough power to kill Michael in Nigeria.'

Medusa junior watched them as they left her to lay on the ground with no help, but she wasn't going to let Lilith go scot-free. 'Nigeria, I see,' she said in a wicked tone."